I have written some vba code that copies and pastes raw data into another workbook.
It does so by looping through the sheets identified in the “Sub Act() section” and call the updatesheet function in each sheet to identify the place to copy paste raw data in and then to copy formulas in column I in the row immediately before the starting row of the raw data.
Such starting row is identified by frow = ReturnfirstDrow(shtname) + 1.
The code then goes into the raw data.xlsx to select and copy the raw data into the cell located at column B.
The problem I am having is that the vba code seems to be removing rows in the workbook it is copying the raw data into. It should copy the new data and paste over the old values corresponding to the dates and then add the new data.
Can anyone help with this?
It does so by looping through the sheets identified in the “Sub Act() section” and call the updatesheet function in each sheet to identify the place to copy paste raw data in and then to copy formulas in column I in the row immediately before the starting row of the raw data.
Such starting row is identified by frow = ReturnfirstDrow(shtname) + 1.
The code then goes into the raw data.xlsx to select and copy the raw data into the cell located at column B.
The problem I am having is that the vba code seems to be removing rows in the workbook it is copying the raw data into. It should copy the new data and paste over the old values corresponding to the dates and then add the new data.
Can anyone help with this?
VBA Code:
Function FindFirstFormulaRow(ByRef rng As Range) As Long
Dim arrFormulas As Variant
Set arrFormulas = rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
Set rng = arrFormulas
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
FindFirstFormulaRow = Split(rng.Cells(1).Address, "$")(2)
Set rng = rng.Cells(1)
End If
End Function
Function ReturnfirstDrow(ByVal shtname As String) As Long
Dim row, count, judge As Integer
Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:\Travel and Leisure\General sector\Sector book\Spreadsheets\Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx"
Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Activate
judge = 0
count = 20
While judge = 0
If Len(Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Cells(count, 4).Value) > 0 Then
judge = 1
ReturnfirstDrow = count
End If
count = count + 1
End Function
Sub updateRDIsheet(ByVal shtname, shtname2 As String)
'''Sub updateRDIsheet()
Dim rownum, colnum, lastDrow, frow, lastLrow, lastcol, lastrawrow, lastrawcol As Integer
Dim formulaRng As Range
'Dim shtname, shtname2 As String
Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:\Travel and Leisure\General sector\Sector book\Spreadsheets\Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx", UpdateLinks:=False
Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Activate
lastLrow = FindFirstFormulaRow(Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Range("L:L"))
Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Cells(lastLrow, 12).Copy
Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Cells(lastLrow, 12).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
frow = ReturnfirstDrow(shtname) + 1
Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:\Travel and Leisure\General sector\Sector book\Spreadsheets\RDI raw data.xlsx"
Workbooks("RDI raw data.xlsx").Sheets(shtname2).Activate
lastrawrow = Workbooks("RDI raw data.xlsx").Sheets(shtname2).Range("B" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
lastrawcol = Workbooks("RDI raw data.xlsx").Sheets(shtname2).Range("B3").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
If Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Range("C" & frow - 1).Value = Workbooks("RDI raw data.xlsx").Sheets(shtname2).Cells(3, 2).Value Then
MsgBox ("No update necessary for " & shtname)
If Workbooks("RDI raw data.xlsx").Sheets(shtname2).Cells(lastrawrow, lastrawcol).Value = "False" Then
Workbooks("RDI raw data.xlsx").Sheets(shtname2).Range(Cells(3, 2), Cells(lastrawrow, lastrawcol - 1)).Select
Workbooks("RDI raw data.xlsx").Sheets(shtname2).Range(Cells(3, 2), Cells(lastrawrow - 1, lastrawcol - 1)).Select
End If
Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Activate
Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Range("C" & frow).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Range("D" & (frow - 1) & ":H" & (frow - 1)).ClearContents
Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Range("I" & (frow - 2)).Select
Workbooks("Redburn Demand Indicator (RDI).xlsx").Sheets(shtname).Range("I" & (frow - 1)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats
End If
End Sub