I have group number and need to validate the letter "A" at the end and if doesn't exist need to put in. I currently us this code to rename and want to add a validate if the letter A is at the end then rename to B.
Dim Addr As String
Addr = "A2:A" & Cells(rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range(Addr) = Evaluate(Replace("IF(RIGHT(@)=""A"",LEFT(@,LEN(@)-1)&""B"",@)", "@", Addr))
Thanks for the help
Dim Addr As String
Addr = "A2:A" & Cells(rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range(Addr) = Evaluate(Replace("IF(RIGHT(@)=""A"",LEFT(@,LEN(@)-1)&""B"",@)", "@", Addr))
Thanks for the help