Hi guys! I've been recently getting into coding VBA, and am still relatively new to it (about 2 weeks in). I'm currently trying to use the following formula in vba as an array formula, but I get an error message " Unable to set the FormulaArray property of the range class". I've tried breaking it up into multiple parts, as a workaround for the character limit, but I still get the same error. Could anyone help check my code?
Original code is as follows:
Partitioned Code is as follows:
From what I can tell, the code should be first inputting the formulapart1 into the cell, then replacing the "Part2" in the formula with FormulaPart2, then replacing Part3 with formulapart3. however, I'm currently just getting the same error (" Unable to set the FormulaArray property of the range class") at the line which sets FormulaArray = formulapart1.
Any help at all would be appreciated!</month(p2),if('details></month(p2),if('details></month(p2),if('details></month(p2),if('details>
Original code is as follows:
Cells(i, 5).FormulaArray = "=SUM(IF(YEAR('Details - USD'!" & ValDate.Address & ")=YEAR(P2),IF(MONTH('Details - USD'!" & ValDate.Address & ")<month(p2),if('details -="" usd'!"="" &="" currsold.address="" "="" cells(i,="" 3).value="" """,'details="" soldamt.address="" ",0),0),if(year('details="" valdate.address="" ")="YEAR(O2),IF(MONTH('Details">=MONTH(O2),IF('Details - USD'!" & CurrSold.Address & "=""" & Cells(i, 3).Value & """,'Details - USD'!" & SoldAmt.Address & ",0)))))/1000000"
Partitioned Code is as follows:
Cells(3, 5).Select
For i = 3 To 5
formulapart1 = "=SUM(IF(""Part2"",""Part3"")/1000000"<month(p2),if('details -="" usd'!"="" &="" currsold.address="" "="" cells(i,="" 3).value="" """,'details="" soldamt.address="" ",0),0)"
FormulaPart2 = <month(p2),if('details -="" usd'!"="" &="" currsold.address="" "="" cells(i,="" 3).value="" """,'details="" soldamt.address="" ",0),0)"
"YEAR('Details - USD'!" & ValDate.Address & ")=YEAR(P2),IF(MONTH('Details - USD'!" & ValDate.Address & ")<month(p2),if('details -="" usd'!"="" &="" currsold.address="" "="" cells(i,="" 3).value="" """,'details="" soldamt.address="" ",0),0)"
formulapart3 = "IF(YEAR('Details - USD'!" & ValDate.Address & ")=YEAR(O2),IF(MONTH('Details - USD'!" & ValDate.Address & ")>=MONTH(O2),IF('Details - USD'!" & CurrSold.Address & "=""" & Cells(i, 3).Value & """,'Details - USD'!" & SoldAmt.Address & ",0))))"
With Cells(i, 5)
.FormulaArray = formulapart1
.Replace what:="""Part2""", replacement:=FormulaPart2, lookat:=xlPart
.Replace what:="""Part3""", replacement:=formulapart3, lookat:=xlPart
End With
Any help at all would be appreciated!</month(p2),if('details></month(p2),if('details></month(p2),if('details></month(p2),if('details>