Hi Guys,
Do not know if I can ask this here
I want to try and do a spread sheet for my retirement. Say I have 20 years left to work and I want to have $100 000 the day I retire. I want to be able to have a sheet where I can see that I am say in the 10th year and that by this time I should have saved 50 000 for my retirement. It must then show this to me in a value of between 1 - 10 in this case it would be 5 as I am halve way there.
So I want to set a minimum of $0 and maximum of $100 000 it must then calculate where I am with savings and give me a number back out of 10 as to how far I am from retirement 1 being very far away and 8 being almost there
I then also want to make a sheet where it show the following
Say my debt is a $1000 dollar a week
I must work every week to pay this amount
This will be calculated over 10 weeks.
If I work 10 weeks I must have $1000 in the bank to make sure I can pay the $1000
If I only worked 9 out of the 10 week I must have $2000 in the bank to ensure that I will be able to pay for the week that I did not work. So I want to ensure that I always have enough money in the bank to be able to pay my debts if I do not work. So if I only worked 3 out of the 10 weeks I must have $7000 in the bank to be able to survive.
I will input every week if I worked or not
This must also then tell me where I am on a scale of 1 -10
10 being that I worked all 10 weeks and is good
1 being I only worked 1 week and need to ensure there is $9000 in the bank to be able to pay everything. Basically 1 will tell me I am in trouble and 10 that I am good (same for the 1st sheet)
Do not know if I can ask this here
I want to try and do a spread sheet for my retirement. Say I have 20 years left to work and I want to have $100 000 the day I retire. I want to be able to have a sheet where I can see that I am say in the 10th year and that by this time I should have saved 50 000 for my retirement. It must then show this to me in a value of between 1 - 10 in this case it would be 5 as I am halve way there.
So I want to set a minimum of $0 and maximum of $100 000 it must then calculate where I am with savings and give me a number back out of 10 as to how far I am from retirement 1 being very far away and 8 being almost there
I then also want to make a sheet where it show the following
Say my debt is a $1000 dollar a week
I must work every week to pay this amount
This will be calculated over 10 weeks.
If I work 10 weeks I must have $1000 in the bank to make sure I can pay the $1000
If I only worked 9 out of the 10 week I must have $2000 in the bank to ensure that I will be able to pay for the week that I did not work. So I want to ensure that I always have enough money in the bank to be able to pay my debts if I do not work. So if I only worked 3 out of the 10 weeks I must have $7000 in the bank to be able to survive.
I will input every week if I worked or not
This must also then tell me where I am on a scale of 1 -10
10 being that I worked all 10 weeks and is good
1 being I only worked 1 week and need to ensure there is $9000 in the bank to be able to pay everything. Basically 1 will tell me I am in trouble and 10 that I am good (same for the 1st sheet)