I’m in a Window10/Excel 16 environment. I have been using Internet Explorer (IE) when I scrap data from websites.
Now, I am needing to upgrade to Microsoft Edge. I am having to translate some code and I am finding I need some help.
I used to call the URL AZBlue - Arizona Individual & Family Health Insurance Plans using “IE.navigate”. Ex:
Now, I can also call the URL in Edge using “ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=” (and it works just fine). Ex.:
But, what I cannot figure out is how to use these other lines of Code with Edge. Here are 3 types of lines of code (disjointed) that I use often and need to know the syntax translation for Edge:
Of course, any help is greatly appreciated!
Now, I am needing to upgrade to Microsoft Edge. I am having to translate some code and I am finding I need some help.
I used to call the URL AZBlue - Arizona Individual & Family Health Insurance Plans using “IE.navigate”. Ex:
VBA Code:
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.navigate "https://www.azblue.com/individualsandfamilies/"
Now, I can also call the URL in Edge using “ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=” (and it works just fine). Ex.:
VBA Code:
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:="https://www.azblue.com/individualsandfamilies/"
But, what I cannot figure out is how to use these other lines of Code with Edge. Here are 3 types of lines of code (disjointed) that I use often and need to know the syntax translation for Edge:
VBA Code:
VBA Code:
IE.document.getElementById("lockedcontent_0_maincolumn_2_twocolumn2fb4d204091d44aa08196ef423877fd9f_0_ToolbarUsernameControl").Value = "MyUserName"
VBA Code:
Of course, any help is greatly appreciated!