Hello. I have a current complex macros in which i have a horizontal data set that lists various price breaks for different quantities ordered. It then translates this into a vertical format for easier viewing and uploading into a system to manage price. This color issue is a new unique one. See that cells L3 and L4 have Yes in the Stocked column. If that's true, then cells S3 and W4 are highlighted as well. In those instances instead of showing quantities and prices for 1-44, 45-110, etc. we would only want to show quantity of 1 and the highlighted price. The rationale behind is if we are asking someone to hold inventory, they are buying in quantities that are much larger, they are getting a price break, and therefore they are able to pass that flat pricing on to us for a much lower price. So on the other lines, as we order greater or smaller quantities, the price goes up or down, but when it's stocked then if we order 1 carton or 2000 cartons of that product, the price will be the same and thus in our output file we wouldn't repeat We would take the figure from N3 or N4 and the price (highlighted) from S3 and W4, respectively.
• If it is possible to have an additional column with the In Stock Price rather than relying on colours ? Meaning is there some other feature within Excel that I could automatically call the highlighted figure to that cell, and then the macro could use If statement to if Yes is selected in stocked column, then it will omit the next rules and instead just grab that single price instead?
• 1 of the Price columns (out of the 8) will have a colour and that is the one to be used to create a single line instead of the normal 8 lines ?
I will note that the current file with the data is already spitting out the color coded figure in cell AF. I just identified this was already written, so what I'd like to do is to adjust the below macro to if column L says Yes, then to only grab quantity from column N and price from AF. If it says no, then proceed as normal, because it works well. Is that possible?
• If it is possible to have an additional column with the In Stock Price rather than relying on colours ? Meaning is there some other feature within Excel that I could automatically call the highlighted figure to that cell, and then the macro could use If statement to if Yes is selected in stocked column, then it will omit the next rules and instead just grab that single price instead?
• 1 of the Price columns (out of the 8) will have a colour and that is the one to be used to create a single line instead of the normal 8 lines ?
I will note that the current file with the data is already spitting out the color coded figure in cell AF. I just identified this was already written, so what I'd like to do is to adjust the below macro to if column L says Yes, then to only grab quantity from column N and price from AF. If it says no, then proceed as normal, because it works well. Is that possible?
VBA Code:
Sub Corrgulator_to_BPA_OP_mod()
Dim r As Long, q As Integer, lr As Long
Dim lrData As Long, lcData As Long
Dim NoOfQtyCols As Long
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim wsOutput As Worksheet
Dim rngData As Range, rngOut As Range
Dim arrData As Variant, arrOut
Dim colQty1st As Long, colOut1st As Long
Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Corrgulator")
Set wsOutput = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("New BPA")
With wsData
lcData = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lrData = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set rngData = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(lrData, lcData))
arrData = rngData.Value2
NoOfQtyCols = 8 ' <--- No of Qty columns (each Qty has an associated Price column)
' N,P,R,T,V,X,Z,AB ---> Qty
' O,Q,S,U,W,Y,AA,AC ---> Price
colQty1st = .Columns("N").Column ' <--- Start of Qty, Price is offset 1 to the right
End With
With wsOutput
lr = .Columns("E:U").Find("*", , xlValues, , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
If lr = 1 Then lr = 2
.Range("E2:U" & lr).ClearContents
colOut1st = .Columns("E").Column ' <--- Starting column to be used by array
Set rngOut = .Cells(2, colOut1st)
End With
' Column references based on 1 being Column E - colOut1st is the offset for the starting column in the array
Dim outSupp As Long, outItem As Long, outPrice As Long, outStore As Long, outQty As Long, outOnSite As Long
Dim outGoods As Long, outUoM As Long
outSupp = Columns("E").Column - colOut1st + 1
outGoods = Columns("K").Column - colOut1st + 1
outItem = Columns("L").Column - colOut1st + 1 ' Part Item (Part Number)
outUoM = Columns("M").Column - colOut1st + 1
outPrice = Columns("N").Column - colOut1st + 1
outStore = Columns("Q").Column - colOut1st + 1 ' Ship to
outQty = Columns("R").Column - colOut1st + 1
outOnSite = Columns("U").Column - colOut1st + 1 ' Stocked on site? Yes/No
ReDim arrOut(1 To lrData * NoOfQtyCols, 1 To outOnSite)
lr = 0
For r = 2 To UBound(arrData) ' Loop through all items in data sheet
For q = 1 To NoOfQtyCols ' Loop through all quantities
lr = lr + 1 ' Increment row in output sheet
arrOut(lr, outStore) = arrData(r, 3) ' Store - Column C in Source
arrOut(lr, outSupp) = arrData(r, 4) ' Supplier - Column D in Source
arrOut(lr, outItem) = arrData(r, 1) ' Item - Column A in Source (Part Item/Part Number)
arrOut(lr, outOnSite) = arrData(r, 12) ' Stocked on Site - Column L in Source
arrOut(lr, outGoods) = "Goods" ' Goods - Hard Coded
arrOut(lr, outUoM) = "Each" ' Each - Hard Coded
arrOut(lr, outQty) = arrData(r, colQty1st + (q - 1) * 2) ' Quantity
arrOut(lr, outPrice) = arrData(r, colQty1st + 1 + (q - 1) * 2) ' Price - Column 1 to the right of Qty - in Source
' Apply Rounding
With Application
arrOut(lr, outPrice) = .IfError(.Round(arrOut(lr, outPrice), 3), 0)
End With
Next q
Next r
rngOut.Resize(lr, UBound(arrOut, 2)).Value2 = arrOut
End Sub