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I found several threads on MrExcel and several other sites that listed code to accomplish both halves of what I am trying to do; but I am having a hard time marrying them.
First, I want to be able to use VBA to open an "Excel.Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)" in ***VISIO*** (using the reference to the Excel Library, which I have specified), to select multiple Visio files...
Next, I want to be able to merge those documents into one Visio file with multiple sheets.
I started out by finding and adjusting the code to create a series of subroutines for the last half of this project - and when I hard code the file names into an array of type variant, since I don't yet have a way to fill a variable, I just typed each file name encapsulated in quotes and separated them by commas, I can run the main sub and successfully merge the files into one. Half success!
Then I found and adjusted different code in a new sub to open a file dialog in Visio, even though Visio doesn't natively allow this like Excel or Word does. I can select the files I want (the same ones I hard coded in the other half of this project, for example), and create a clean string that looks identical to what I hard-coded, with quotes and all. I don't know how to put the files names into the variant array expected by the other sub. I believe (perhaps incorrectly) that the other sub wants a variant array because it is using LBound and UBound functions to cycle through the list of file names. I have searched all throughout this and other forums including Microsoft and general Google to find the answer. I tried using CVAR on the string but I still get a type mismatch error. I tried using Split to populate the array, but that also creates an error at run time. I tried outputting the string to a MsgBox, just to visualize what might be going on with the string, I tried formatting the string in different ways in case there were extra characters or quotes included in the array...
So then I either need help to convert the string to the variant array needed by the other sub(s); OR, I need help to adjust the other subs to use the data in the string.
I'm truly stuck! Even if you don't use Visio, this code requires the Excel library to operate, and I'm hoping someone might be able to review this code and see an obvious error I can fix.
My code is as follows.
I found several threads on MrExcel and several other sites that listed code to accomplish both halves of what I am trying to do; but I am having a hard time marrying them.
First, I want to be able to use VBA to open an "Excel.Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)" in ***VISIO*** (using the reference to the Excel Library, which I have specified), to select multiple Visio files...
Next, I want to be able to merge those documents into one Visio file with multiple sheets.
I started out by finding and adjusting the code to create a series of subroutines for the last half of this project - and when I hard code the file names into an array of type variant, since I don't yet have a way to fill a variable, I just typed each file name encapsulated in quotes and separated them by commas, I can run the main sub and successfully merge the files into one. Half success!
Then I found and adjusted different code in a new sub to open a file dialog in Visio, even though Visio doesn't natively allow this like Excel or Word does. I can select the files I want (the same ones I hard coded in the other half of this project, for example), and create a clean string that looks identical to what I hard-coded, with quotes and all. I don't know how to put the files names into the variant array expected by the other sub. I believe (perhaps incorrectly) that the other sub wants a variant array because it is using LBound and UBound functions to cycle through the list of file names. I have searched all throughout this and other forums including Microsoft and general Google to find the answer. I tried using CVAR on the string but I still get a type mismatch error. I tried using Split to populate the array, but that also creates an error at run time. I tried outputting the string to a MsgBox, just to visualize what might be going on with the string, I tried formatting the string in different ways in case there were extra characters or quotes included in the array...
So then I either need help to convert the string to the variant array needed by the other sub(s); OR, I need help to adjust the other subs to use the data in the string.
I'm truly stuck! Even if you don't use Visio, this code requires the Excel library to operate, and I'm hoping someone might be able to review this code and see an obvious error I can fix.
My code is as follows.
Sub MergeFiles()
Dim Docs() As Variant
Dim Doks As String
Dim fd As FileDialog
Dim FileChosen As Integer
Dim FileName As String
Dim i As Integer
Set fd = Excel.Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
fd.Title = "Select Site Diagrams To Merge"
fd.InitialFileName = "c:\"
fd.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewList
fd.AllowMultiSelect = True
FileChosen =
If FileChosen = -1 Then
For i = 1 To fd.SelectedItems.Count
Doks = Doks & Chr(34) & fd.SelectedItems(i) & Chr(34) & "," '<------- THIS CREATES A STRING SUCH AS: "E:\MY DOCS\FILE1.VDX", "E:\MY DOCS\FILE2.VDX"
Next i ' When typed this way in a variant array such as Docs("e:\my docs\file1.vdx","e:\my docs\file1.vdx"
End If ' without the need for the dialog box code, running MergeDocuments Docs works perfectly.
Doks = Left(Doks, Len(Doks) - 1)
'Docs = Split(Doks, ",") '<------ HERE IS WHERE I TRIED TO SPLIT; I ALSO TRIED CVAR...
MergeDocuments Docs
End Sub
Sub MergeDocuments(FileNames() As Variant, Optional DestDoc As Visio.Document)
' merge into a new document if no document is provided
On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
If DestDoc Is Nothing Then
Set DestDoc = Application.Documents.Add("")
End If
Dim CheckPage As Visio.Page
Dim PagesToDelete As New Collection
For Each CheckPage In DestDoc.Pages
PagesToDelete.Add CheckPage
Next CheckPage
Set CheckPage = Nothing
' loop through the FileNames array and open each one, and copy each page into destdoc
Dim CurrFileName As String
Dim CurrDoc As Visio.Document
Dim CurrPage As Visio.Page, CurrDestPage As Visio.Page
Dim CheckNum As Long
Dim ArrIdx As Long
For ArrIdx = LBound(FileNames) To UBound(FileNames)
CurrFileName = CStr(FileNames(ArrIdx))
Set CurrDoc = Application.Documents.OpenEx(CurrFileName, visOpenRO)
For Each CurrPage In CurrDoc.Pages
Set CurrDestPage = DestDoc.Pages.Add()
With CurrDestPage
On Error Resume Next
Set CheckPage = DestDoc.Pages(CurrPage.Name)
If Not CheckPage Is Nothing Then
While Not CheckPage Is Nothing ' handle duplicate names by putting (#) after the original name
CheckNum = CheckNum + 1
Set CheckPage = Nothing
Set CheckPage = DestDoc.Pages(CurrPage.Name & "(" & CStr(CheckNum) & ")")
CurrDestPage.Name = CurrPage.Name & "(" & CStr(CheckNum) & ")"
CurrDestPage.Name = CurrPage.Name
End If
On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
Set CheckPage = Nothing
CheckNum = 0
' copy the page contents over
CopyPage CurrPage, CurrDestPage
End With
Next CurrPage
Application.AlertResponse = 7
Next ArrIdx
For Each CheckPage In PagesToDelete
CheckPage.Delete 0
Next CheckPage
Application.AlertResponse = 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCr & Err.Description
End Sub
Sub CopyPage(CopyPage As Visio.Page, DestPage As Visio.Page)
Dim TheSelection As Visio.Selection
Dim CurrShp As Visio.Shape
DestPage.PageSheet.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowPage, visPageHeight).Formula = CopyPage.PageSheet.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowPage, visPageHeight).ResultIU
DestPage.PageSheet.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowPage, visPageWidth).Formula = CopyPage.PageSheet.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowPage, visPageWidth).ResultIU
Set TheSelection = Visio.ActiveWindow.Selection
For Each CurrShp In CopyPage.Shapes
TheSelection.Select CurrShp, visSelect
TheSelection.Copy visCopyPasteNoTranslate
DestPage.Paste visCopyPasteNoTranslate
End Sub