VBA Code for Macro - Search sheet for keywords and paste rows to new sheet


New Member
Feb 20, 2022
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows

I'm trying to write a VBA macro to search a worksheet for several different keywords, copy those rows and paste rows (including column titles) onto a new sheet.

My goal is to find these words:
"Windows 7"
"windows 7"
"Win 7"
"win 7"
"Win XP"
"win XP"
"windows XP"

The issue I'm running into is some of the keywords I'm looking for are not the only words within a cell. For example, a cell may have "74BBN win 7 TTP77". My current macros are not locating and pasting those rows over to the new sheet, but only the cells with only the exact phrase "win 7" for example.

The example I'm posting is a dummy worksheet I created for testing purposes. The actual one I'm working with has about 44,000 rows, and 50 or so columns. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

macro tests2.xlsm
1IDMust_PayFundedAgencyDirectorate_IDDivision_IDAcq_PackageOS Amount_Paid Amount_Owed Date_UpdatedStart_DateEnd_DateUpdated_By
2ABC568yesyesUSMCJ6IODUSMC-Package 789vista$ 4,000.00$ 10,000.0012/25/20212/5/20202/1/2022John Smith
3SDJ4478yesnoUSMCJ6CSDUSMC-Package 789XP$ 2,000.00$ 12,000.0011/15/20212/5/20202/2/2022Jane Doe
4LIU9898noyesUSAJ3CSDUSA-Package 3398JTTP4 Windows 7 HWLM$ 3,500.00$ 6,500.003/2/20213/1/20212/3/2022John Doe
5HBR5454yesnoUSAJ3SDDUSA-Package 3398JWin 10$ 2,500.00$ 7,500.006/15/20214/1/20212/4/2022Jane Smith
6NHRI2347yesyesUSNJ2EODUSN-Package 923Windows 10$ 1,200.00$ 10,000.001/22/20225/5/20202/5/2022Jane Smith
7NCUR2458noyesUSCGJ6CIOUSCG-Package 3287Vista$ 6,500.00$ 8,000.001/6/20229/4/20202/6/2022Jane Smith
8LKJ2147noyesUSAFJ3CSDUSAF-Package 776534Win XP$ 2,100.00$ 3,500.007/25/20217/5/20212/7/2022Jane Smith
9POI6698yesnoUSAJ4IODUSA-Package 3398Jwin xp$ 9,800.00$ 12,000.009/2/20214/16/20202/8/2022Jane Smith
10ABCS987nonoUSAFJ1SDDUSAF-Package 776534TTP4 Windows 7 HWLM$ 7,400.00$ 8,000.006/6/20213/1/20212/9/2022Joe Doe
11SMN3298noyesUSSFS4CSDUSSF-Package 2312Windows 7$ 6,500.00$ 9,500.009/22/20217/5/20212/10/2022Joe Doe
12LED8852nonoUSSFS4IODUSSF-Package 2312Windows 10$ 3,500.00$ 3,500.0011/2/20216/7/20202/11/2022John Smith
13LMN326yesyesUSCGS2CSDUSCG-Package 3287Windows XP$ 2,100.00$ 2,500.007/9/20213/1/20212/12/2022John Doe
14WDC589noyesUSNS6CIOUSN-Package 923Win 7$ 1,750.00$ 8,700.002/1/202211/9/20202/13/2022Jane Doe
15VFD365yesyesUSNS6CIOUSN-Package 923Win xp$ 630.00$ 6,500.003/6/20213/25/20202/14/2022Jane Smith
16CVF127yesyesUSMCS3CIOUSMC-Package 78974BBN win 7 TTP77$ 2,500.00$ 3,500.0012/1/20211/6/20212/15/2022Jane Smith
17CVRF9863yesnoUSNJ2SDDUSN-Package 923windows 7$ 7,800.00$ 7,800.002/2/20229/7/20202/16/2022Jane Smith
18MMLK145nonoUSMCJ4IODUSMC-Package 789windows 10$ 9,800.00$ 9,800.003/8/20213/19/20212/17/2022John Doe
19EWD441yesyesUSAFS4CSDUSAF-Package 776534windows XP$ 1,200.00$ 4,500.008/5/20217/7/20202/18/2022John Doe
20RRB2285nonoUSAFS5CSDUSAF-Package 776534Windows 7$ 3,200.00$ 4,500.009/5/20219/3/20202/19/2022John Doe
21ABC568yesorangeabcJ6xyzUSMC-Package 789vista$ 4,000.00$ 10,000.0012/25/20212/5/20202/1/2022John Smith
22SDJ4478yesorangeUSMCJ6CSDUSMC-Package 789XP$ 2,000.00$ 12,000.0011/15/20212/5/20202/2/2022Jane Doe
23LIU9898noyesUSAJ3xyzUSA-Package 3398JWindows 7$ 3,500.00$ 6,500.003/2/20213/1/20212/3/2022John Doe
24HBR5454yesnoabcJ3CSDUSA-Package 3398JWin 10$ 2,500.00$ 7,500.006/15/20214/1/20212/4/2022Jane Smith
25NHRI2347yesbananaUSNJ2EODUSN-Package 923Windows 10$ 1,200.00$ 10,000.001/22/20225/5/20202/5/2022Jane Smith
26NCUR2458noyesabcJ6xyzUSCG-Package 3287Vista$ 6,500.00$ 8,000.001/6/20229/4/20202/6/2022Jane Smith
27LKJ2147noyesUSAFJ3CSDUSAF-Package 776534Win XP$ 2,100.00$ 3,500.007/25/20217/5/20212/7/2022Jane Smith
28POI6698yesappleUSAJ4IODUSA-Package 3398Jwin xp$ 9,800.00$ 12,000.009/2/20214/16/20202/8/2022Jane Smith
29ABCS987nonoabcJ1SDDUSAF-Package 776534Windows 7$ 7,400.00$ 8,000.006/6/20213/1/20212/9/2022Joe Doe
30SMN3298noyesUSSFS4CSDUSSF-Package 2312Windows 7$ 6,500.00$ 9,500.009/22/20217/5/20212/10/2022Joe Doe
31LED8852nonodefS4xyzUSSF-Package 2312Windows 10$ 3,500.00$ 3,500.0011/2/20216/7/20202/11/2022John Smith
32LMN326yesappleabcS2CSDUSCG-Package 3287Windows XP$ 2,100.00$ 2,500.007/9/20213/1/20212/12/2022John Doe
33WDC589noUSNS6defUSN-Package 92374BBN Win 7 TTP77$ 1,750.00$ 8,700.002/1/202211/9/20202/13/2022Jane Doe
34VFD365yesyesUSNS6xyzUSN-Package 923Win xp$ 630.00$ 6,500.003/6/20213/25/20202/14/2022Jane Smith
35CVF127yesappleabcS3xyzUSMC-Package 789win 7$ 2,500.00$ 3,500.0012/1/20211/6/20212/15/2022Jane Smith
36CVRF9863yesnoUSNJ2SDDUSN-Package 923windows 7$ 7,800.00$ 7,800.002/2/20229/7/20202/16/2022Jane Smith
37MMLK145nonoabcJ4IODUSMC-Package 789windows 10$ 9,800.00$ 9,800.003/8/20213/19/20212/17/2022John Doe
38EWD441yesyesUSAFS4CSDUSAF-Package 776534windows XP$ 1,200.00$ 4,500.008/5/20217/7/20202/18/2022John Doe
39RRB2285nonodefS5CSDUSAF-Package 776534Windows 7$ 3,200.00$ 4,500.009/5/20219/3/20202/19/2022John Doe
You should post the code you are trying right now.
Here is the most recent code I used for the test worksheet I posted. This code (or a similar variation) actually worked on the test worksheet, but did not work on the real-world worksheets/data I'm working on. Eventually, I was able to modify the macro to work on my real-world worksheets, but the results pasted all 44,000 rows from the worksheet. So, I may try to start from scratch because I am getting lost the further I fall down the rabbit hole.

Here's the code:

Option Explicit
Sub MacroTest1()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, ar
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")

ar = Array("*Win* 7*", "*XP*")

With ws1.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
.AutoFilter 8, Array(ar), 7
.Copy ws2.Cells(11, 1)
End With

ws2.Cells(11, 1).AutoFilter
End Sub

Thanks again for your assistance.
Upvote 0
Here is the most recent code I used for the test worksheet I posted. This code (or a similar variation) actually worked on the test worksheet, but did not work on the real-world worksheets/data I'm working on. Eventually, I was able to modify the macro to work on my real-world worksheets, but the results pasted all 44,000 rows from the worksheet. So, I may try to start from scratch because I am getting lost the further I fall down the rabbit hole.

Here's the code:

Option Explicit
Sub MacroTest1()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, ar
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")

ar = Array("*Win* 7*", "*XP*")

With ws1.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
.AutoFilter 8, Array(ar), 7
.Copy ws2.Cells(11, 1)
End With

ws2.Cells(11, 1).AutoFilter
End Sub

Thanks again for your assistance.
tested it mate with your dummy data and it works well copied the "target" keyword
I manually counted the would be result (26 records) and it successfully copied and pasted it on sheet2...
Upvote 0
Below code will create a new sheet with filterred rows
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub copy()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Lr&, Lrb&, i&, j&, k&, cell As Range, cri, arr()
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").copy after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
cri = Array("win 7", "windows 7", "xp") ' add more criterias if needed
With ActiveSheet
    Lr = .Cells(Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp).Row
    ReDim arr(1 To Lr, 1 To 1)
    For i = 2 To Lr
        For j = 0 To UBound(cri)
            If InStr(LCase(.Cells(i, "H")), cri(j)) > 0 Then
                k = k + 1
                arr(k, 1) = .Cells(i, "H").Value
                .Cells(i, "H").ClearContents
            End If
    Lrb = Lr
    .Range("H2:H" & Lr).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.copy .Range("A" & Lr + 1)
    .Range("2:" & Lrb).Delete
    .Range("H2").Resize(k, 1).Value = arr
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upvote 0
tested it mate with your dummy data and it works well copied the "target" keyword
I manually counted the would be result (26 records) and it successfully copied and pasted it on sheet2...
It will not work for:
"Windows 10 TTP77"
Upvote 0
How about:

VBA Code:
Sub FindWindowVersions()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                  ' Turn ScreenUpdating off
    Dim StartTime               As Single
    StartTime = Timer                                                                   ' Start the stop watch
    Dim DestinationSheetExists  As Boolean
    Dim ColumnCount             As Long
    Dim KeyWordsArrayRow        As Long, SourceArrayRow As Long
    Dim SearchForWindowsColumn  As Long
    Dim SourceLastColumnNumber  As Long
    Dim SourceLastRow           As Long, SourceStartRow As Long
    Dim CodeCompletionTime      As Single
    Dim DestinationSheet        As String
    Dim SourceLastColumn        As String
    Dim KeyWordsArray()         As String
    Dim OutputArray             As Variant, SourceArray As Variant
    Dim SourceArrayValue        As Variant
    Dim wsDestination           As Worksheet, wsSource  As Worksheet
    DestinationSheet = "Sheet2"                                                 ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet to store results to
    Set wsSource = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")                                ' <--- Set this to the sheet name of the Source sheet
    SourceStartRow = 2                                                          ' <--- Set this to the start row of data on the source sheet
    SearchForWindowsColumn = 8                                                  ' <--- Set this to the column # to search for versions of windows
    On Error Resume Next                                                        ' Bypass error generated in next line if sheet does not exist
    Set wsDestination = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(DestinationSheet)                   ' Assign DestinationSheet to wsDestination
    On Error GoTo 0                                                             ' Turn Excel error handling back on
    If Not wsDestination Is Nothing Then DestinationSheetExists = True          ' Check to see if the DestinationSheet exists
' Create DestinationSheet if it doesn't exist
    If DestinationSheetExists = False Then                                      ' If DestinationSheet does not exist then ...
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(after:=wsSource).Name = DestinationSheet        '   Create the DestinationSheet after the Source sheet
        Set wsDestination = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(DestinationSheet)               '   Assign the DestinationSheet to wsDestination
    End If
    wsDestination.UsedRange.Delete                                              ' Delete any data on the DestinationSheet

    SourceLastRow = wsSource.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row              ' Get last row# used in column A of the source sheet
    SourceLastColumn = Split(Cells(1, (wsSource.Cells.Find("*", , _
            xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)    ' Get last Column Letter used in the source sheet
    SourceLastColumnNumber = wsSource.Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , _
            xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column                                     ' Get last Column# used in the source sheet
    SourceArray = wsSource.Range("A" & SourceStartRow & ":" & _
            SourceLastColumn & SourceLastRow)                                   ' Load 2D 1 based SourceArray RC with all data from the source sheet
    ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1), 1 To UBound(SourceArray, 2)) ' Set the amount of rows & columns for OutputArray
    KeyWordsArray = Split("Windows 7,Win 7,XP", ",")                            ' Establish 1D zero based array of keywords to search for
    DestinationRow = 0                                                          ' Initialize DestinationRow
    For SourceArrayRow = 1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1)                            ' Loop through source rows
        SourceArrayValue = SourceArray(SourceArrayRow, SearchForWindowsColumn)  '   Get SourceArrayValue
        For KeyWordsArrayRow = LBound(KeyWordsArray) To UBound(KeyWordsArray)   '   Loop through KeyWordsArray
            If Len(KeyWordsArray(KeyWordsArrayRow)) > 0 Then                    '       If a keyword to search for exists then ...
                If InStr(1, SourceArrayValue, KeyWordsArray(KeyWordsArrayRow), _
                        vbTextCompare) > 0 Then                                 '           If keyword found then ...
                    DestinationRow = DestinationRow + 1                         '               Increment DestinationRow
                    For ColumnCount = 1 To UBound(SourceArray, 2)               '               Loop through SourceArray columns
                        OutputArray(DestinationRow, ColumnCount) = _
                                SourceArray(SourceArrayRow, ColumnCount)        '                   Save SourceArray row values to OutputArray
                    Next                                                        '               Loop back
                    Exit For                                                    '               Exit this For loop
                End If
            End If
        Next                                                                    '   Loop back
    Next                                                                        ' Loop back
' Write all header values into the DestinationSheet
    wsDestination.Range("A1:N1").Value = Array("ID", "Must_Pay", "Funded", _
            "Agency", "Directorate_ID", "Division_ID", "Acq_Package", "OS", _
            "Amount_Paid", "Amount_Owed", "Date_Updated", "Start_Date", _
            "End_Date", "Updated_By")                                           ' Write header row to DestinationSheet
    wsDestination.Range("A1:N1").Font.Bold = True                               ' Bold the header row
    wsDestination.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(OutputArray, 1), _
            UBound(OutputArray, 2)) = OutputArray                               ' Display results to Destination sheet
    wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                                ' Autofit all of the columns on the Destination sheet
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                           ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on
    CodeCompletionTime = Timer - StartTime                                      ' Stop the stop watch
    CodeCompletionTime = Format(CodeCompletionTime, ".#####")                   ' Prevent scientific notation results
    Debug.Print "Time to complete = " & CodeCompletionTime & " seconds."        ' Display the time elapsed to the user (Ctrl-G)
End Sub
Upvote 0
And here are the time results:

Post #5 code: 72.81201 avg seconds for 44000 rows

Post #8 code: 2.268555 avg seconds for 44000 rows
Upvote 0
Another option, just as a coding exercise on my part :)

VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Sub WinXp()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
    Dim lr As Long, arrIn(), arrOut(), t As Double: t = Timer
    Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1"): Set ws2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")
    lr = ws1.Cells(Rows.Count, 8).End(xlUp).Row
    arrIn = ws1.Range("A2:N" & lr)
    ReDim arrOut(1 To lr - 1, 1 To 14)
    i = 1: j = 1
    For i = 1 To UBound(arrIn)
        If arrIn(i, 8) Like "*win*" Or arrIn(i, 8) Like "*xp*" Then
            For k = 1 To UBound(arrIn, 2)
                arrOut(j, k) = arrIn(i, k)
                Next k
                j = j + 1
        End If
    Next i
    ws2.Cells(2, 1).Resize(i, 14).Value = arrOut
    ws1.Rows(1).Copy ws2.Cells(1, 1)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    MsgBox Timer - t & " secs."
End Sub
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