I added the following VB code when a user opens a particular file, it will automatically pop up with a message, then prompt the user to Save As a copy. The goal is to preserve the original contents of the file. All of the audience will be using the online version of Microsoft 365 Excel. Is there a way to accomplish this?
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
' Display a message box explaining to the user to Save As a new document
MsgBox "Before you begin, you will be prompted to Save As a new file. Name this file the date of your store visit. ", vbInformation, "Save As Prompt"
' Prompt the user with the Save As dialog box
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
' Display a message box explaining to the user to Save As a new document
MsgBox "Before you begin, you will be prompted to Save As a new file. Name this file the date of your store visit. ", vbInformation, "Save As Prompt"
' Prompt the user with the Save As dialog box
End Sub