I need VBA code to show email sent status in one column of excel
please help me to add this code in my below mentioned existing code
Sub SendCustEmails()
Dim ObjOutlook As Object
Set ObjOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim ObjEmail As Object
intRow = 2
strEmployeeID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("A" & intRow).Text
While (strEmployeeID <> "")
Set ObjEmail = ObjOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
strMailSubject = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Mail Details").Range("A2").Text
strMailBody = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Mail Details").Range("B2").Text
strMonth = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Mail Details").Range("C2").Text
strFolder = "D:\Payslip\AUG 2022\QG\A\PAYSLIP"
strEmployeeID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("A" & intRow).Text
strEmployeeName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("B" & intRow).Text
strEmailID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("C" & intRow).Text
strFileName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("D" & intRow).Text
strMailSubject = Replace(strMailSubject, "<Employee ID>", strEmployeeID)
strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Employee Name>", strEmployeeName)
strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Month>", strMonth)
With ObjEmail
.To = CStr(strEmailID)
.Subject = strMailSubject
.Body = strMailBody
.Attachments.Add strFolder & "\" & strFileName
End With
intRow = intRow + 1
strEmployeeID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("A" & intRow).Text
MsgBox "Emails Sending Completed"
End Sub
I need VBA code to show email sent status in one column of excel
please help me to add this code in my below mentioned existing code
Sub SendCustEmails()
Dim ObjOutlook As Object
Set ObjOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim ObjEmail As Object
intRow = 2
strEmployeeID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("A" & intRow).Text
While (strEmployeeID <> "")
Set ObjEmail = ObjOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
strMailSubject = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Mail Details").Range("A2").Text
strMailBody = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Mail Details").Range("B2").Text
strMonth = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Mail Details").Range("C2").Text
strFolder = "D:\Payslip\AUG 2022\QG\A\PAYSLIP"
strEmployeeID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("A" & intRow).Text
strEmployeeName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("B" & intRow).Text
strEmailID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("C" & intRow).Text
strFileName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("D" & intRow).Text
strMailSubject = Replace(strMailSubject, "<Employee ID>", strEmployeeID)
strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Employee Name>", strEmployeeName)
strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Month>", strMonth)
With ObjEmail
.To = CStr(strEmailID)
.Subject = strMailSubject
.Body = strMailBody
.Attachments.Add strFolder & "\" & strFileName
End With
intRow = intRow + 1
strEmployeeID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Details").Range("A" & intRow).Text
MsgBox "Emails Sending Completed"
End Sub