Hoping this is a fairly easy question. My team currently uses the below to save and rename a file. I'm wanting us to have a way to add our initials to the front of the file name. I've added a spot for it in cell G7 on a sheet called "Analysis". Is there an easy way to fit that into the below?
Sub iPrepApprFile()
' Prepare Approval File
' Delete unneeded tabs
' Save as Approval File without macros
Dim WBName, WBPath, BaseName, NewName, EnterName As String
Dim NBeg, NEnd, Response As Integer
' Extract Job ID from Builder name
WBName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
WBPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
NBeg = InStr(1, WBName, "UMR")
NEnd = InStr(NBeg, WBName, " ")
BaseName = Mid(WBName, NBeg, NEnd - NBeg)
' Create new file name - "[JobID] Approval File.xlsx"
NewName = BaseName & " Approval File"
' Save as new file name, or allow user to enter name
Response = MsgBox("Save as " & NewName & "?", 3, NewName)
' 6 = Yes, 7 = No, Else is Cancel
Select Case Response
' If 6, exit Select and save as new file name
Case 6
' Get file name from user
Case 7
NewName = InputBox("Name to save as? ", "Save As")
' If Cancel, exit Sub
If NewName = "" Then Exit Sub
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
' Save with new file name
NewName = WBPath & "\" & NewName
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
NewName, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub
Hoping this is a fairly easy question. My team currently uses the below to save and rename a file. I'm wanting us to have a way to add our initials to the front of the file name. I've added a spot for it in cell G7 on a sheet called "Analysis". Is there an easy way to fit that into the below?
Sub iPrepApprFile()
' Prepare Approval File
' Delete unneeded tabs
' Save as Approval File without macros
Dim WBName, WBPath, BaseName, NewName, EnterName As String
Dim NBeg, NEnd, Response As Integer
' Extract Job ID from Builder name
WBName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
WBPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
NBeg = InStr(1, WBName, "UMR")
NEnd = InStr(NBeg, WBName, " ")
BaseName = Mid(WBName, NBeg, NEnd - NBeg)
' Create new file name - "[JobID] Approval File.xlsx"
NewName = BaseName & " Approval File"
' Save as new file name, or allow user to enter name
Response = MsgBox("Save as " & NewName & "?", 3, NewName)
' 6 = Yes, 7 = No, Else is Cancel
Select Case Response
' If 6, exit Select and save as new file name
Case 6
' Get file name from user
Case 7
NewName = InputBox("Name to save as? ", "Save As")
' If Cancel, exit Sub
If NewName = "" Then Exit Sub
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
' Save with new file name
NewName = WBPath & "\" & NewName
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
NewName, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub