Hi, I'm doing a macro that copies a specific range and then pastes it on another sheet to make a database. This range contains blank cells and also another ones that have a formula that if a cell is blank, then the value of the cell's formula is blank. If(B7="","",.....).
the range that I copy is from C7:E57. all this cells have a formula like that above. They all depend on the "B" column's value, but the person doesn't always fill the 50 rows. Here's the code:
Is there a way to delete the blank cells copied to the database sheet, so when the macro runs again it doesn't have all that blank spaces? Without doing it manually.
If this isn't explained very clearly, I could try being more specific if asked. Thanks.
the range that I copy is from C7:E57. all this cells have a formula like that above. They all depend on the "B" column's value, but the person doesn't always fill the 50 rows. Here's the code:
Public Sub copiar() 'macro terminado para copiar datos e insertarlos en base de datos
'Declare Variables
Dim wsOrigin As Worksheet
Dim wsDataBase As Worksheet
Set wsOrigin = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Recoleccion")
Set wsDataBase = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Basedatos")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'para que código sea más rápido
'Copy/Special Paste para datos
Dim COPYME As Range
Dim contador As Long
contador = wsDataBase.Range("A" & wsDataBase.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set COPYME = wsOrigin.Range("C7:E57") 'Rango que se va a copiar
wsDataBase.Range("A" & contador + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Is there a way to delete the blank cells copied to the database sheet, so when the macro runs again it doesn't have all that blank spaces? Without doing it manually.
If this isn't explained very clearly, I could try being more specific if asked. Thanks.