I crated random numbers between 0 and 100, and I want to convert those numbers to have a specific value from 1-6 depending on the random number value. Those specific values are the following:
0-30 should output a 1
30-40 should output a 2
40-60 should output a 3
60-70 should output a 4
70-75 should output a 5
75-100 should output a 6.
I taught about using the IF statement like this.. (If(A1=0,1,IF(A1=1,1,IF(A1=2,1...) but it will be a very long function.
0-30 should output a 1
30-40 should output a 2
40-60 should output a 3
60-70 should output a 4
70-75 should output a 5
75-100 should output a 6.
I taught about using the IF statement like this.. (If(A1=0,1,IF(A1=1,1,IF(A1=2,1...) but it will be a very long function.