I'm looking for some help with applying a caption to a userform label, based on a value found in Sheets(3). I have to use "Sheets(3)" because the sheet name will change frequently.
The userform is called by double clicking on a cell in Sheet(2) and first label caption is
The second label's caption is where I'm struggling. Based on the student's name in the active cell, I'm looking to have the caption find that student's graduation date on Sheets(3). It would also be located in column I, but the row number will be different. I'm not sure if there's a way to incorporate an index/match formula or a lookup or if I'm missing something far more simple. Below is what the report would look like for one specific student. The desired caption would take the place of the "-" under Previous Report.
I'm looking for some help with applying a caption to a userform label, based on a value found in Sheets(3). I have to use "Sheets(3)" because the sheet name will change frequently.
The userform is called by double clicking on a cell in Sheet(2) and first label caption is
lblGradDate.Caption= Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "I").Value
The second label's caption is where I'm struggling. Based on the student's name in the active cell, I'm looking to have the caption find that student's graduation date on Sheets(3). It would also be located in column I, but the row number will be different. I'm not sure if there's a way to incorporate an index/match formula or a lookup or if I'm missing something far more simple. Below is what the report would look like for one specific student. The desired caption would take the place of the "-" under Previous Report.
