VBA Code to Copy and Paste Data Between Worksheets Using an Input Box to Specify Source and Destination


New Member
Aug 30, 2011
Hello, I would appreciate your assistance. I have a Workbook for our weekly teaching timetables. Within the Workbook I have:
1. Source Worksheet called "Water"
2. Destination Worksheet called "A3_T-T.
I would like to be able to copy data from "Water" using an Input Box to specify which cells to copy, and paste into "A3_T-T" again using an Input Box to specify which cells to paste to.
I have attempted (many times) to create a code to do this but have not been successful. I humbly apologise if I have not posted this correctly.

Source Worksheet (Water)
5Teacher Water Block Week 1
6A3 Timetable Master ActivityTCHNTTNCT
7Monday, 7 November 2022Monday
8Before 8.00NCT1.00
98:00 - 10:00Water BL Week 1 Intro CPCPWT3028 Theory2.00
10Room BookingM Block - Room M1.01
1110:00 - 12:00Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3028 Theory2.00
12Room BookingM Block - Room M1.01
1312:00 - 12.45LUNCH
1412.45 - 15.45Water BL - Week 1 CPCPWT3028 Prac (Tapping into Mains)3.00
15Room BookingA Block - A1.15 (Workshop)
1615.45 - 18.00
17Room Booking
18After 18.00
19Room Booking
20Tuesday, 8 November 2022Tuesday
21Before 8.00NCT1.00
228:00 - 10:00Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3028 Prac (Meters)2.00
23Room BookingA Block - A1.15 (Workshop)
2410:00 - 12:00Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3028 Prac (Meters)2.00
25Room BookingA Block - A1.15 (Workshop)
2612:00 - 12.45LUNCH
2712.45 - 15.45Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3028 Theory (Quiz)3.00
28Room BookingM Block - M1.01
2915.45 - 18.00
30Room Booking
31After 18.00
32Room Booking
33Wednesday, 9 November 2022Wednesday
34Before 8.00NCT1.00
358:00 - 10:00Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3028 Observation (Tapping into Mains)2.00
36Room BookingA Block - A1.15 (Workshop)
3710:00 - 12:00Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3028 Observation (Tapping into Mains)2.00
38Room BookingA Block - A1.15 (Workshop)
3912:00 - 12.45LUNCH
4012.45 - 15.45Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3021 Theory3.00
41Room BookingM Block - M1.01
4215.45 - 18.00
43Room Booking
44After 18.00
45Room Booking
46Thursday, 10 November 2022Thursday
47Before 8.00NCT1.00
488:00 - 10:00Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3021 Theory2.00
49Room BookingM Block - M1.01
5010:00 - 12:00Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3021 Prac (Noggings / Rough In)2.00
51Room BookingA Block - A1.15 (Workshop)
5212:00 - 12.45LUNCH
5312.45 - 15.45Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3021 Prac (Noggings / Rough In)3.00
54Room BookingA Block - A1.15 (Workshop)
5515.45 - 18.00
56Room Booking
57After 18.00
58Room Booking
59Friday, 11 November 2022Friday
60Before 8.00NCT1.00
618:00 - 10:00Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3021 Theory2.00
62Room BookingM Block - M1.01
6310:00 - 12:00Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3021 Theory2.00
64Room BookingM Block - M1.01
6512:00 - 12.45LUNCH
6612.45 - 15.45Water BL Week 1 CPCPWT3021 Prac (Noggings / Rough In)3.00
67Room BookingA Block - Room A1.15 (Workshop)
6815.45 - 18.00
69Room Booking
70After 18.00
71Room Booking
Cell Formulas

Destination Worksheet (A3_T-T)
4PlumbingVersion:1Week Number:9Week Beginning:##########TOTAL TCH HOURS:  TOTAL NTT HOURS: #REF!TOTAL NCT HOURS:  
5Teacher Teacher OnePrintableTeacher 2PrintableTeacher 3PrintableTeacher 4PrintableTeacher 5PrintableTeacher
6A3 Timetable Master ActivityTCHNTTNCTActivityTCHNTTNCTActivityTCHNTTNCTActivityTCHNTTNCTActivityTCHNTTNCTA3 Timetable Master
7Monday, 7 November 2022MondayMondayMondayMondayMondayMonday, 7 November 2022
8Before 8.00Before 8.00
98:00 - 10:008:00 - 10:00
10Room BookingRoom Booking
1110:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:00
12Room BookingRoom Booking
1312:00 - 12.45LUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCH12:00 - 12.45
1412.45 - 15.4512.45 - 15.45
15Room BookingRoom Booking
1615.45 - 18.0015.45 - 18.00
17Room BookingRoom Booking
18After 18.00After 18.00
19Room BookingRoom Booking
20Tuesday, 8 November 2022TuesdayTuesdayTuesdayTuesdayTuesdayTuesday, 8 November 2022
21Before 8.00Before 8.00
228:00 - 10:008:00 - 10:00
23Room BookingRoom Booking
2410:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:00
25Room BookingRoom Booking
2612:00 - 12.45LUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCH12:00 - 12.45
2712.45 - 15.4512.45 - 15.45
28Room BookingRoom Booking
2915.45 - 18.0015.45 - 18.00
30Room BookingRoom Booking
31After 18.00After 18.00
32Room BookingRoom Booking
33Wednesday, 9 November 2022WednesdayWednesdayWednesdayWednesdayWednesdayWednesday, 9 November 2022
34Before 8.00Before 8.00
358:00 - 10:008:00 - 10:00
36Room BookingRoom Booking
3710:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:00
38Room BookingRoom Booking
3912:00 - 12.45LUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCH12:00 - 12.45
4012.45 - 15.4512.45 - 15.45
41Room BookingRoom Booking
4215.45 - 18.0015.45 - 18.00
43Room BookingRoom Booking
44After 18.00After 18.00
45Room BookingRoom Booking
46Thursday, 10 November 2022ThursdayThursdayThursdayThursdayThursdayThursday, 10 November 2022
47Before 8.00Before 8.00
488:00 - 10:008:00 - 10:00
49Room BookingRoom Booking
5010:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:00
51Room BookingRoom Booking
5212:00 - 12.45LUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCH12:00 - 12.45
5312.45 - 15.4512.45 - 15.45
54Room BookingRoom Booking
5515.45 - 18.0015.45 - 18.00
56Room BookingRoom Booking
57After 18.00After 18.00
58Room BookingRoom Booking
59Friday, 11 November 2022FridayFridayFridayFridayFridayFriday, 11 November 2022
60Before 8.00Before 8.00
618:00 - 10:008:00 - 10:00
62Room BookingRoom Booking
6310:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:00
64Room BookingRoom Booking
6512:00 - 12.45LUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCH12:00 - 12.45
6612.45 - 15.4512.45 - 15.45
67Room BookingRoom Booking
6815.45 - 18.0015.45 - 18.00
69Room BookingRoom Booking
70After 18.00After 18.00
71Room BookingRoom Booking
72Contact Hours0. Hours
73Non Traditional Teaching (Online & RPL) Traditional Teaching (Online & RPL)
74Non-Contact Hours0. Hours
75Total Hours0. Hours
76Overtime/Toil Hours Standard Week0. Hours Standard Week
77Overtime Hours/TOIL Pub. Hol WeekStd weekStd weekStd weekStd weekStd weekOvertime Hours/TOIL Pub. Hol Week
79No. of public holidays or own time PD days Overtime hours are confirmed at the completion of Contact & Non-Contact hours.No. of public holidays or own time PD days
81Teacher Signature & DateTeacher Signature & Date
Cell Formulas
C76,S76,O76,K76,G76C76=IF(OR(B78=1,B78=2,B78=3,B78=4,B78=5),"Non Std week",IF((C72+D73+E74)<=32,0,(C72+D73+E74)-32))
C77,S77,O77,K77,G77C77=IF(B78=1,(C72+D73)-17,IF(B78=2,(C72+D73)-12.5,IF(B78=3,(C72+D73)-8.5,IF(B78=4,(C72+D73)-4,IF(B78=5,(C72+D73)-0,IF(B78=0,"Std week"))))))


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VBA Code:
Sub RangePrompts()
Dim InputRng As Range, ReplaceRng As Range

On Error Resume Next
Set InputRng = Application.InputBox("COPY RANGE:", Type:=8)
If InputRng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

Set ReplaceRng = Application.InputBox("PASTE RANGE:", Type:=8)
If ReplaceRng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

ReplaceRng.Cells(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

Set Inputrng = Nothing
Set Replacerng = Nothing

End Sub
If user cancels either input, should be ok. If they don't select and hit ok, then I don't know how to get around that.
Upvote 0
OK, that is a DisplayWarnings thing. When I make application level changes like that I usually use an error handler to ensure it's reset to normal. Rather than do this in 2 or 3 places (e.g. each time a user can mess up an input) I'd do it like this:
VBA Code:
Sub RangePrompts()
Dim InputRng As Range, ReplaceRng As Range

On Error GoTo errHandler
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Set InputRng = Application.InputBox("COPY RANGE:", Type:=8)
Set ReplaceRng = Application.InputBox("PASTE RANGE:", Type:=8)

ReplaceRng.Cells(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Set InputRng = Nothing
Set ReplaceRng = Nothing
Exit Sub

If Err.Number <> 424 Then
   MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
Resume exitHere

End Sub
User only needs to select one cell in the target sheet (doesn't have to match target size to copy size).
Upvote 0
Hello Micron, thank you for taking the time to look at this for me. Sorry, I am very new to vba.
When I run your VBA code, it only selects and pastes within the same spreadsheet. If I try entering the Worksheet name, e.g. Water!B8:E15 as the Source and then A3_T-T!B8, I get an Error Message: Error 1004: To do this, all the merged cells need to be same size. This error seems to pop up no matter how I reference the worksheets.
What I would like to achieve is that the code selects the correct worksheets and the user only has to input the source and destination cell references.
OK, that is a DisplayWarnings thing. When I make application level changes like that I usually use an error handler to ensure it's reset to normal. Rather than do this in 2 or 3 places (e.g. each time a user can mess up an input) I'd do it like this:
VBA Code:
Sub RangePrompts()
Dim InputRng As Range, ReplaceRng As Range

On Error GoTo errHandler
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Set InputRng = Application.InputBox("COPY RANGE:", Type:=8)
Set ReplaceRng = Application.InputBox("PASTE RANGE:", Type:=8)

ReplaceRng.Cells(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Set InputRng = Nothing
Set ReplaceRng = Nothing
Exit Sub

If Err.Number <> 424 Then
   MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
Resume exitHere

End Sub
User only needs to select one cell in the target sheet (doesn't have to match target size to copy size).
Upvote 0
You're not supposed to enter anything. When the input opens, you select the copy range & click OK. When the next input opens, you select the target cell only. If you have to select another sheet, that's OK.
I don't see where you mentioned that you have merged cells, so if you follow that method and it still doesn't work, then maybe that's why. I didn't allow for that and at the moment, don't know how. Suggest you get it working on non-merged cells first.

BTW, I forgot to say that I put that code in a standard module, but it still works if you put it in a sheet module.
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