Hello Mr. Excel gang,
I have spent 10 hours trying and trying my hand at this code. It seems like a repetitive question after scouring the web yet any code I came across gave me some kind of issue, even with hours of tinkering. That being said - SOS
>I have hundreds of files in a folder on my X drive
>They all only have one sheet, titled "Incident Report"
>They have a various number of lines, all typically maxing out at line 10,027.
>Each workbooks' data starts at line A28.
>Each column has data to column AA (last column with data. Column AB and onwards is empty)
I just want to copy all of this data into my original open sheet (Sheet1) without any line gaps in the data.
As an aside, these files all downloaded as as an Excel HTTP Page? So every time you try to open one of the files, you get the error that I have attached below. But if you click "Yes", it opens as expected. Is that an underlying issue?
I have spent 10 hours trying and trying my hand at this code. It seems like a repetitive question after scouring the web yet any code I came across gave me some kind of issue, even with hours of tinkering. That being said - SOS
>I have hundreds of files in a folder on my X drive
>They all only have one sheet, titled "Incident Report"
>They have a various number of lines, all typically maxing out at line 10,027.
>Each workbooks' data starts at line A28.
>Each column has data to column AA (last column with data. Column AB and onwards is empty)
I just want to copy all of this data into my original open sheet (Sheet1) without any line gaps in the data.
As an aside, these files all downloaded as as an Excel HTTP Page? So every time you try to open one of the files, you get the error that I have attached below. But if you click "Yes", it opens as expected. Is that an underlying issue?