I am trying to get live stock data from two url's into excel.
I am able to do this for 1 url however I would like to do it for two url's simultaneously, so that there is no/ minimal time difference
Below is my code for fetching data for 1 url "webURL_Nifty" and then plot into excel sheet.
can someone please help here.
I am trying to get live stock data from two url's into excel.
I am able to do this for 1 url however I would like to do it for two url's simultaneously, so that there is no/ minimal time difference
Below is my code for fetching data for 1 url "webURL_Nifty" and then plot into excel sheet.
can someone please help here.
VBA Code:
Public Sub pullNIFTYData()
Dim Json_N As Object
Dim Json_BN As Object
Dim webURL_Nifty As String, mainString, subString, webURL_BN
webURL_Nifty = "https://www.nseindia.com/api/option-chain-indices?symbol=NIFTY"
webURL_BN = "https://www.nseindia.com/api/option-chain-indices?symbol=BANKNIFTY"
subString = "Resource not found"
With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
.Open "GET", webURL_Nifty, False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"
.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36"
On Error Resume Next
mainString = .responsetext
If InStr(mainString, subString) <> 0 Then
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"))
GoTo FetchAgain
Set Json_N = JsonConverter.ParseJson(mainString)
End If
End With
Call Nifty_Data(Json_N)
End Sub
Public Sub Nifty_Data(JN As Object)
Dim dtArr() As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
ws.Range("B1") = JN("records")("underlyingValue")
dtArr = Split(JN("records")("timestamp"), " ")
ws.Range("E1") = FormatDateTime(dtArr(0), 2)
ws.Range("H1") = FormatDateTime(dtArr(1), 4)
ws.Range("K1") = JN("records")("expiryDates")(1)
ws.Range("N1") = Abs(JN("filtered")("PE")("totOI") / JN("filtered")("CE")("totOI"))
ws.Range("Q1") = Abs(JN("filtered")("PE")("totVol") / JN("filtered")("CE")("totVol"))
j = 4
For i = 1 To JN("records")("data").Count
If JN("records")("data")(i)("expiryDate") = JN("records")("expiryDates")(1) Or JN("records")("data")(i)("expiryDate") = JN("records")("expiryDates")(2) Or JN("records")("data")(i)("expiryDate") = JN("records")("expiryDates")(3) Or JN("records")("data")(i)("expiryDate") = JN("records")("expiryDates")(4) Or JN("records")("data")(i)("expiryDate") = JN("records")("expiryDates")(5) Then
' If Abs(Json("records")("data")(i)("strikePrice") - Json("records")("underlyingValue")) < 400 Then
k = 1
If IsObject(JN("records")("data")(i)("CE")) Then
ws.Cells(j, k + 6) = JN("records")("data")(i)("CE")("change")
ws.Cells(j, k + 5) = JN("records")("data")(i)("CE")("lastPrice")
ws.Cells(j, k + 4) = JN("records")("data")(i)("CE")("impliedVolatility")
ws.Cells(j, k + 3) = JN("records")("data")(i)("CE")("totalTradedVolume")
ws.Cells(j, k + 2) = JN("records")("data")(i)("CE")("changeinOpenInterest")
ws.Cells(j, k + 1) = JN("records")("data")(i)("CE")("openInterest")
ws.Cells(j, k + 6) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 5) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 4) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 3) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 2) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 1) = ""
End If
If IsObject(JN("records")("data")(i)("PE")) Then
ws.Cells(j, k + 13) = JN("records")("data")(i)("PE")("expiryDate")
ws.Cells(j, k + 12) = JN("records")("data")(i)("PE")("openInterest")
ws.Cells(j, k + 11) = JN("records")("data")(i)("PE")("changeinOpenInterest")
ws.Cells(j, k + 10) = JN("records")("data")(i)("PE")("totalTradedVolume")
ws.Cells(j, k + 9) = JN("records")("data")(i)("PE")("impliedVolatility")
ws.Cells(j, k + 8) = JN("records")("data")(i)("PE")("lastPrice")
ws.Cells(j, k + 7) = JN("records")("data")(i)("PE")("change")
ws.Cells(j, k) = JN("records")("data")(i)("strikePrice")
ws.Cells(j, k + 12) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 11) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 10) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 9) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 8) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k + 7) = ""
ws.Cells(j, k) = ""
End If
j = j + 1
' End If
End If
Next i
End Sub