Hi folks,
A fellow forum user wrote this code for me and is no longer available.
I need a modification and hope somebody can make sense of this code and help me out.
THE ONLY change I need is:
On the "Medicaid" tab, I need only two absence code dates to populate on this page.
They are (A) Absent, and (S) Sick.
The remaining four codes should not appear.
*All dates for all codes should continue to populate on the individual student reports, and should not be affected by this change.
A fellow forum user wrote this code for me and is no longer available.
I need a modification and hope somebody can make sense of this code and help me out.
THE ONLY change I need is:
On the "Medicaid" tab, I need only two absence code dates to populate on this page.
They are (A) Absent, and (S) Sick.
The remaining four codes should not appear.
*All dates for all codes should continue to populate on the individual student reports, and should not be affected by this change.
'.New code 4/4/17
Sub StuUpdate()
Dim Ray As Variant, n As Long, sht As Worksheet, Ac As Long, Num As Long
Dim S As Variant, P As Variant, V As Variant, H As Variant, Q As Variant
Dim Dic As Object, Dn As Range, NumLog As Long
NumLog = 14
Call ****(Sheets("medicaid"))
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Dic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Dic.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
For Each sht In Worksheets
If InStr(sht.Name, "_") > 0 Then
Ray = sht.UsedRange
'MsgBox sht.UsedRange.Address
For n = 4 To UBound(Ray, 1)
If Not Dic.exists(Ray(n, 1)) Then
ReDim S(1 To 1500): S(1) = "Sick Days"
ReDim E(1 To 1500): E(1) = "Early Leave Days"
ReDim L(1 To 1500): L(1) = "Late Arrival Days"
ReDim V(1 To 1500): V(1) = "Vacation Days"
ReDim H(1 To 1500): H(1) = "Half Days"
ReDim A(1 To 1500): A(1) = "Absent"
Dic.Add Ray(n, 1), Array(S, 1, E, 1, L, 1, V, 1, H, 1, A, 1)
Q = Dic(Ray(n, 1))
For Ac = 2 To UBound(Ray, 2)
If Not IsEmpty(Ray(n, Ac)) Then
Select Case UCase(Ray(n, Ac))
Case "S": Q(1) = Q(1) + 1: Q(0)(Q(1)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "E": Q(3) = Q(3) + 1: Q(2)(Q(3)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "L": Q(5) = Q(5) + 1: Q(4)(Q(5)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "V": Q(7) = Q(7) + 1: Q(6)(Q(7)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "H": Q(9) = Q(9) + 1: Q(8)(Q(9)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "A": Q(11) = Q(11) + 1: Q(10)(Q(11)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
End Select
End If
Next Ac
Dic(Ray(n, 1)) = Q
Q = Dic(Ray(n, 1))
For Ac = 2 To UBound(Ray, 2)
If Not IsEmpty(Ray(n, Ac)) Then
Select Case UCase(Ray(n, Ac))
Case "S": Q(1) = Q(1) + 1: Q(0)(Q(1)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "E": Q(3) = Q(3) + 1: Q(2)(Q(3)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "L": Q(5) = Q(5) + 1: Q(4)(Q(5)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "V": Q(7) = Q(7) + 1: Q(6)(Q(7)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "H": Q(9) = Q(9) + 1: Q(8)(Q(9)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
Case "A": Q(11) = Q(11) + 1: Q(10)(Q(11)) = Dt(sht, CLng(Ray(3, Ac)))
End Select
End If
Next Ac
Dic(Ray(n, 1)) = Q
End If
Next n
End If
Next sht
Dim K As Variant, c As Long, cc As Long, oMax As Long, Temp As String, Rw As Long, t, y As Long
Dim Tot As Long
For Each K In Dic.keys
cc = 0
If Not K = "" Then
On Error Resume Next
Set sht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(K)
If Not Err = 0 Then
Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = K
End If
'Change Position of text and Alignment
'to suit Between Bands Hash bands
Dim nNam As Range
With Sheets(K)
Set nNam = Studata(K): oMax = 0
.Range("A7").Resize(500, 100).ClearContents
.Range("C13") = K ' This is Student Name, remove if not wanted
.Range("A7") = Format(Now, "Mmmm,d,yyyy")
.Range("A10").Value = "Student Attendance Record"
.Range("A7").Font.Size = 16
.Range("A7").Font.Bold = True
.Range("A13").Value = "Student Name:"
.Range("A14").Value = "Student ID:"
.Range("c14").Value = IIf(nNam.Offset(, 1) = "", "N/A", nNam.Offset(, 1))
.Range("A15").Value = "Medicaid Student?"
.Range("c15").Value = IIf(nNam.Offset(, 2) = "", "No", nNam.Offset(, 2))
.Range("A16").Value = "Date of Birth:"
.Range("c16").Value = IIf(CDate(nNam.Offset(, 3)) = "00:00:00", "", CDate(nNam.Offset(, 3)))
.Range("A17").Value = "Admission Date:"
.Range("C17").Value = IIf(CDate(nNam.Offset(, 4)) = "00:00:00", "", CDate(nNam.Offset(, 4)))
.Range("A18").Value = "Discharge Date:"
.Range("C18").Value = IIf(CDate(nNam.Offset(, 5)) = "00:00:00", "", CDate(nNam.Offset(, 5)))
.Range("A7:b18").Font.Size = 12
.Range("A7:b18").Font.Bold = True
.Range("A13:A18").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.Range("A7").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.Range("c14:c18").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
ReDim Ray(1 To 366, 1 To 2): y = 0
Ray(1, 1) = K
For n = 0 To 10 Step 2 ' added items from dict Now 10 was 7
cc = cc + 1
oMax = Application.Max(oMax, Dic(K)(n + 1))
For c = 1 To Dic(K)(n + 1)
'Sheets("July_2016").Cells(c + 18, cc + 1) = Dic(K)(n)(c)
Sheets(K).Cells(c + 19, cc).Value = Dic(K)(n)(c) 'NB:- Start Od Dates shown Here as C+18
Sheets(K).Cells(c + 19, cc).NumberFormat = "M/d/yyyy"
If c > 1 Then
y = y + 1
Ray(y, 2) = Dic(K)(n)(c)
End If
oMax = Application.Max(oMax, c)
Next c
Next n
If .Range("c15").Value = "Yes" Then Call medic(Ray, y, NumLog)
.Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 13
.Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 14
.Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 14
.Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 12
.Columns("E:E").ColumnWidth = 12
.Columns("F:F").ColumnWidth = 12
.Range("A19").Resize(oMax + 18, 6).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Call ****(Sheets(K))
Call Studata(K)
For Ac = 1 To 6
.Cells(oMax + 21, Ac) = Application.CountA(.Cells(21, Ac).Resize(oMax))
.Cells(oMax + 21, Ac).NumberFormat = "0"
Next Ac
End With
End If
Next K
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function Dt(sh As Object, Num As Long) As Date
Dim n As Long
For n = 1 To 12
If MonthName(n) = Split(sh.Name, "_")(0) Then
Dt = DateSerial(Split(sh.Name, "_")(1), n, Num)
Exit For
End If
Next n
End Function
Sub ****(sht As Object)
Dim Pic As Picture, Fd As Boolean, nPic As Shape
For Each Pic In sht.Pictures
Fd = True
Next Pic
If Not Fd Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set nPic = Sheets("Pic").Shapes("Picture 2")
With sht.Range("A1")
nPic.Top = .Top ' NB The Object is "Pic" not Picture !!
nPic.Left = .Left
'Pic.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue ' I found when this was Locked I could not change the Picture size !!!
nPic.Height = 80
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function Studata(Nam As Variant) As Range
Dim Rng As Range, Dn As Range
With Sheets("Base Info")
Set Rng = .Range(.Range("A2"), .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
End With
For Each Dn In Rng
If Dn.Value = Nam Then
Set Studata = Dn
Exit For
End If
Next Dn
End Function
Sub medic(r As Variant, nn As Long, nl As Long)
'R Holds Sick Dates,nn = number off,NL = Row Start for Medicaid results
Dim Dic As Object, n As Long, Q As Variant, Mths As Variant, m As Long, oMax As Long
Dim Sp As Variant, nSp As Variant, sht As Worksheet, nCol As Long ' nCol Added !!!
Set Dic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Dic.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
For n = 1 To nn
If Not Dic.exists(Month(r(n, 2))) Then
ReDim nray(1 To nn)
nray(1) = CDbl(DateValue(r(n, 2)))
Dic.Add Month(CDbl(DateValue(r(n, 2)))), Array(nray, 1)
Q = Dic(Val(Month(r(n, 2))))
Q(1) = Q(1) + 1
Q(0)(Q(1)) = CDbl(DateValue((r(n, 2))))
Dic(Val(Month(r(n, 2)))) = Q
End If
Next n
Mths = Array(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
With Sheets("Medicaid")
.Range("A8").Value = "Medicaid Student Absences / All Types"
.Columns("A:M").ColumnWidth = 9 'Altered from 12
.Range("A8:e8").Font.Bold = True
.Range("A8:e8").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.Range("A8:e8").Font.Size = 14
.Range("b13:m13").Font.Bold = True
For m = 0 To UBound(Mths)
If Dic.exists(Mths(m)) Then
For Each sht In Worksheets
If InStr(sht.Name, "_") > 0 Then
nSp = Split(sht.Name, "_")
If nSp(0) = MonthName(Mths(m)) Then
Sp = Split(sht.Name, "_")
Exit For
End If
End If
Next sht
oMax = Application.Max(oMax, Dic(Mths(m))(1))
If Dic.exists(Mths(m)) Then 'Added Line !!!!
nCol = nCol + 1
.Cells(13, nCol + 1).Value = Left(Sp(0), 3) & "_" & Sp(1)
.Cells(nl, 1).Value = r(1, 1)
.Cells(nl, nCol + 1).Resize(Dic(Mths(m))(1)).Value = Application.Transpose(Dic(Mths(m))(0))
If Dic(Mths(m))(1) > 1 Then .Cells(nl, nCol + 1).Resize(Dic(Mths(m))(1)).Sort .Cells(nl, nCol + 1), xlAscending
.Cells(nl, nCol + 1).Resize(Dic(Mths(m))(1)).NumberFormat = "M/d/yyyy"
End If 'added Line !!!!
'Below Code, Replaced by above !!!!!
' .Cells(13, m + 2).Value = Left(Sp(0), 3) & "_" & Sp(1)
' .Cells(nl, 1).Value = r(1, 1)
' .Cells(nl, m + 2).Resize(Dic(Mths(m))(1)).Value = Application.Transpose(Dic(Mths(m))(0))
' If Dic(Mths(m))(1) > 1 Then .Cells(nl, m + 2).Resize(Dic(Mths(m))(1)).Sort .Cells(nl, m + 2), xlAscending
' .Cells(nl, m + 2).Resize(Dic(Mths(m))(1)).NumberFormat = "M/d/yyyy"
' End If 'added Line !!!!
End If
Next m
End With
nl = nl + oMax + 1
End Sub
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