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- Jun 18, 2004
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I am having a problem with some VB executing in Excel.
On my development box, 90% of the time it will run in under 40 seconds (which is acceptable, but I'd love to improve upon it.). 10% of the time, it seems if I have a 2nd workbook open, unrelated?, or if perhaps my computer is just slightly busy with something else, antivirus, whatever. it takes 16 minutes. Obviously if I can get 40 seconds down to 3-5 then 16 minutes may drop to 1-2 minutes (worse case), any such gains would be highly welcomed.
What this is doing.
I have a 'quote' sheet, that has many tabs brought in from external sources.
This takes all those tabs (after the initial tabs in the book that remain static) and renames them in order 1 -> (100 now, eventually xxxxx).
It also allows them to reorder those numbered tabs, delete, add, or whatever and then resync causing them to once again go back to the order 1 through 100. (( not by sorting them, but by renaming them to a NEW 1 through 100.)) exaple, 3 sheets, named 1 2 3... move 3 before 1 and 2 and now it says 3 1 2 for tabs. hit sync it will change it back to 1 2 3 with sheet 3 now being sheet 1.
After it renames the tabs, it then goes back to each tab and synchronizes the quantity field, as well as syncing the Estimator sheet to each tab as well.
Finally it goes back to an itemized list sheet and cleans it up as well.
so I guess this is a 3 part process.
I have made small gains optimizing a paticular loop to skip over actions that would be already existing in the 'syncbook()' sub.
I think my biggest overhead for processing is dealing with the data that resides on other sheets, but am lacking a way to speed that up.
for informational purposes, here is my current situation.
worksheet with 60 extra tabs (above and beyond the 8 static), ... takes about 7 seconds to rename all 60 tabs to the proper order. then takes another 25-40 seconds to 'sync' the pages to one another (if disabling the latest optimization to remove redundant actions. )
Here is the first Sub, followed by the second:
Thanks in advance for any efforts you contribute and time to read this.
On my development box, 90% of the time it will run in under 40 seconds (which is acceptable, but I'd love to improve upon it.). 10% of the time, it seems if I have a 2nd workbook open, unrelated?, or if perhaps my computer is just slightly busy with something else, antivirus, whatever. it takes 16 minutes. Obviously if I can get 40 seconds down to 3-5 then 16 minutes may drop to 1-2 minutes (worse case), any such gains would be highly welcomed.
What this is doing.
I have a 'quote' sheet, that has many tabs brought in from external sources.
This takes all those tabs (after the initial tabs in the book that remain static) and renames them in order 1 -> (100 now, eventually xxxxx).
It also allows them to reorder those numbered tabs, delete, add, or whatever and then resync causing them to once again go back to the order 1 through 100. (( not by sorting them, but by renaming them to a NEW 1 through 100.)) exaple, 3 sheets, named 1 2 3... move 3 before 1 and 2 and now it says 3 1 2 for tabs. hit sync it will change it back to 1 2 3 with sheet 3 now being sheet 1.
After it renames the tabs, it then goes back to each tab and synchronizes the quantity field, as well as syncing the Estimator sheet to each tab as well.
Finally it goes back to an itemized list sheet and cleans it up as well.
so I guess this is a 3 part process.
I have made small gains optimizing a paticular loop to skip over actions that would be already existing in the 'syncbook()' sub.
I think my biggest overhead for processing is dealing with the data that resides on other sheets, but am lacking a way to speed that up.
for informational purposes, here is my current situation.
worksheet with 60 extra tabs (above and beyond the 8 static), ... takes about 7 seconds to rename all 60 tabs to the proper order. then takes another 25-40 seconds to 'sync' the pages to one another (if disabling the latest optimization to remove redundant actions. )
Here is the first Sub, followed by the second:
Sub rename_tabs()
Dim vArrIn As Variant
Dim vArrIn2 As Variant
Dim vArrOut(100, 100)
myTimer = Timer
'First we need to verify / gauruntee that this whole process will go off without hitch
'Grab snapshot of itemized list sheets order before renaming / reordering tabs
vArrIn = Sheets("LIST").Range("C4:CY103")
'verify there is no duplicate item name, so that we can make sure we will maintain proper quantities when we reorder the sheets
' !must make this not be hardcoded for '100 sheets'
For g = 1 To 100
test_name1 = vArrIn(g, 1)
For h = g + 1 To 100
test_name2 = vArrIn(h, 1)
If test_name1 = test_name2 And test_name2 <> "" Then
MsgBox ("There is a Duplicate Item Name present. We must abort.")
Exit Sub
End If
Next h
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
wsname =
' check for "_" to know if this paticular item belongs to a specific company or branch (specialized)
If InStr(wsname, "_") Then
wsnameTemp = Split(wsname, "_")
wsname = wsnameTemp(0)
End If
wsrange = ws.Range("B6").Value
If UCase(Left(wsname, 3)) = UCase(Left(wsrange, 3)) Then
For f = 1 To 100
' Verify no duplicate name already exists in the book, to avoid diffuculties with reordering the sheets.
If UCase(wsrange) = UCase(vArrIn(f, 1)) And vArrIn(f, 1) <> "" Then
MsgBox ("There is a Duplicate Item Name present. (" & UCase(wsname) & ") We must abort.")
Exit Sub
End If
Next f
End If
Next ws
Next g
' Finally we will rebuild the List page with the new order of all the sheets, moving the quanities with their respective sheets
For test = 9 To Sheets.Count
Sheets(test).name = "temp" & test - 8
Next test
temp = 4
For test1 = 9 To Sheets.Count
Sheets(test1).name = test1 - 8
Sheets("LIST").Cells(temp, 3) = Sheets(test1).Range("B8").Value
temp = temp + 1
Next test1
' Fix up that Itemized List Sheet
vArrIn2 = Sheets("LIST").Range("C4:C103")
For i = 1 To 100
For j = 1 To 100
If IsEmpty(vArrIn2(j, 1)) Then
GoTo here:
End If
vArrOut(j - 1, 0) = vArrIn2(j, 1)
If vArrIn(i, 1) = vArrIn2(j, 1) Then
For k = 1 To 101
vArrOut(j - 1, k - 1) = vArrIn(i, k)
Next k
Count = Count + 1
GoTo here2:
End If
Next j
Next i
'MsgBox (Count)
Sheets("List").Range("C4:CY103") = vArrOut
' Perform woorkbook synchronization now
MsgBox (Timer - myTimer)
End Sub
Sub SyncBook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim temp As String
Dim name As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim shopCost As String
Dim engCost As String
j = 11
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
'begin block - not very clean way to avoid working on the 'standard' sheets in the quote
If <> "EST" Then
If <> "ORDER" Then
If <> "LIST" Then
If <> "QUOTE" Then
If <> "ACCT" Then
If <> "ITEMIZED" Then
If <> "Item Price" Then
If <> "Hidden" Then
If <> "ItemPicker" Then
'end block
temp = "='" & & "'!"
'name = Range("B6").Value
name = ws.Range("B6").Value
' ActiveSheet.Unprotect
If ws.Range("A8").Formula = "=EST!D" & j Then
'GoTo skipwrite:
End If
'Range("B3").Value = "=EST!D2"
'Range("B4").Value = "=EST!D3"
'Range("B5").Value = "=EST!D4"
'Range("B6").Value = "=EST!I2"
'Range("A8").Value = "=EST!D" & j
'Range("I6").Value = "=EST!Q8"
'Range("I7").Value = "=EST!U8"
ws.Range("A8").Value = "=EST!D" & j
If ws.Range("B3").Formula = "=EST!D2" Then
GoTo skipRest:
End If
ws.Range("B3").Value = "=EST!D2"
ws.Range("B4").Value = "=EST!D3"
ws.Range("B5").Value = "=EST!D4"
ws.Range("B6").Value = "=EST!I2"
ws.Range("I6").Value = "=EST!Q8"
ws.Range("I7").Value = "=EST!U8"
'ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
ws.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
' Somewhere here I want to dynamically grab many of the following variables, based on where
' they may actually show up in the sheet. ( for non static, placement of specific cells. )
Range("E" & j).Value = temp & "B8"
Range("H" & j).Value = temp & "I4"
Range("K" & j).Value = temp & "I5"
Range("N" & j).Value = temp & "F6"
Range("R" & j).Value = temp & "F7"
'travel costs
Range("V" & j).Value = temp & "I8"
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
j = j + 1
'begin block
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'end block
Next ws
tempsheet = 0
For m = j To 100
temptemp = "E" & m
If IsError(Sheets("EST").Range(temptemp).Value) Then
If tempsheet = 0 Then
Set NewSheet = Sheets.Add
sheetname =
tes = "=" & sheetname & "!A1"
Sheets("EST").Range(temptemp).Formula = tes
tempsheet = 1
Sheets("EST").Range(temptemp).Formula = tes
End If
ElseIf Sheets("EST").Range(temptemp).Value = "" Then
GoTo exitCellFixer:
If tempsheet = 0 Then
Set NewSheet = Sheets.Add
sheetname =
tes = "=" & sheetname & "!A1"
Sheets("EST").Range(temptemp).Formula = tes
tempsheet = 1
Sheets("EST").Range(temptemp).Formula = tes
End If
End If
Next m
If tempsheet = 1 Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
For k = j To 99
temp = "E" & k
If IsError(Range(temp).Value) Then
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
GoTo here:
End If
Next k
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
End Sub
Thanks in advance for any efforts you contribute and time to read this.