I've been using power bi for a few weeks now and I've hit a bit of a brick wall . I'm combining two files to produce a staff training report. The first file is a list of all the current staff, and the second is a list of all the training that has been completed by staff number and the course ID.
I'm trying to build a report that will allow the end user to build their own specific requirements using a slicer to pick the courses they are testing for and the hierarchy you want. I've got it to the stage where the table works and just shows the tests that you've selected.
The final item that I'm trying to build is a calculation of the number of colleagues you've selected that have completed all the tests you've picked. I thought it would be a matter of building a column that is per file ID if the number of completions = the number of selected courses is the same return 1, otherwise return 0 then sum. However it appears that the calculations are ignoring the slicer?
Is there any way I can get this calculation to work?
Example Hierarchy File
Example Course FIle
For example if the end user selected Team A and Course A it should return a result of 4 colleagues, but if they select Course A and Course B it should be 1.
I've been using power bi for a few weeks now and I've hit a bit of a brick wall . I'm combining two files to produce a staff training report. The first file is a list of all the current staff, and the second is a list of all the training that has been completed by staff number and the course ID.
I'm trying to build a report that will allow the end user to build their own specific requirements using a slicer to pick the courses they are testing for and the hierarchy you want. I've got it to the stage where the table works and just shows the tests that you've selected.
The final item that I'm trying to build is a calculation of the number of colleagues you've selected that have completed all the tests you've picked. I thought it would be a matter of building a column that is per file ID if the number of completions = the number of selected courses is the same return 1, otherwise return 0 then sum. However it appears that the calculations are ignoring the slicer?
Is there any way I can get this calculation to work?
Example Hierarchy File
Example Course FIle
For example if the end user selected Team A and Course A it should return a result of 4 colleagues, but if they select Course A and Course B it should be 1.