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I have an application in which userform1 (uf9_poststaff) is open.
From within that userform, the user can edit a textbox which triggers a set of calculations.
Depending on the result of the calculations, one of two 2nd forms (showmodal=true) are displayed for the user to work with. Both userforms have a [CANCEL] button intended to close the active userform and return them to the first userform (uf9_poststaff) where they can can continue editing information there.
With one form (uf9d_cupe1), cancelling will close that form, but the other stays open. The second one (uf9d_cupe1ot), with very similar code, results in that userform closing, but uf9_poststaff closing as well.
I will try to capture the code that I think is most relevant to the cause, but my apologies in advance if I've failed to include the relevant or complete code. The whole project is several thousand lines long, so not something I can post.
Suppose a change to textbox cu3_end of userform uf9d_poststaff. We will change the value from default "15:00" to "12:00"
With this code, error checking is first done to ensure a proper time (24hr format) has been entered. A calculation is used to determine the number of hours difference between two times, a shift start and end time. This value is the assessed. If it is less than 8, as it is in this case, a second form (uf9d_cupe1) is opened. This form's showmodal property is set to true and appears overtop the primary form when opened.
Should the user wish to bail from any further data entry on uf9d_cupe1, they may exit by pressing a "CANCEL" commandbutton. Doing this with close uf9d_cupe1 and return the user to uf9d_poststaff.
The three variables in this code are declared publicly in another module.
Upon closing of this form, code is resumed after the purple line in the top code above. The carried over value of 'absel' is referenced. If it's empty, which it will be as it was emptied in the cancel button code, code is executed that returns some uf9d_poststaff fields back to the original, and then the code ends with "Exit Sub". Userform uf9d_poststaff remains open for the user to continue working with it.
Now, lets assume we change textbox cu3_end of userform uf9d_poststaff. We will change the value from default "15:00" to "21:00" This is opposite to the first scenario where the employee was deficient of hours. In this case they exceed 8 hours are eligible for overtime.
The Sub cu3_end_BeforeUpdate code is executed with the entry of the new value. The If Else/If End If routine is assessed determining that Me.cu3_hours.Value > 8 and the associated code is executed. Userform uf9d_cupe1ot is opened (showmodal property is set to true), while in the background uf9d_poststaff remains open.
Should the user wish to bail from any further data entry on uf9d_cupe1ot, they may exit by pressing a "CANCEL" commandbutton. Doing this with close uf9d_cupe1ot and return the user to uf9d_poststaff.
Some variables are cleared, and a couple checkboxes reset prior to userform uf9d_cupe1ot closing. Once closed, code resumes above after the purple line. Variable absel is empty. The code then resets some fields in uf9d_poststaff, to fianlly exit the sub. Now ... unlike the similar situation above, uf9d_poststaff closes! It should remain accessible as it does in the first scenario.
Is anyone able to suggest why this code is providing a different outcome and what I could do to resolve it?
If I remove the "Exit Sub", the error section "badtime" is executed unwantingly.
From within that userform, the user can edit a textbox which triggers a set of calculations.
Depending on the result of the calculations, one of two 2nd forms (showmodal=true) are displayed for the user to work with. Both userforms have a [CANCEL] button intended to close the active userform and return them to the first userform (uf9_poststaff) where they can can continue editing information there.
With one form (uf9d_cupe1), cancelling will close that form, but the other stays open. The second one (uf9d_cupe1ot), with very similar code, results in that userform closing, but uf9_poststaff closing as well.
I will try to capture the code that I think is most relevant to the cause, but my apologies in advance if I've failed to include the relevant or complete code. The whole project is several thousand lines long, so not something I can post.
Suppose a change to textbox cu3_end of userform uf9d_poststaff. We will change the value from default "15:00" to "12:00"
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub cu3_end_BeforeUpdate(ByVal CANCEL As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If mbEvents Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo badtime
bu = cu3_endbu.Value
etc_cu3 = CDate(cu3_end.Value)
Debug.Print etc_cu3
Debug.Print bu
If etc_cu3 < CDate(cu3_start.Value) Then
errorcap1a = "Invaid time entry. Please retry."
errorcap1b = "The end of the shift must be after it's start. [" & format(cu3_start.Value, "h:mm AM/PM") & "]."
cu3_end.Value = format(bu, "h:mm")
Exit Sub
'cu2_end.Value = format(bu, "h:mm")
stv2 = CDate(Me.cu3_start.Value)
etv2 = CDate(Me.cu3_end.Value)
jt = IIf(etv2 = 0, 1, etv2)
Me.cu3_hours.Value = format(DateDiff("n", stv2, jt) / 60, "general number")
If Me.cu3_hours.Value = 8 Then
Me.cu3_notes.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.cu3_hours.Value < 8 Then
hd = 8 - CDbl(Me.cu3_hours)
uf9dlb1 = "CUPE employee is deficient of min. 8 hours."
uf9dlb2 = "Please select from below to account for " & hd & " hours."
If absel <> "" Then
Me.cu3_notes.Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & "."
Me.cu3_hours.Value = "8"
cu3_end.Value = format(bu, "h:mm")
'cu2_end.Value = format(etc_cu2, "h:mm")
stv2 = CDate(Me.cu3_start.Value)
etv2 = CDate(Me.cu3_end.Value)
jt = IIf(etv2 = 0, 1, etv2)
Me.cu3_hours.Value = format(DateDiff("n", stv2, jt) / 60, "general number")
End If
Else 'overtime allocation? If Me.cu3_hours.Value > 8 Then
hd = CDbl(Me.cu3_hours) - 8
uf9dlb3 = "CUPE employee is elligible for overtime."
uf9dlb4 = "Please select from below to account for " & hd & " hours."
If absel <> "" Then
Me.cu3_notes.Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & "."
'Me.cu3_hours.Value = "8"
cu3_end.Value = format(bu, "h:mm")
'cu2_end.Value = format(etc_cu2, "h:mm")
stv2 = CDate(Me.cu3_start.Value)
etv2 = CDate(Me.cu3_end.Value)
jt = IIf(etv2 = 0, 1, etv2)
Me.cu3_hours.Value = format(DateDiff("n", stv2, jt) / 60, "general number")
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
errorcap1a = "Invaid time entry. Please retry."
errorcap1b = "Enter time in 24H format (hh:mm)."
cu3_end.Value = format(bu, "h:mm")
End Sub
With this code, error checking is first done to ensure a proper time (24hr format) has been entered. A calculation is used to determine the number of hours difference between two times, a shift start and end time. This value is the assessed. If it is less than 8, as it is in this case, a second form (uf9d_cupe1) is opened. This form's showmodal property is set to true and appears overtop the primary form when opened.
Should the user wish to bail from any further data entry on uf9d_cupe1, they may exit by pressing a "CANCEL" commandbutton. Doing this with close uf9d_cupe1 and return the user to uf9d_poststaff.
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub uf9d_cancel_Click()
uf9dlb1 = ""
uf9dlb2 = ""
absel = ""
Unload uf9d_cupe1
End Sub
The three variables in this code are declared publicly in another module.
Upon closing of this form, code is resumed after the purple line in the top code above. The carried over value of 'absel' is referenced. If it's empty, which it will be as it was emptied in the cancel button code, code is executed that returns some uf9d_poststaff fields back to the original, and then the code ends with "Exit Sub". Userform uf9d_poststaff remains open for the user to continue working with it.
Now, lets assume we change textbox cu3_end of userform uf9d_poststaff. We will change the value from default "15:00" to "21:00" This is opposite to the first scenario where the employee was deficient of hours. In this case they exceed 8 hours are eligible for overtime.
The Sub cu3_end_BeforeUpdate code is executed with the entry of the new value. The If Else/If End If routine is assessed determining that Me.cu3_hours.Value > 8 and the associated code is executed. Userform uf9d_cupe1ot is opened (showmodal property is set to true), while in the background uf9d_poststaff remains open.
Should the user wish to bail from any further data entry on uf9d_cupe1ot, they may exit by pressing a "CANCEL" commandbutton. Doing this with close uf9d_cupe1ot and return the user to uf9d_poststaff.
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub uf9d_cancelot_Click()
uf9dlb3 = ""
uf9dlb4 = ""
cb_schot.Value = False
cb_ciot.Value = False
absel = ""
Unload uf9d_cupe1ot
End Sub
Some variables are cleared, and a couple checkboxes reset prior to userform uf9d_cupe1ot closing. Once closed, code resumes above after the purple line. Variable absel is empty. The code then resets some fields in uf9d_poststaff, to fianlly exit the sub. Now ... unlike the similar situation above, uf9d_poststaff closes! It should remain accessible as it does in the first scenario.
Is anyone able to suggest why this code is providing a different outcome and what I could do to resolve it?
If I remove the "Exit Sub", the error section "badtime" is executed unwantingly.