VBA Code Needed to Reorganize Dated Columnar Data to Sequenced Row Data


New Member
Jan 28, 2003
Raw data is Comma Delimited text file organized Column-wise. For each daily date (oldest to newest), there are various weather data in adjacent Columns. I am only interested in two Columns of data ... the MAX & MIN Temp for each day. I need to process the data and reorganize it Row-wise. One Row for each Month, with the Temps Rounded to nearest Whole Number, then sequenced MAX, then MIN, for each day of the Month. Each Row only contains MAX & MIN values for as many days as there are in a Month, (not 'padded') to 31 days. Some of the Temps in the Source file may include an asterisk at the end of the value (indicates value that is based on fewer than 24 hourly samples). The asterisk must be stripped off during the processing and sequencing. I have to enter/insert the appropriate Weather Station Identifier (Max of 4-digit Text) for the WBAN value in Column 2, and the Weather Station Name for the Station Identifier (Max of 20-Character Text). Text values must be enclosed in double-quotes. After processing, the data needs to be Saved/Exported as a Comma Delimited ASCII text file.

Example of Source Comma Delimited, Columnarized Data:
430630,99999, 20040101, 67.9, 8, 51.4, 8, 1015.3, 8, 952.0, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.2, 8, 1.0, 999.9, 88.0 , 52.5 , 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040102, 65.1, 7, 51.9, 7, 1014.9, 7, 951.4, 7, 3.6, 7, 0.3, 7, 1.0, 999.9, 88.7 , 50.7 , 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040103, 69.4, 6, 52.0, 6, 1014.5, 6, 951.5, 6, 4.3, 6, 0.3, 6, 1.0, 999.9, 87.3 , 51.1 , 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040104, 68.2, 8, 52.4, 8, 1014.5, 8, 951.3, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.8, 8, 4.1, 999.9, 87.8 , 51.6 , 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040105, 68.9, 8, 52.7, 8, 1014.3, 8, 951.2, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.2, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 85.8 , 52.9 , 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040106, 68.3, 8, 52.8, 8, 1014.1, 8, 951.2, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.5, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 86.4 , 51.1 , 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040107, 68.7, 7, 56.8, 7, 1015.2, 7, 952.1, 7, 4.1, 7, 2.1, 7, 8.0, 999.9, 81.1 , 55.4*, 0.00E,999.9, 010000,
430630,99999, 20040108, 67.1, 8, 54.3, 8, 1017.4, 8, 954.0, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.1, 8, 5.1, 999.9, 82.6 , 54.3*, 0.00G,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040109, 65.2, 8, 49.5, 8, 1017.7, 8, 954.1, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.2, 8, 6.0, 999.9, 81.5 , 50.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040110, 64.5, 8, 49.3, 8, 1017.5, 8, 953.8, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.9, 8, 4.1, 999.9, 82.4 , 48.4*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040111, 64.6, 8, 47.8, 8, 1016.3, 8, 952.8, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.8, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 84.2 , 48.4*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040112, 65.4, 7, 47.5, 7, 1015.8, 7, 952.3, 7, 3.6, 7, 1.9, 7, 8.9, 999.9, 84.7 , 46.8*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040113, 66.7, 8, 49.8, 8, 1013.7, 8, 950.6, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.4, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 89.4 , 47.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040114, 68.0, 8, 48.2, 8, 1012.5, 8, 949.5, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.0, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 90.9 , 48.9*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040115, 69.2, 8, 50.0, 8, 1013.3, 8, 950.3, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.5, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 92.1 , 48.9*, 0.00G,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040116, 70.9, 8, 52.2, 8, 1013.5, 8, 950.7, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.6, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 91.8 , 51.1*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040117, 72.2, 8, 54.8, 8, 1012.0, 8, 948.9, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.1, 8, 4.1, 999.9, 91.4 , 54.5*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040118, 71.2, 8, 53.1, 8, 1012.2, 8, 949.5, 7, 3.9, 8, 0.5, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 90.5 , 55.8*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040119, 72.5, 7, 50.6, 7, 1010.5, 7, 947.7, 7, 3.6, 7, 1.4, 7, 5.1, 999.9, 91.0 , 56.1*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040120, 72.5, 8, 53.2, 8, 1009.8, 8, 947.4, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.1, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 90.7 , 54.0*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040121, 69.3, 7, 57.8, 7, 1009.4, 7, 945.4, 7, 3.6, 7, 1.0, 7, 2.9, 999.9, 83.1 , 59.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040122, 70.2, 6, 58.0, 6, 1010.1, 6, 947.5, 6, 4.3, 6, 2.3, 6, 8.0, 999.9, 82.6 , 58.8*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040123, 68.1, 8, 50.5, 8, 1011.4, 8, 948.5, 8, 3.9, 8, 2.1, 8, 4.1, 999.9, 81.5 , 54.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040124, 65.7, 8, 49.8, 8, 1012.1, 8, 948.9, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.4, 8, 5.1, 999.9, 82.4 , 48.4*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040125, 68.0, 8, 54.3, 8, 1011.3, 8, 948.4, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.1, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 86.2 , 52.0*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040126, 68.2, 8, 51.6, 8, 1011.8, 8, 948.9, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.4, 8, 4.1, 999.9, 85.8 , 52.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040127, 67.4, 8, 56.0, 8, 1011.4, 8, 948.4, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.4, 8, 6.0, 999.9, 82.4 , 52.0*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040128, 72.5, 8, 57.4, 8, 1009.5, 8, 947.2, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.3, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 88.0 , 57.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040129, 72.2, 8, 58.5, 8, 1009.8, 8, 947.4, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.6, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 87.4*, 59.0*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040130, 70.5, 8, 59.6, 8, 1011.2, 8, 948.5, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.9, 8, 6.0, 999.9, 84.0*, 59.2*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040131, 67.7, 7, 53.9, 7, 1011.9, 7, 948.3, 7, 4.1, 7, 2.1, 7, 8.0, 999.9, 81.0*, 54.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040201, 67.2, 8, 44.9, 8, 1011.4, 8, 948.3, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.6, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 82.6*, 49.8*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040202, 68.0, 8, 53.4, 8, 1012.5, 8, 949.5, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.9, 8, 5.1, 999.9, 82.9*, 51.8*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040203, 72.5, 8, 59.1, 8, 1012.4, 8, 949.9, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.0, 8, 4.1, 999.9, 86.7*, 56.1*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040204, 73.4, 8, 59.0, 8, 1011.1, 8, 948.3, 8, 3.4, 8, 2.3, 8, 6.0, 999.9, 89.6*, 58.8*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040205, 72.2, 7, 46.4, 7, 1012.4, 7, 949.8, 7, 4.1, 7, 1.2, 7, 2.9, 999.9, 88.0*, 52.5*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040206, 66.4, 8, 38.5, 6, 1014.6, 7, 951.1, 7, 3.9, 8, 0.7, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 87.1*, 45.1*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040207, 66.7, 8, 41.2, 8, 1016.8, 8, 953.3, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.6, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 88.3*, 46.8*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040208, 69.5, 7, 43.3, 7, 1016.2, 7, 953.1, 7, 4.1, 7, 1.1, 7, 2.9, 999.9, 88.3*, 47.3*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040209, 71.2, 8, 48.4, 8, 1014.1, 8, 951.3, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.5, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 91.4*, 50.2*, 0.00G,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040210, 71.6, 8, 48.7, 8, 1014.2, 8, 951.4, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.0, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 92.5*, 52.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040211, 71.6, 8, 47.3, 8, 1014.4, 8, 951.6, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.2, 8, 4.1, 999.9, 92.1*, 51.4*, 0.00G,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040212, 72.9, 8, 51.1, 8, 1014.1, 8, 951.5, 8, 3.4, 8, 0.7, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 92.3*, 54.3*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040213, 75.1, 8, 52.4, 8, 1013.3, 7, 951.2, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.7, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 93.0*, 54.9*, 0.00G,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040214, 74.4, 8, 52.8, 8, 1013.0, 8, 950.6, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.4, 8, 1.0, 999.9, 92.3*, 57.9*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040215, 75.2, 8, 53.7, 8, 1012.5, 8, 950.3, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.6, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 91.6*, 58.1*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040216, 74.0, 8, 53.3, 8, 1013.0, 8, 950.7, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.6, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 91.4*, 57.2*, 0.00G,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040217, 75.9, 7, 52.8, 7, 1011.2, 7, 949.2, 7, 4.1, 7, 0.4, 7, 1.0, 999.9, 93.4*, 56.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040218, 74.6, 8, 52.1, 8, 1009.6, 8, 947.4, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.6, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 93.2*, 56.5*, 0.00G,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040219, 72.6, 8, 51.0, 8, 1010.6, 8, 948.4, 7, 3.9, 8, 2.2, 8, 8.0, 999.9, 90.0*, 55.4*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040220, 76.0, 7, 51.4, 7, 1011.7, 7, 949.7, 7, 4.1, 7, 0.7, 7, 1.9, 999.9, 95.0*, 53.2*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040221, 77.8, 8, 51.5, 8, 1012.7, 8, 950.8, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.0, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 96.4*, 57.6*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040222, 76.2, 8, 50.8, 8, 1012.1, 8, 950.0, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.7, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 95.7*, 58.6*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040223, 77.2, 8, 49.2, 8, 1011.8, 8, 949.8, 8, 4.3, 8, 0.5, 8, 2.9, 999.9, 96.6*, 57.6*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040224, 77.7, 8, 47.7, 8, 1012.6, 8, 950.7, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.5, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 98.2*, 55.4*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040225, 79.2, 7, 48.3, 7, 1012.0, 7, 950.3, 7, 4.1, 7, 0.7, 7, 1.9, 999.9, 97.7*, 57.6*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040226, 78.5, 8, 49.7, 8, 1010.0, 8, 948.3, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.2, 8, 1.0, 999.9, 97.3*, 57.7*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040227, 77.8, 8, 49.2, 8, 1009.8, 8, 948.1, 8, 3.9, 8, 1.0, 8, 5.1, 999.9, 96.3*, 59.4*, 0.00G,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040228, 76.3, 8, 50.9, 8, 1010.5, 8, 948.5, 8, 3.9, 8, 2.4, 8, 8.0, 999.9, 95.0*, 58.1*, 0.00D,999.9, 000000,
430630,99999, 20040229, 77.3, 8, 53.1, 8, 1011.0, 8, 949.1, 8, 3.9, 8, 0.6, 8, 1.9, 999.9, 96.6*, 58.1*, 0.00G,999.9, 000000,

Example of Desired Result Comma Delimited, Row-wise Data:

I hope someone can help me! Thanks in advance.

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