Hello. I have a range of check boxes in K29:K39 that I would like to have a label reset to unchecked when clicked and cannot figure this out. Does anyone have the proper code for this ?
I tried this but it is not working at all..
Private Sub Label1_Click()
Dim Checkbox As Excel.Checkbox
For Each Checkbox In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
If Not Intersect(Range("G29:G39"), Checkbox.TopLeftCell) Is Nothing Then
Checkbox.Value = False
End If
Next Checkbox
End Sub
I tried this but it is not working at all..
Private Sub Label1_Click()
Dim Checkbox As Excel.Checkbox
For Each Checkbox In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
If Not Intersect(Range("G29:G39"), Checkbox.TopLeftCell) Is Nothing Then
Checkbox.Value = False
End If
Next Checkbox
End Sub