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I have a macro that is used to apply formulas to a table. The macro runs fine until I try to set an array formula. The formula is in a criteria worksheet and is a named range.
The named Range's value is dimmed as FormCW, for the formula to place in column CW. The formula value is equal to:
where each of the named ranges in the formula are in the same table with equal starting and ending rows. If I enter this formula manually in the column and hit CTR-SHIFT-ENTER it fills the column fine as an array. It just won't do it in the macro.
Here is the full macro. I'll highlight in red the problem point. This is my first post so hopefully I'm posting correctly.
The named Range's value is dimmed as FormCW, for the formula to place in column CW. The formula value is equal to:
where each of the named ranges in the formula are in the same table with equal starting and ending rows. If I enter this formula manually in the column and hit CTR-SHIFT-ENTER it fills the column fine as an array. It just won't do it in the macro.
Here is the full macro. I'll highlight in red the problem point. This is my first post so hopefully I'm posting correctly.

Rich (BB code):
Sub Apply_Formulas_to_SRM()
' Apply_Formulas_to_SRM Macro
' Applies formulas to the SRM tab and then after calculation replaces them with their calculated values
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
Dim School, LastRow, ApplyValues
Dim FormC, FormE, FormAO, FormBP, FormBQ, FormBU, FormBV, FormBW, FormBY, FormCA, _
FormCF, FormCG, FormCH, FormCJ, FormCK, FormCM, FormCN, FormCO, FormCP, FormCQ, _
FormCR, FormCS, FormCT, FormCU, FormCV, FormCW, FormCX As Variant, FormCY
Dim LastAsOfDate As Range, LastSRMUIC As Range, LastSRMRecentAsOf As Range
Set LastAsOfDate = Range("Last_SRM_AsOfDate")
Set LastSRMUIC = Range("Last_SRM_UIC")
Set LastSRMRecentAsOf = Range("Last_SRM_Most_Recent_As_Of?")
School = Range("SRM_School").Value
ApplyValues = Range("SRM_Apply_Values?").Value
FormC = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_ENROLLMENT_DATE").Value
FormE = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_GENERALED_FTE").Value
FormAO = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_LEP_INSTRUCTIONAL_PROGRAM").Value
FormBP = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_AS_OF_DATE").Value
FormBQ = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_IEP_DATE").Value
FormBU = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_PRIMARY_DISABILITY").Value
FormBV = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_PRIMARY_EDUCATIONAL_SETTING").Value
FormBW = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_PROGRAM_SERVICE_CODE").Value
FormBY = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_SECTION52_FTE").Value
FormCA = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_SPECED_EXIT_DATE").Value
FormCF = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_DAYS_ATTENDED").Value
FormCG = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_TOTAL_POSSIBLE_ATTENDENCE").Value
FormCH = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_SECTION25").Value
FormCJ = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Is_SPED?").Value
FormCK = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Is_Weekend?").Value
FormCM = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_State_Enroll_Date").Value
FormCN = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_State_Exit_Date").Value
FormCO = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Date_after_Last_Attended").Value
FormCP = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_SRM_Exit_Date").Value
FormCQ = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_GC_Exit_Date").Value
FormCR = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_School_Enrollment_Date").Value
FormCS = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Reported_in_SRM").Value
FormCT = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Section_25_Reported?").Value
FormCU = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Reported_in_GC").Value
FormCV = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Formula_Testing_Window_Enrollment_Warning").Value
FormCW = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Earliest_As_of_Date").Value
FormCX = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Last_SRM_AsOf").Value
FormCY = "=" & Range("Formula_SRM_Trim_Testing_Window_AsOf_Warning").Value
Sheets("" & School & " SRM").Select
LastRow = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
LastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Range("C2:C" & LastRow).Formula = FormC
Range("E2:E" & LastRow).Formula = FormE
Range("AO2:AO" & LastRow).Formula = FormAO
Range("BP2:BP" & LastRow).Formula = FormBP
Range("BQ2:BQ" & LastRow).Formula = FormBQ
Range("BU2:BU" & LastRow).Formula = FormBU
Range("BV2:BV" & LastRow).Formula = FormBV
Range("BW2:BW" & LastRow).Formula = FormBW
Range("BY2:BY" & LastRow).Formula = FormBY
Range("CA2:CA" & LastRow).Formula = FormCA
Range("CF2:CF" & LastRow).Formula = FormCF
Range("CG2:CG" & LastRow).Formula = FormCG
Range("CH2:CH" & LastRow).Formula = FormCH
Range("CJ2:CJ" & LastRow).Formula = FormCJ
Range("CK2:CK" & LastRow).Formula = FormCK
Range("CM2:CM" & LastRow).Formula = FormCM
Range("CN2:CN" & LastRow).Formula = FormCN
Range("CO2:CO" & LastRow).Formula = FormCO
Range("CP2:CP" & LastRow).Formula = FormCP
Range("CQ2:CQ" & LastRow).Formula = FormCQ
Range("CR2:CR" & LastRow).Formula = FormCR
Range("CS2:CS" & LastRow).Formula = FormCS
Range("CT2:CT" & LastRow).Formula = FormCT
Range("CU2:CU" & LastRow).Formula = FormCU
Range("CV2:CV" & LastRow).Formula = FormCV
Range("CW2:CW" & LastRow).Formula = FormCW
Range("CX2:CX" & LastRow).Formula.Array = FormCX (this is where it errors out)
Range("CY2:CY" & LastRow).Formula = FormCY
Range("SRM_Trim_AsOf_Set?").ClearContents ' removes any "Yes" answers
If ApplyValues = "Yes" Then GoTo ChangetoValues Else GoTo EndMacro
Range("A2:CY" & LastRow).Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
GoTo EndMacro
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
End Sub
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