For each Match in the workbook,I wish to add the value in the B cell of worksheet1 and the value in the C cell of worksheet2 and display the result if less than 100. This same process is repeated for worksheet1 and worksheet3 and on until worksheet10. The iteration now starts from worksheet2 and worksheet3 and so on until worksheet2 and worksheet10. Iteration continues beginning from worksheet3 and the value in C cell of worksheet4...until worksheet3 and C cell value of worksheet10. The last iteration for match1 would be the use of the value in the B cell of sheet9 and the value in C cell of sheet10. This will happen before the loop goes to Match2 and executes the above iteration process all over again until the last Match (Match10) is looped through with the corresponding iteration through the cells as above and finally displays all values less than 100 through the message box.