Sub GetComps()
Dim answer, BU, x, y, z, count, FstRw, LstRw, PropRw, CurEnd As Long
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim FstCell, DataRng As Range
Dim PropMetrics()
answer = MsgBox("Have you set up your desired parameters?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Please make sure to fill out the parameters")
If answer = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Speeds Up Code
On Error Resume Next
BU = Range("D2").Value
Const LocLen As Long = 7
Const MetricLen As Long = 5
ReDim PropMetrics(LocLen + MetricLen - 1, 5)
For y = 0 To LocLen - 1
For x = 0 To 5
PropMetrics(y, x) = Cells(5 + y, 4 + x).Value
If Cells(5 + y, 9).Value = "Yes" Then
PropMetrics(y, 5) = True
PropMetrics(y, 5) = False
End If
For y = 0 To MetricLen - 1
For x = 0 To 1
PropMetrics(y + LocLen, x) = Cells(14 + y, 5 + x).Value
For x = 2 To 3
If Cells(14 + y, 6 + x).Value = "Yes" Then
PropMetrics(y + LocLen, x) = True
PropMetrics(y + LocLen, x) = False
End If
Dim ValRng As Range
Dim AllDataArr()
Dim CompArr()
Dim TempArr()
With Sheets("Data Summary")
Const DataMetrics As Long = 25 ' Number of metrics added to the Lease Comps from the Data Summary tab
Set FstCell = .Range("A1:C7").Find("#", , xlValues).Offset(1, 1)
LstRw = .Range(FstCell, .Cells(4000, FstCell.Column)).Find(0, , xlValues, xlWhole).Row ' Finding last lease
Set DataRng = .Range(FstCell, .Cells(LstRw, DataMetrics + FstCell.Column - 1))
End With
AllDataArr = DataRng
ReDim CompArr(1 To 2, 1 To DataMetrics - 2)
CurEnd = 1
For y = 1 To UBound(AllDataArr)
Found = True
'Determining if location parameters need to be checked, skip check if all are not included
For x = 1 To LocLen
If PropMetrics(x - 1, 5) = True Then
Found = False
Exit For
End If
If Found = False Then
'Checking for Location
For x = 1 To 2
If PropMetrics(x - 1, 5) = True Then
Found = False
z = 0
Do While z < 5
If PropMetrics(x - 1, z) = AllDataArr(y, x + 1) And Not PropMetrics(x - 1, z) = "" Then
Found = True
Exit Do
End If
z = z + 1
If Found = False Then GoTo NextLease
End If
For x = 3 To LocLen
If PropMetrics(x - 1, 5) = True Then
Found = False
z = 0
Do While z < 5
If PropMetrics(x - 1, z) = AllDataArr(y, x + 3) And Not PropMetrics(x - 1, z) = "" Then
Found = True
Exit Do
End If
z = z + 1
If Found = False Then GoTo NextLease
End If
End If
'Checking Characteristic metrics
For x = LocLen To MetricLen + LocLen - 2
If PropMetrics(x, 2) = True Then ' Min
If PropMetrics(x, 0) > AllDataArr(y, x + 5) Then
Found = False
Exit For
End If
End If
If PropMetrics(x, 3) = True Then 'Max
If PropMetrics(x, 1) < AllDataArr(y, x + 5) Then
Found = False
Exit For
End If
End If
'Checking Proximity
If PropMetrics(x, 2) = True Then ' Min
If PropMetrics(x, 0) > AllDataArr(y, 11) Then
Found = False
Exit For
End If
End If
If PropMetrics(x, 3) = True Then 'Max
If PropMetrics(x, 1) < AllDataArr(y, 11) Then
Found = False
Exit For
End If
End If
If Found = False Then GoTo NextLease
For z = 1 To DataMetrics - 1
CompArr(CurEnd, z) = AllDataArr(y, z) 'All Info
CurEnd = CurEnd + 1
CompArr = Application.Transpose(CompArr)
ReDim Preserve CompArr(1 To DataMetrics - 2, 1 To CurEnd)
CompArr = Application.Transpose(CompArr)
If CompArr(1, 1) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("No comps were found for this property with your desired parameters")
Exit Sub
End If