my present code is not working.......
I have 2 ranges that are populated with either 'Used' or 'Not Assigned'. If 'Not Assigned' is present in a cell in either of the 2 ranges, then MsgBoxMatchNo (my own designed MsgBox ) will appear just once even if 'Not Assigned' is present in several cells, but if there are no cells in either range with 'Not Assigned' then MsgBoxMatchYes will appear just once.
My problem is I get multiple MsgBoxMatchNo even when there is only 1 cell with 'Not Assigned'
VBA Code:
Sub NotAssigned()
Call On_Off_Stuff.TurnOffStuff
Dim AddOnLimit As Long
AddOnLimit = AA04.Range("AO8")
Dim WorkSheetLimit As Long
WorkSheetLimit = AA04.Range("AO11")
With AA04
.Range("AD5:AD" & AddOnLimit).Value = "=IF(ISBLANK(RC[-1]),"""",IF(ISERROR(MATCH(RC[-1],R5C27:R" & LDR_EH_4_04 & "C27,0)),""Not Assigned"",""Used"" ))" 'STATUS
.Range("AI5:AI" & WorkSheetLimit).Value = "=IF(ISBLANK(RC[-1]),"""",IF(ISERROR(MATCH(RC[-1],R5C27:R" & LDR_EH_4_04 & "C27,0)),""Not Assigned"",""Used"" ))" ' status
End With
Dim AddOnRange As Range
Set AddOnRange = AA04.Range("AD5:AD" & AddOnLimit)
Dim WorksheetRange As Range
Set WorksheetRange = AA04.Range("AI5:AI" & WorkSheetLimit)
Dim MyRange As Range
Set MyRange = Union(AddOnRange, WorksheetRange)
Dim NoColor As String
NoColor = "Not Assigned"
Dim res As Variant
res = Application.Match(AddOnRange, NoColor, 0)
Dim res2 As Variant
res2 = Application.Match(WorksheetRange, NoColor, 0)
If Not IsError(res) And Not IsError(res2) Then 'NoColor is present
Load MsgBoxMatchNo
Exit Sub
Load MsgBoxMatchYes
Exit Sub
End If
Call On_Off_Stuff.TurnOnStuff
End Sub
I have 2 ranges that are populated with either 'Used' or 'Not Assigned'. If 'Not Assigned' is present in a cell in either of the 2 ranges, then MsgBoxMatchNo (my own designed MsgBox ) will appear just once even if 'Not Assigned' is present in several cells, but if there are no cells in either range with 'Not Assigned' then MsgBoxMatchYes will appear just once.
My problem is I get multiple MsgBoxMatchNo even when there is only 1 cell with 'Not Assigned'