Hi all, I've been trying to extract data on some website inside Internet Explorer. I've been able to do it right with this code on some of the websites that I need to work on. But now i just encountered a problem on this specific website in which I cant extract the data that i need because my code can't seem to see the innerText of that specific elementTag. On this code I even listed all the innerText that the elementTag "td" has, but the data that I need is still missing. As if my code can't read that specific tag. I dont know if the problem is in my code or the website is just secured, if anyone had encountered this kind of problem please help. I'm sorry but I can't share the website because it is private.
sub OpenBrowser()
Dim IE As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim html As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim htmldatas As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim htmldata As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate "my site"
Do: Loop Until IE.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
Set html = IE.Document
Set htmldatas = html2.getElementsByTagName("td")
For Each htmldata In htmldatas
Debug.Print htmldata.innerText
Next htmldata
end sub