At the bottom of page 410, under ADDIN A RECORD TO THE DATABASE, it says:
"...this way, the userform code can simply call AddTransfer(Style, FromStore, ToStore, Qty)."
And on page 411, this is the code it pertains to:
My questions:
1. Do I need to create a userform first in order to call the above SUB?
2. If #1 is yes, do I need to e.g. create textboxes in the userforms, commanbuttons, etc?
3. To call the above code, do I just include a line in the userform event that says
The reason for me asking #3 is that when I (as a quick test) ran a SUB that calls AddTransfer(Style, FromStore, ToStore, Qty), it gave me error that says:
Compile Error:
ByRef argument type mismatch
and it is pointing to the Qty
Please advise.
At the bottom of page 410, under ADDIN A RECORD TO THE DATABASE, it says:
"...this way, the userform code can simply call AddTransfer(Style, FromStore, ToStore, Qty)."
And on page 411, this is the code it pertains to:
Sub AddTransfer(Style As Variant, FromStore As Variant, ToStore As Variant, Qty As Long)
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
MyConn = "C:\Documents and Settings\JLI003\Desktop\Invoice number\transfer.mdb"
'Open the connection
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
With cnn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.Open MyConn
End With
'Define the recordset
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer
'Open the table
rst.Open Source:="tblTransfer", ActiveConnection:=cnn, CursorType:=adOpenDynamic, LockType:=adLockOptimistic, Options:=adCmdTable
'Add a record
'Set up the values for the fields. The first four fields
'are passed from the calling userform. The date field
'is filled with current date
rst("Style") = Style
rst("FromStore") = FromStore
rst("(QTY") = Qty
rst("tDate") = Date
rst("Sent") = False
rst("Receive") = False
'Write the values to this record
End Sub
My questions:
1. Do I need to create a userform first in order to call the above SUB?
2. If #1 is yes, do I need to e.g. create textboxes in the userforms, commanbuttons, etc?
3. To call the above code, do I just include a line in the userform event that says
call AddTransfer(Style, FromStore, ToStore, Qty)
The reason for me asking #3 is that when I (as a quick test) ran a SUB that calls AddTransfer(Style, FromStore, ToStore, Qty), it gave me error that says:
Compile Error:
ByRef argument type mismatch
and it is pointing to the Qty
Please advise.