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I found a great piece of code on the web that allows a user to quickly and easily maintain a custom menu bar based upon a simple table that is built in the PERSONAL.XLS workbook.
However, I need help tweaking the code so that I can add submenus. I already have 26 items in the custom menu, and there are several more that I would like to add. Hence, I really need to incorporate submenus.
Following is the table that I built in the PERSONAL.xls workbook. The VBA code uses this table to flexibly construct a menu (titled 'Macros' that pops up before the Help dropdown on the top menu bar).
And below is the code that runs every time I open an Excel instance.
Any ideas for how I could flexibly incorporate the option to build in a submenu? It would be great if I could add simply one more column to the table that I pasted; call the column 'Submenu?' and then let a "TRUE" make the corresponding row the submenu of the preceding row. I would then need some way to indicate that the code should jump back out of the submenu and return to the regular menu level.
Example: imagine you built a menu with 3 main items in the dropdown: Movies; Actors; Locations. If I had 4 movies I wanted to put in a submenu below "Movies", then I would want the first movie to be marked True for submenu column, and then movies 2-4 could be false (since the code would assume that it was in submenu mode until I indicated otherwise); the next row down would indicate "Actors" for which I could put "Back Up" in the submenu column to suggest I needed to jump back up a level. Make sense?
Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks.
However, I need help tweaking the code so that I can add submenus. I already have 26 items in the custom menu, and there are several more that I would like to add. Hence, I really need to incorporate submenus.
Following is the table that I built in the PERSONAL.xls workbook. The VBA code uses this table to flexibly construct a menu (titled 'Macros' that pops up before the Help dropdown on the top menu bar).
Order Menu Caption OnAction Macro Begin Group FaceID State Enabled
1 &Macros
2 &Insert IsError Insert_IsError TRUE
3 Format in &Ones Format_Ones_withComma_OneDecimal TRUE TRUE
4 Format in &Thousands Format_000s_1decimal TRUE
5 Format in &Millions Format_Millions_1decimal TRUE
6 Cond. Format &1: white font on red Cond_Format_1_white_font_on_red TRUE TRUE
7 Cond. Format &0: white font Cond_Format_0_white TRUE
8 Alternate Rows: white/&grey AlternatingRows TRUE
9 Alternate &Rows: white/grey/blue Alternating3Rows TRUE
10 Delete All Conditional Formatting DeleteCondFormatting TRUE
11 &Deactivate Formulas Insert_Apostrophe TRUE TRUE
12 &Activate Formulas Delete_Apostrophe TRUE
13 PageSetup - &Landscape PageSetup_Landscape TRUE TRUE
14 PageSetup - &Portrait PageSetup_Portrait TRUE
15 Add &Footer (file and time) footers_add TRUE
16 D&elete Footer footers_delete TRUE
17 List All Tabs in &Workbook List_All_Tab_Names TRUE TRUE
18 E&xtract Unique Items in List List_Unique_Members TRUE
19 Format &Chart Uniform_Charts TRUE
20 Special &Underline Special_Underline TRUE
21 Format &BusObject report BO_reformat TRUE
22 Delete MPC's leading &spaces Delete_MPC_leading_spaces TRUE
23 Perce&ntiles Percentile_Add TRUE
24 Un&hide all Tabs UnhideSheets TRUE
25 Print Screen&z Print_Screen TRUE
26 Delete Rows Meeting Criterion DeleteRows_meeting_criterion TRUE
And below is the code that runs every time I open an Excel instance.
Sub AddCustomMenu()
'creates flexible menu system based on Excel table
'By Charles Maxson
'published on http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa155718(office.10).aspx
Dim cmbMenu As CommandBarPopup
Dim cmbcMenuItem As CommandBarControl
Dim rngMenu As Range
' Ensure menu doesn't already exist.
Set rngMenu = MenuTab.Range("CustomMenu") ' Designate start of menu range.
' Add a new popup menu bar, set it to cmbMenu.
Set cmbMenu = CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar"). _
Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, _
Before:=CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
' Set the caption of the new menu.
With cmbMenu
.Caption = rngMenu.Value
.DescriptionText = rngMenu.Value & " Menu"
End With
' *Move* down to the next row of the menu range.
Set rngMenu = rngMenu.Offset(1, 0)
' Loop until the range is blank.
Do Until rngMenu.Value = Empty
' Add a new menu bar button, set it to cmbcMenuItem.
Set cmbcMenuItem = _
' Set the properties of the button found in menu range.
With cmbcMenuItem
.Caption = rngMenu.Value
.OnAction = rngMenu.Offset(0, 1).Value
.BeginGroup = rngMenu.Offset(0, 2).Value
If IsNumeric(rngMenu.Offset(0, 3).Value) Then
.FaceId = rngMenu.Offset(0, 3).Value
ElseIf rngMenu.Offset(0, 3).Value <> "" Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("wsWorking").Shapes _
(rngMenu.Offset(0, 3).Value).Copy
End If
.State = rngMenu.Offset(0, 4).Value
.Enabled = rngMenu.Offset(0, 5).Value
End With
' *Move* down to the next row of the menu range.
Set rngMenu = rngMenu.Offset(1, 0)
' Release variables.
Set rngMenu = Nothing
Set cmbcMenuItem = Nothing
Set cmbMenu = Nothing
End Sub
' Remove custom menu defined in CustomMenu range.
Sub RemoveMenus()
On Error Resume Next
' Remove Menu Bar.
CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls( _
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("wsWorking").Range( _
End Sub
Any ideas for how I could flexibly incorporate the option to build in a submenu? It would be great if I could add simply one more column to the table that I pasted; call the column 'Submenu?' and then let a "TRUE" make the corresponding row the submenu of the preceding row. I would then need some way to indicate that the code should jump back out of the submenu and return to the regular menu level.
Example: imagine you built a menu with 3 main items in the dropdown: Movies; Actors; Locations. If I had 4 movies I wanted to put in a submenu below "Movies", then I would want the first movie to be marked True for submenu column, and then movies 2-4 could be false (since the code would assume that it was in submenu mode until I indicated otherwise); the next row down would indicate "Actors" for which I could put "Back Up" in the submenu column to suggest I needed to jump back up a level. Make sense?
Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks.