Hello all.
I am importing a textfile and everything is working great except I fear there may be a limitation to the number of variables I have in my string:
If StrComp(Mid(strFileData, 33, 2), "70", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Or StrComp(Mid(strFileData, 33, 2), "50") = 0 .... ..... Then
It works fine and then the code wraps and it quits working. Is there a limit to the number variables you are considering?
Thanks for your help.
I am importing a textfile and everything is working great except I fear there may be a limitation to the number of variables I have in my string:
If StrComp(Mid(strFileData, 33, 2), "70", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Or StrComp(Mid(strFileData, 33, 2), "50") = 0 .... ..... Then
It works fine and then the code wraps and it quits working. Is there a limit to the number variables you are considering?
Thanks for your help.