Hi there.
I've got some code that I've been using for quite some time for bulk find and replace operations. I've got a tab with the values to find in col A and the values to replace with in col B. This macro looks through a range on another tab and performs find and replace operations en masse.
Here's the code:
When I run this with my current sets of values, I'm getting Run-time 13 Type Mismatch errors.
I believe the issues is that the values I'm attempting to find / replace now exceed 255 characters. These values are long folder paths.
Any thoughts?
Thank you!
I've got some code that I've been using for quite some time for bulk find and replace operations. I've got a tab with the values to find in col A and the values to replace with in col B. This macro looks through a range on another tab and performs find and replace operations en masse.
Here's the code:
Sub MultiFindNReplace()
Dim myList, myRange
Set myList = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:B211") 'two column range where find/replace pairs are
Set myRange = Sheets("Record List").Range("B2:B1550") 'range to be searched
For Each cel In myList.Columns(1).Cells
myRange.Replace what:=cel.Value, Replacement:=cel.Offset(0, 1).Value
Next cel
End Sub
When I run this with my current sets of values, I'm getting Run-time 13 Type Mismatch errors.
I believe the issues is that the values I'm attempting to find / replace now exceed 255 characters. These values are long folder paths.
Any thoughts?
Thank you!
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