My task is to filter a somewhat large dataset by project codes and by employee names. This is a really easy task to do in Power Query but I need to develop a tool in VBA that can automate it for people who don't know how to use excel much.
The goal is to give a keyword to look for in a col. (not formatted as a table, so just rows of data) and to create a new mini dataset (in a new tab for now) that has been filtered with that keyword.
The end goal is to do the following: filter and create a new dataset (task mentioned above), convert it to a Pivot table and Pivot Pie Chart, create a new Excel file and paste what was created in that new file. Is it possible to automate all that in VBA? Nonetheless, for now, I need to focus on filtering the data, so please help me out, thanks
My task is to filter a somewhat large dataset by project codes and by employee names. This is a really easy task to do in Power Query but I need to develop a tool in VBA that can automate it for people who don't know how to use excel much.
The goal is to give a keyword to look for in a col. (not formatted as a table, so just rows of data) and to create a new mini dataset (in a new tab for now) that has been filtered with that keyword.
The end goal is to do the following: filter and create a new dataset (task mentioned above), convert it to a Pivot table and Pivot Pie Chart, create a new Excel file and paste what was created in that new file. Is it possible to automate all that in VBA? Nonetheless, for now, I need to focus on filtering the data, so please help me out, thanks