Hi all, I'm newer to Excel and I was wondering if any of you guys might have any insight for a problem that I'm having with my Vlookup function. I have two sheets and the identifier between them is the company name. One sheet (We can call that the Supplier List) has all the company names in rows with the associated street address and I am trying to pull a select few street addresses associated with these companies to the other spreadsheet (We can call that the Street Address List) so the Street Address List has the street addresses of some specific companies that I want. However, the names of the companies on the Supplier List have a number attatched to them like this: "MARKETO INC (1004118)", whereas the names of the companies on the Street Address List have the companies listed like this: "MARKETO INC". To trim the characters of the names of the companies on the Supplier List, I used this formula: =LEFT(B2563,LEN(B2563)-9), and removed the last 9 characters so that my VLOOKUP could have an identifier that matched. However, after running my VLOOKUP, only some of the street addresses that should have shown up show up, even though my identifiers match. Here is my VLOOKUP function: =VLOOKUP(C2, '[Identifier Copy of Supplier List.xlsx]sheet1'!$D:$X, 21, FALSE) Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks for your help and let me know if you need any more information.