I have the following function in my workbook:
Cell N1 has the number of the row that the data is on that I want to display.
My issue is that the Column "J" is dynamic on a monthly basis.
So, I was trying to do something like this in VBA ( I have a lot of code that splits data and does a lot of calculations and data manipulation, so this would just be an extension of the code):
But it obviously won't work..
Any ideas on how I can make this indirect function dynamic?
I have the following function in my workbook:
=INDIRECT("'Sheet 1'!J"&$N$1)
Cell N1 has the number of the row that the data is on that I want to display.
My issue is that the Column "J" is dynamic on a monthly basis.
So, I was trying to do something like this in VBA ( I have a lot of code that splits data and does a lot of calculations and data manipulation, so this would just be an extension of the code):
CurrMth = 10
Ind.Range("H3").FormulaR1C1 = "=INDIRECT("'Sheet 1'!" & [B]CurrMth [/B]& "&$N$1)"
But it obviously won't work..
Any ideas on how I can make this indirect function dynamic?