Now that I had a night of sleep - I realize my question is very vague. And, unsure if even possible. Here is my formula below:
=COUNTIFS('All Lates - Data'!F2:F491,'Late Workorder Breakdown'!A9)
This pulls all late workorders
Now, I want to take a step further - and select late workorders by client. Please see example formula below:
=COUNTIFS('All Lates - Data'!F2:F491,'Late Workorder Breakdown'!A9,'All Lates - Data'!$C$2:$C$491, "Altisource Portfolio Solutions")
Now, how can I do this using a data validation drop down list to signal it to change formulas? The only other option I can think of is to manually record macros and record changing each formula and using buttons with the clients' name on them. But, I thought I would seek an easier solution.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.