I need a VBA code to autofilter list of values reference from a different sheet. The filter condition is such it should contain the values in the referenced cells not equal to the value in the cell
The code I have been trying is as below
Worksheets("ZBA extract").select
Activesheet.Range("A1:W10000").autofilter Field:=12 Criteria:=Worksheets(Ref Data) "*" & .Range("E4:E9").Value & "*"
I need a VBA code to autofilter list of values reference from a different sheet. The filter condition is such it should contain the values in the referenced cells not equal to the value in the cell
The code I have been trying is as below
Worksheets("ZBA extract").select
Activesheet.Range("A1:W10000").autofilter Field:=12 Criteria:=Worksheets(Ref Data) "*" & .Range("E4:E9").Value & "*"