Query from dBase file source.xls - moves into a temporary worksheet
FEDX 6/1/2012 $50.00 100
SCC1 6/1/2012 $1,500.00 5000
SCC2 6/1/2012 $6500.00 12000
FEDX 7/1/2012 $45.00 50
SCC1 7/2/2012 $1,200.00 4500
Temp.xls moves this data into another temporary worksheet
FEDX JUNE 1 2012 $50.00 100
SCC1 JUNE 1 2012 $1500.00 5000
SCC2 JUNE 1 2012 $6500.00 12000
FEDX JULY 1 2012 $45.00 50
SCC1 JULY 2 2012 $1,200.00 4500
I need to filter data based on these conditions:
TL is anything over 10000
FEDX is anything in column 1 that = FEDX
LTL is anything in column 1 <> FEDX and in column 6 < 10000
I want to loop through the data and temporarily delete rows meeting these conditions so that I can both count the number of rows, and get a total for each month.
This is what the snippet of code looks like: I know the problem lies here:
This is the complete program page:
Query from dBase file source.xls - moves into a temporary worksheet
FEDX 6/1/2012 $50.00 100
SCC1 6/1/2012 $1,500.00 5000
SCC2 6/1/2012 $6500.00 12000
FEDX 7/1/2012 $45.00 50
SCC1 7/2/2012 $1,200.00 4500
Temp.xls moves this data into another temporary worksheet
FEDX JUNE 1 2012 $50.00 100
SCC1 JUNE 1 2012 $1500.00 5000
SCC2 JUNE 1 2012 $6500.00 12000
FEDX JULY 1 2012 $45.00 50
SCC1 JULY 2 2012 $1,200.00 4500
I need to filter data based on these conditions:
TL is anything over 10000
FEDX is anything in column 1 that = FEDX
LTL is anything in column 1 <> FEDX and in column 6 < 10000
I want to loop through the data and temporarily delete rows meeting these conditions so that I can both count the number of rows, and get a total for each month.
This is what the snippet of code looks like: I know the problem lies here:
If Load = “TL” then
Selection.Sort key1:=Range("F1"), order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes
For x = 2 To TotalRows
If Cells(x, 6).Value < 10000 Then
Rows(x & ":" & TotalRows).Delete
Exit For
End If
Next x
ElseIf Load = "FEDX" Then
Selection.Sort key1:=Range("F1"), order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes
For x = 2 To TotalRows
If Cells(x, 1).Value <> "FEDX" Then
Rows("2:" & x - 1).Delete
Exit For
End If
Next x
Selection.Sort key1:=Range("F1"), order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes
For x = 2 To TotalRows
If Cells(x, 6).Value < 10000 And Cells(x, 1).Value = "FEDX" Then
Rows("2:" & x - 1).Delete
Exit For
End If
Next x
End If
This is the complete program page:
'Monthly Traffic Analysis
Sub FormatMonthlyTrafficAnalysis(WS As String, Load As String, ShipOrProcess As String)
'***** This sub is responsible for pulling the data gathered by the sub-procedure "GetData"
'***** and inserting it into the workbook "Temp.xls" for the Monthly Traffic Analysis report
Dim TotalRows As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim TargetColumn As Integer
Dim StartRow As Integer
Dim DateColumn As String
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'===== This is to setup the temporary workbook for traffic analysis information
'*****Searches for file Temp.xls and deletes it if it exists*****
'*****Then copies the worksheets from the Source.xls workbook*****
'*****and creates a new instance of Temp.xls*****
If fso.fileexists(myPath & "\Temp.xls") Then
Kill myPath & "\Temp.xls"
End If
ActiveSheet.Name = "Temp"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs myPath & "\Temp.xls"
'===== Get current total number of rows
TotalRows = ActiveCell.Row
If Load = "TL" Then
Selection.Sort key1:=Range("F1"), order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes
For x = 2 To TotalRows
If Cells(x, 6).Value < 10000 Then
Rows(x & ":" & TotalRows).Delete
Exit For
End If
Next x
ElseIf Load = "FEDX" Then
Selection.Sort key1:=Range("F1"), order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes
For x = 2 To TotalRows
If Cells(x, 1).Value <> "FEDX" Then
Rows("2:" & x - 1).Delete
Exit For
End If
Next x
Selection.Sort key1:=Range("F1"), order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes
For x = 2 To TotalRows
If Cells(x, 6).Value < 10000 And Cells(x, 1).Value = "FEDX" Then
Rows("2:" & x - 1).Delete
Exit For
End If
Next x
End If
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
'===== Get current total number of rows again since many were just deleted
TotalRows = ActiveCell.Row
'===== Determines which date column to use based on the ShipOrProcess value passed to this sub
If ShipOrProcess = "Ship" Then
DateColumn = "E"
DateColumn = "F"
End If
'===== This separates the dates into separate columns so that each month can be broken down on
'===== the report
Columns(DateColumn & ":" & DateColumn).Select
Selection.Insert shift:=xlShiftToRight
Columns(DateColumn & ":" & DateColumn).Select
Selection.Insert shift:=xlShiftToRight
Columns(DateColumn & ":" & DateColumn).Select
Selection.Insert shift:=xlShiftToRight
Columns(DateColumn & ":" & Chr(Asc(DateColumn) + 2)).Select
Selection.NumberFormat = "general"
Cells(1, Asc(DateColumn) - 64).Value = "Month"
Cells(1, Asc(DateColumn) - 63).Value = "Day"
Cells(1, Asc(DateColumn) - 62).Value = "Year"
Range(Chr(Asc(DateColumn) - 1) & "2:" & Chr(Asc(DateColumn) - 1) & TotalRows).Select
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range(DateColumn & "2:" & DateColumn & TotalRows), _
Other:=True, OtherChar:="/", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), _
Array(3, 1))
'===== This determines where the data will be put into the Monthly Traffic Analysis Report
If Load = "LTL" Then
StartRow = 2
' End If
ElseIf Load = "FEDX" Then
StartRow = 34
ElseIf Load = "TL" Then
StartRow = 18
End If
End If
'===== This section is to extract the number of shipments for the given or previous year for
'===== LTL,TL, or FEDX for each month
Selection.Sort key1:=Range(DateColumn & "1"), Header:=xlYes
Selection.Subtotal groupby:=Asc(DateColumn) - 64, Function:=xlCount, totallist:=2, Replace:=True
Select Case WS
Case "SourceCurYTDMTA"
TargetColumn = 9
Case "SourcePrevYTDMTA"
TargetColumn = 3
Case Else
MsgBox "There is a problem in the ""FormatMonthlyTrafficAnalysis"" sub, " & _
"call Chad." & Chr(10) & "The results will be incorrect!", vbOKOnly, _
"Unexpected Error!"
End Select
For x = 1 To 12
Call GetTotalsMTA(x, TargetColumn, StartRow, DateColumn, " Count", 2)
Next x
'===== This section is to extract the total weight for the given or previous year for LTL,
'===== TL, or FEDX for each month
Selection.Sort key1:=Range(DateColumn & "1"), Header:=xlYes
Selection.Subtotal groupby:=Asc(DateColumn) - 64, Function:=xlSum, totallist:=9, Replace:=True
Select Case WS
Case "SourceCurYTDMTA"
TargetColumn = 10
Case "SourcePrevYTDMTA"
TargetColumn = 41
Case Else
MsgBox "There is a problem in the ""FormatMonthlyTrafficAnalysis"" sub, " & _
"call Chad." & Chr(10) & "The results will be incorrect!", vbOKOnly, _
"Unexpected Error!"
End Select
For x = 1 To 12
Call GetTotalsMTA(x, TargetColumn, StartRow, DateColumn, " Total", 9)
Next x
'===== This section is to extract the total cost for the given or previous year for LTL,
'===== TL, or FEDX for each month
Selection.Sort key1:=Range(DateColumn & "1"), Header:=xlYes
Selection.Subtotal groupby:=Asc(DateColumn) - 64, Function:=xlSum, totallist:=10, Replace:=True
Select Case WS
Case "SourceCurYTDMTA"
TargetColumn = 12
Case "SourcePrevYTDMTA"
TargetColumn = 6
Case Else
MsgBox "There is a problem in the ""FormatMonthlyTrafficAnalysis"" sub, " & _
"call Chad." & Chr(10) & "The results will be incorrect!", vbOKOnly, _
"Unexpected Error!"
End Select
For x = 1 To 12
Call GetTotalsMTA(x, TargetColumn, StartRow, DateColumn, " Total", 10)
Next x
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Kill myPath & "\Temp.xls"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub