I have a list of punch times and I'm looking to find and calculate overlap without having to put everything on one row per Date of Service. My code contains a part created by ChatGPT that I think is trying to loop through the dictionary entries calculating overlap, but it's a bit advanced for me as I think it's dealing with Arrays which I don't yet understand, and I can't figure out why it's throwing errors.
I'm getting an error stating "Object variable or With block variable not set", and debug highlights "For Each Key in TimeInDicts(j).Keys" within the ChatGPT section of code.
The end goal is to identify not only overlap with other punch times in the same row, but also other punch times in other rows which overlap, as well as to calculate the overlap and list the File ID it overlaps with in it's own column next to the amount of time it overlaps. If it over laps with multiple rows, which I expect there to be numerous examples of, it should list the additional File ID's in added columns with the times. I haven't made it to this point in the code yet - got stuck with trying to get it to simply identify the overlap.
I tried to attach the Excel file and found I need to use XL2BB, but I cannot install things on the work computer, so here's a screenshot instead. Hopefully someone will be able to find the problem in the code even without the Excel file. I'd appreciate some help!
I'm getting an error stating "Object variable or With block variable not set", and debug highlights "For Each Key in TimeInDicts(j).Keys" within the ChatGPT section of code.
The end goal is to identify not only overlap with other punch times in the same row, but also other punch times in other rows which overlap, as well as to calculate the overlap and list the File ID it overlaps with in it's own column next to the amount of time it overlaps. If it over laps with multiple rows, which I expect there to be numerous examples of, it should list the additional File ID's in added columns with the times. I haven't made it to this point in the code yet - got stuck with trying to get it to simply identify the overlap.
I tried to attach the Excel file and found I need to use XL2BB, but I cannot install things on the work computer, so here's a screenshot instead. Hopefully someone will be able to find the problem in the code even without the Excel file. I'd appreciate some help!
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub Overlap_Using_Dictionaries()
'Goal is to calculate overlap when times matched to claims as opposed to times on one row per DOS
Dim TimeIn1Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim TimeOut1Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim TimeIn2Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim TimeOut2Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim TimeIn3Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim TimeOut3Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMIn1Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMOut1Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMIn2Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMOut2Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMIn3Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMOut3Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMIn4Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMOut4Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMIn5Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim REMOut5Dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim FileIDDict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim FileID As String
Dim FileIDCol As Long
Dim DOS As Long
Dim DOSCol As Long
'--Combine File ID and DOS for Dictionary Identifier Purposes--
Dim FileIDdos As String
'--Time In and Time Out--
Dim TI1 As Long
Dim TI1Col As Long
Dim TO1 As Long
Dim TO1Col As Long
Dim TI2 As Long
Dim TI2Col As Long
Dim TO2 As Long
Dim TO2Col As Long
Dim TI3 As Long
Dim TI3Col As Long
Dim TO3 As Long
Dim TO3Col As Long
Dim REMIn1 As Long
Dim REMIn1Col As Long
Dim REMOut1 As Long
Dim REMOut1Col As Long
Dim REMIn2 As Long
Dim REMIn2Col As Long
Dim REMOut2 As Long
Dim REMOut2Col As Long
Dim REMIn3 As Long
Dim REMIn3Col As Long
Dim REMOut3 As Long
Dim REMOut3Col As Long
Dim REMIn4 As Long
Dim REMIn4Col As Long
Dim REMOut4 As Long
Dim REMOut4Col As Long
Dim REMIn5 As Long
Dim REMIn5Col As Long
Dim REMOut5 As Long
Dim REMOut5Col As Long
'---Last Row / Column-------
Dim Sht As Worksheet
Dim LastColumn As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim C As Long
Dim R As Long
Set Sht = ActiveSheet
LastRow = Sht.Cells(Sht.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
LastColumn = Sht.Cells(1, Sht.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For C = 1 To LastColumn
If Cells(1, C) = "File ID" Then
FileIDCol = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "Date of Service" Then
DOSCol = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "Time In 1" Then
TI1Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "Time Out 1" Then
TO1Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "Time In 2" Then
TI2Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "Time Out 2" Then
TO2Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "Time In 3" Then
TI3Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "Time Out 3" Then
TO3Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time In 1" Then
REMIn1Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time Out 1" Then
REMOut1Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time In 2" Then
REMIn2Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time Out 2" Then
REMOut2Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time In 3" Then
REMIn3Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time Out 3" Then
REMOut3Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time In 4" Then
REMIn4Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time Out 4" Then
REMOut4Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time In 5" Then
REMIn5Col = C
ElseIf Cells(1, C) = "REM Time Out 5" Then
REMOut5Col = C
End If
Next C
'----------Assigning Times to Dictionaries----------------
For R = 2 To LastRow
DOS = Cells(R, DOSCol)
FileID = Cells(R, FileIDCol)
FileIDdos = FileID & DOS
TI1 = Cells(R, TI1Col)
TO1 = Cells(R, TO1Col)
TI2 = Cells(R, TI2Col)
TO2 = Cells(R, TO2Col)
TI3 = Cells(R, TI3Col)
TO3 = Cells(R, TO3Col)
REMIn1 = Cells(R, REMIn1Col)
REMOut1 = Cells(R, REMOut1Col)
REMIn2 = Cells(R, REMIn2Col)
REMOut2 = Cells(R, REMOut2Col)
REMIn3 = Cells(R, REMIn3Col)
REMOut3 = Cells(R, REMOut3Col)
REMIn4 = Cells(R, REMIn4Col)
REMOut4 = Cells(R, REMOut4Col)
REMIn5 = Cells(R, REMIn5Col)
REMOut5 = Cells(R, REMOut5Col)
If TI1 > 0 Then
TimeIn1Dict.Add FileIDdos, TI1
TimeOut1Dict.Add FileIDdos, TO1
FileIDDict.Add FileIDdos, FileID
End If
If TI2 > 0 Then
TimeIn2Dict.Add FileIDdos, TI2
TimeOut2Dict.Add FileIDdos, TO2
End If
If TI3 > 0 Then
TimeIn3Dict.Add FileIDdos, TI3
TimeOut3Dict.Add FileIDdos, TO3
End If
If REMIn1 > 0 Then
REMIn1Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMIn1
REMOut1Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMOut1
End If
If REMIn2 > 0 Then
REMIn2Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMIn2
REMOut2Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMOut2
End If
If REMIn3 > 0 Then
REMIn3Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMIn3
REMOut3Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMOut3
End If
If REMIn4 > 0 Then
REMIn4Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMIn4
REMOut4Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMOut4
End If
If REMIn5 > 0 Then
REMIn5Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMIn5
REMOut5Dict.Add FileIDdos, REMOut5
End If
Next R
'----------Code from ChatGPT 3.5 on April 23, 2024-----------
'Sub FindOverlapForMultipleSets()
Dim TimeInDicts(1 To 5) As Object
Dim TimeOutDicts(1 To 5) As Object
Dim REMInDicts(1 To 5) As Object
Dim REMOutDicts(1 To 5) As Object
Dim Key As Variant
Dim StartTime As Date
Dim EndTime As Date
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim overlapFound As Boolean
' Assuming you have already populated the dictionaries
' Assign dictionaries to arrays
Set TimeInDicts(1) = TimeIn1Dict
Set TimeOutDicts(1) = TimeOut1Dict
Set TimeInDicts(2) = TimeIn2Dict
Set TimeOutDicts(2) = TimeOut2Dict
Set TimeInDicts(3) = TimeIn3Dict
Set TimeOutDicts(3) = TimeOut3Dict
Set REMInDicts(1) = REMIn1Dict
Set REMOutDicts(1) = REMOut1Dict
Set REMInDicts(2) = REMIn2Dict
Set REMOutDicts(2) = REMOut2Dict
Set REMInDicts(3) = REMIn3Dict
Set REMOutDicts(3) = REMOut3Dict
Set REMInDicts(4) = REMIn4Dict
Set REMOutDicts(4) = REMOut4Dict
Set REMInDicts(5) = REMIn5Dict
Set REMOutDicts(5) = REMOut5Dict
' Reference the active worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
' Initialize row counter for output
i = 2
' Loop through each set of punches
For j = 1 To 5
' Loop through TimeInDict to find overlaps
'************************This is the line that is causing the error*************************
For Each Key In TimeInDicts(j).Keys
StartTime = TimeInDicts(j)(Key)
EndTime = TimeOutDicts(j)(Key)
' Check for overlap
If CheckOverlapForSets(TimeInDicts, TimeOutDicts, REMInDicts, REMOutDicts, Key, StartTime, EndTime, j) Then
' Output overlap information to column G
ws.Cells(i, 7).Value = "Overlap found for FileIDdos " & Key & " - Set " & j & ": " & StartTime & " to " & EndTime
i = i + 1 ' Move to the next row for the next overlap
overlapFound = True ' Flag to indicate that overlap was found
End If
Next Key
Next j
' If no overlaps were found, indicate it in column G
If Not overlapFound Then
ws.Cells(i, 7).Value = "No overlaps found."
End If
'------End Code from Chat GPT---------------------------------
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "VBA Done"
End Sub
Function CheckOverlapForSets(TimeInDicts() As Object, TimeOutDicts() As Object, REMInDicts() As Object, REMOutDicts() As Object, Key As Variant, StartTime As Date, EndTime As Date, currentSet As Long) As Boolean
'From ChatGPT 3.5 on April 23, 2024
Dim TimeIn As Date
Dim TimeOut As Date
Dim REMIn As Date
Dim REMOut As Date
Dim j As Long
' Check if the current time range overlaps with any time range in the other dictionaries
For j = 1 To 5
If j <> currentSet Then
For Each Key In TimeInDicts(j).Keys
TimeIn = TimeInDicts(j)(Key)
TimeOut = TimeOutDicts(j)(Key)
REMIn = REMInDicts(j)(Key)
REMOut = REMOutDicts(j)(Key)
If (StartTime >= TimeIn And StartTime <= TimeOut) Or (EndTime >= TimeIn And EndTime <= TimeOut) Then
' Overlap found
CheckOverlapForSets = True
Exit Function
ElseIf (StartTime >= REMIn And StartTime <= REMOut) Or (EndTime >= REMIn And EndTime <= REMOut) Then
' Overlap found
CheckOverlapForSets = True
Exit Function
End If
Next Key
End If
Next j
' No overlap found
CheckOverlapForSets = False
End Function