I have this working code but would like to apply bold and underline to this line of code:
.InsertBefore "Please Review, loan not financeable for bond in its current state." & vbCr & vbCr & boldtext & vbCr & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("C32").value _
I tried using a variable called boldtext and am using the /b to bold but it displays the email as if it were regular text with the /b as if it wer part of the string.
How can I tweak this to make the text bold and underline?
I alos posted in Stackoverflow
.InsertBefore "Please Review, loan not financeable for bond in its current state." & vbCr & vbCr & boldtext & vbCr & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("C32").value _
I tried using a variable called boldtext and am using the /b to bold but it displays the email as if it were regular text with the /b as if it wer part of the string.
How can I tweak this to make the text bold and underline?
I alos posted in Stackoverflow

VBA Code to make a strung variable bold and underline
I have this working code but would like to apply bold and underline to this line of code: .InsertBefore "Please Review, loan not financeable for bond in its current state." & vbCr &
VBA Code:
Public Sub ScreenShotResults4_with_Current()
Sheets("Manager Report").Unprotect Password:="Mortgage1"
Dim Rng As Range
Dim olApp As Object
Dim Email As Object
Dim Sht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document
Dim boldtext As String
boldtext = "<b>Issue:</b>"
Call HideAllImages
Set Rng = Sheets("Manager Report").Range("C4:F35")
Rng.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
'Sheets("Summary").Branch_ChkBox.Visible = False
'Row1Circle Sheets("Summary").CheckBoxes("Branch_ChkBox").Visible = False
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set Email = olApp.CreateItem(0)
' Set wdDoc = Email.GetInspector.WordEditor
'strbody = "See production data for most recent 3 months. "
With Email
.To = Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F2").value
.CC = Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F3").value & ";" & "kirk.hudson@lgimortgagesolutions.com" & ";" & "carrie.budds@lgimortgagesolutions.com" & ";" & "Courtney Barreto" & ";" & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("D5").value
If Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F24").value = "Not Financeable" Then
.Subject = "Manager Report " & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("D6").value & " " & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("D4").value & _
" (" & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F5").value & " )" & " NOT FINANCEABLE"
End If
If Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F24").value = "Additional Docs Needed to Proceed" Then
.Subject = "Manager Report " & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("D6").value & " " & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("D4").value & _
" (" & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F5").value & " )" & " MAYBE"
End If
If Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F24").value = "Submitted to Processing" Then
.Subject = "Manager Report " & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("D6").value & " " & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("D4").value & _
" (" & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F5").value & " )" & " GOOD-TO-GO"
End If
' End If
'.HTMLBody = "<BODY style=font-size:12.5pt;font-family:Calibri>" & "</p>" & strbody & RangetoHTML(rng) & Signature
Set wdDoc = Email.GetInspector.WordEditor
wdDoc.Range.PasteAndFormat Type:=wdChartPicture
'if need setup inlineshapes hight & width
With wdDoc.Content
'--- paste the range image first, because it overwrites
' everything in the document
.PasteAndFormat Type:=wdChartPicture
.InlineShapes(1).Height = 750
'--- now add our greeting at the start of the email
' .InsertBefore "See current year production data and current pipeline. " & vbCr & vbCr
If Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F24").value = "Not Financeable" Or Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("F24").value = "Additional Docs Needed to Proceed" Then
.InsertBefore "Please Review, loan not financeable for bond in its current state." & vbCr & vbCr & boldtext & vbCr & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("C32").value _
& vbCr & vbCr & "Solution:" & vbCr & Worksheets("Manager Report").Range("C38").value & vbCr & vbCr ' & vbCr & .Font.Bold & "<u><b>Issue: </u></b>"
.InsertBefore "Please Review, loan looks good, submitted for processing. " & vbCr & vbCr
End If
'--- finally add our sign off after the image
.InsertAfter vbCr & vbCr & _
"Thank you" & vbCr & vbCr
End With
End With
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
Set Email = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
'Sheets("Summary").Range("K17").Visible = True
'Sheets("Summary").Protect Password:="Mortgage1"
Call ShowAllImages
End Sub