I have two groups of ee's that have different vacation schedules. I want to use an if statement and a vlookup to determine the correct amount of vacation time for each group. What is the best way to accomplish this. I have attached a partial view of my spreadsheet data. Thanks....
1 yr 80 HRS
2-4 yrs 120 HRS
5+yrs 160 HRS
1 yr 40 HRS
2-4 yrs 80 HRS
5-7 yrs 120 HRS
8+ yrs 160 HRS
1 yr 80 HRS
2-4 yrs 120 HRS
5+yrs 160 HRS
1 yr 40 HRS
2-4 yrs 80 HRS
5-7 yrs 120 HRS
8+ yrs 160 HRS