there are probably a few ways of doing this. Here's one.
It uses VBA to create a batch file in the dated directory to XCopy the files to the Target Directory.
(The Bat file will overwrite)
There's a lot to set up.
You need to change the paths to those you will be using. Make sure to leave backslashes in place.
Sub CopyFilesToTargetFolder()
FileNumber = 1
[COLOR=#ff0000]FoldPath = "C:\junk\"
[/COLOR]TargetFolderPath = [COLOR=#ff0000]FoldPath[/COLOR] & "CopyTo\"
'Get the folder name with lower case month
DirectoryName = LCase(Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yyyy"))
ChDir FoldPath & DirectoryName
CopyBatFile = FoldPath & DirectoryName & "\Copy.bat"
CopyBatFilePath = FoldPath & DirectoryName & "\"
CopyFileNme = "Copy.bat"
'Create XCopy batch file
Open CopyBatFile For Output As #FileNumber
Print #FileNumber, "Xcopy /y ""[COLOR=#ff0000]*.*[/COLOR]"" """ & TargetFolderPath & """"
Close #FileNumber
'Run batch file - wait for path change
ChDir (CopyBatFilePath)
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:02"))
retVal = Shell(CopyFileNme, vbNormalFocus)
'Check error.
If retVal = 0 Then
MsgBox "An Error Occured"
Close #FileNumber
End If
'Wait for copy
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"))
'Delete batch files
Kill CopyBatFile
'As the bat file copies all files this includes the created bat file so we delete this from the target dir too.
ChDir (TargetFolderPath)
Kill CopyFileNme
'Open the Output Folder
retVal = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe """ & TargetFolderPath & "", vbNormalFocus)
'Delete batch file
End Sub
Once you get this working then add the workbook open event.
Copy to 'ThisWorkbook in the Project Window.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call CopyFilesToTargetFolder
End Sub
Once that works you need create a BAT file <
My_Macros.Bat> to be opened by the Task Scheduler.
The Bat file should contain start excel and the path to the file containing the above macro in:
start excel "C:\
Documents and Settings\Fred Bloggs\My Documents\My Macros\My_Macros.xls"
Once you have done that then the final thing is to set up the Windows Task Sheduler.
I can get it to run every minute on my PC but haven't tested whether it will continue doing the same the next day. I am assuming it will work. If it doesn't you will have to look at the Application OnTime method.
Scheduler - set the path to the bat file created to start excel.
Run: "C:\
Documents and Settings\Fred Bloggs\Desktop\My_Macros.Bat"
Start in: "C:\
Documents and Settings\Fred Bloggs\Desktop\My_Macros.Bat"
To get it to run every hour you need to set it to run daily then go to advanced and repeat every hour over 24 hours.
You also need to put the Excel file containing the macro into a trusted location so that there is no prompt to enable macros when the file opens!