Hello all,
I am experiencing a strange issue with the use of a UserForm. I have just started experimenting with these and have found them very useful for organizing data efficiently; however, I have run into a reoccurring issue with one of my UserForms where it continues to lock up.
What I am doing:
Where I am running into an issue:
Certain series when pulled from the Data tab, freeze up when in the Userform. If pulled using the macro while the Userform is not shown, do fine. As soon as I open the Userform though, everything freezes up. I am then forced to end the session and reopen Excel.
So far, I have troubleshot several ideas with nothing providing success.
1. I have attempted pulling the series from the Raw data within the Userform, freezes up
2. I have attempted pulling the series from the Raw data first, then opening the Userform, freezes up
3. I have compared series that cause the system to freeze to those that have no issues
a. Formatting matches on all accounts
b. Nothing regarding the cell values varies
4. I have researched a number of other posts with similar issues, nothing appears to relate to me scenario
A few other details that may be relevant to the design:
I have several textboxes within the Userform that have the following settings:
1. Multiline: True
2. EnterKeyBehavior: True
3. ScrollBars: 2- fmScrollBarsVertical
(Unsure if these settings cause issues when transferring back to the cells in the worksheet due to formatting variances. I have also experimented with the cells on the worksheet that these textboxes are linked to by flipping between wrap text on/off)
Below I am providing the code the resides within this effort:
Code that pulls the CCR
Code that writes the updates back to the data tab, some value references change as there are formulas on the manager tab that look at update values, run some logic, and provide new dates and/or yes/no remarks:
Code within UserForm, only providing those with code:
Code on Sheet that triggers macros when the "hyperlink" is selected on the manager page:
The behavior is almost as if a macro is caught on a loop, not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I am experiencing a strange issue with the use of a UserForm. I have just started experimenting with these and have found them very useful for organizing data efficiently; however, I have run into a reoccurring issue with one of my UserForms where it continues to lock up.
What I am doing:
I have a worksheet with a table full of data. This data is 77 columns deep, of which 68 are used/updated and the other 9 are active formulas to assist with providing status updates based on the data in the other 68 columns.
This data is essentially a pipeline of data that needs managed daily, but scrolling left/right on this worksheet is cumbersome and inefficient. So on a separate worksheet I have laid out pertinent high level sections of the data, much like a briefing. Each row of data is categorized by a series number. For example, if I wanted to review a certain item from the pipeline I would say I was to look at series 12345.
I have it where I enter 12345 into a cell on the 2nd worksheet (calling this the Manager Tab going forward), and run a macro that will take that value (12345) and reference the worksheet with data (Data tab going forward) to find the matching value, pull the value from each of the 68 columns mentioned before in the respected row and then carry this information over to the Manager tab where they are laid out appropriately.
I then have a macro/link to open the userform and manage this series pulled from the other worksheet, and once updates are completed it writes back over to the Data tab. On the Userform, I decided to add a button to call the same macro initially being run before the Userform was opened, simple If clicked - call macro.
This data is essentially a pipeline of data that needs managed daily, but scrolling left/right on this worksheet is cumbersome and inefficient. So on a separate worksheet I have laid out pertinent high level sections of the data, much like a briefing. Each row of data is categorized by a series number. For example, if I wanted to review a certain item from the pipeline I would say I was to look at series 12345.
I have it where I enter 12345 into a cell on the 2nd worksheet (calling this the Manager Tab going forward), and run a macro that will take that value (12345) and reference the worksheet with data (Data tab going forward) to find the matching value, pull the value from each of the 68 columns mentioned before in the respected row and then carry this information over to the Manager tab where they are laid out appropriately.
I then have a macro/link to open the userform and manage this series pulled from the other worksheet, and once updates are completed it writes back over to the Data tab. On the Userform, I decided to add a button to call the same macro initially being run before the Userform was opened, simple If clicked - call macro.
Where I am running into an issue:
Certain series when pulled from the Data tab, freeze up when in the Userform. If pulled using the macro while the Userform is not shown, do fine. As soon as I open the Userform though, everything freezes up. I am then forced to end the session and reopen Excel.
So far, I have troubleshot several ideas with nothing providing success.
1. I have attempted pulling the series from the Raw data within the Userform, freezes up
2. I have attempted pulling the series from the Raw data first, then opening the Userform, freezes up
3. I have compared series that cause the system to freeze to those that have no issues
a. Formatting matches on all accounts
b. Nothing regarding the cell values varies
4. I have researched a number of other posts with similar issues, nothing appears to relate to me scenario
A few other details that may be relevant to the design:
I have several textboxes within the Userform that have the following settings:
1. Multiline: True
2. EnterKeyBehavior: True
3. ScrollBars: 2- fmScrollBarsVertical
(Unsure if these settings cause issues when transferring back to the cells in the worksheet due to formatting variances. I have also experimented with the cells on the worksheet that these textboxes are linked to by flipping between wrap text on/off)
Below I am providing the code the resides within this effort:
Code that pulls the CCR
Sub PullCCR()
Call ClearAll
Dim Facilitator As String
Dim CCR As String
Dim CCRname As String
Dim RiskLevel As String
Dim FastTrack As String
Dim Surf_WA As String
Dim CO As String
Dim RequestType As String
Dim SubDepartment As String
Dim NewChangeDate As String
Dim PreLimSubmit As String
Dim PreLimApproved As String
Dim CFITcomplete As String
Dim CFITresolved As String
Dim ORCname As String
Dim PRVapproved As String
Dim FRVrequested As String
Dim FRVapproved As String
Dim VTCrequested As String
Dim VTCapproved As String
Dim RECOR As String
Dim RECORdate As String
Dim Legal As String
Dim Legaldate As String
Dim CreditPolicy As String
Dim CreditPolicydate As String
Dim Finance As String
Dim Financedate As String
Dim TOG As String
Dim TOGdate As String
Dim ServicingFee As String
Dim ServicingFeeDate As String
Dim CAGTF As String
Dim CAGTFdate As String
Dim FRLUDAAP As String
Dim FRLUDAAPdate As String
Dim CAD As String
Dim CADcomplete As String
Dim SVPapproval As String
Dim SVPdate As String
Dim OOC As String
Dim OOCdate As String
Dim TG1ready As String
Dim TG1meeting As String
Dim TG1approved As String
Dim TG2ready As String
Dim TG2meeting As String
Dim TG2approved As String
Dim Implement As String
Dim CloseReady As String
Dim Closed As String
Dim Repository As String
Dim LastFollowup As String
Dim Status As String
Dim Comments As String
Dim NextFollowup As String
Dim r1 As String
Dim r7 As String
Dim r8 As String
Dim r10 As String
Dim i11 As String
Dim i21 As String
Dim i22 As String
Dim CS As String
Dim ES As String
Dim PG As String
Dim PI As String
Dim CoChangeOwner As String
Dim CCRpull As String
Dim Ticketpull As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("CCR Manager").Select
CCRpull = Range("E1")
Ticket = MsgBox("Is there a ticket# [SURF/WA#]?", vbYesNo)
If Ticket = vbYes Then
Ticketpull = InputBox("What is the ticket#?")
If Ticketpull = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
Sheets("CCR data").Select
For Each xCCR In Sheets("CCR data").Range(Cells(1, "B"), Cells(1, "B").End(xlDown))
CCR = Cells(xCCR.Row, 2)
Ticket = Cells(xCCR.Row, 6)
If CCR = CCRpull Then
If Ticket = Ticketpull Then
Facilitator = Cells(xCCR.Row, 1)
CCR = Cells(xCCR.Row, 2)
CCRname = Cells(xCCR.Row, 3)
RiskLevel = Cells(xCCR.Row, 4)
FastTrack = Cells(xCCR.Row, 5)
Surf_WA = Cells(xCCR.Row, 6)
CO = Cells(xCCR.Row, 7)
RequestType = Cells(xCCR.Row, 8)
SubDepartment = Cells(xCCR.Row, 9)
NewChangeDate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 10)
PreLimSubmit = Cells(xCCR.Row, 11)
PreLimApproved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 12)
CFITcomplete = Cells(xCCR.Row, 13)
CFITresolved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 14)
ORCname = Cells(xCCR.Row, 15)
PRVapproved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 16)
FRVrequested = Cells(xCCR.Row, 17)
FRVapproved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 18)
VTCrequested = Cells(xCCR.Row, 19)
VTCapproved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 20)
RECOR = Cells(xCCR.Row, 21)
RECORdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 22)
Legal = Cells(xCCR.Row, 23)
Legaldate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 24)
CreditPolicy = Cells(xCCR.Row, 25)
CreditPolicydate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 26)
Finance = Cells(xCCR.Row, 27)
Financedate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 28)
TOG = Cells(xCCR.Row, 29)
TOGdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 30)
ServicingFee = Cells(xCCR.Row, 31)
ServicingFeeDate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 32)
CAGTF = Cells(xCCR.Row, 33)
CAGTFdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 34)
FRLUDAAP = Cells(xCCR.Row, 35)
FRLUDAAPdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 36)
CAD = Cells(xCCR.Row, 37)
CADcomplete = Cells(xCCR.Row, 38)
SVPapproval = Cells(xCCR.Row, 39)
SVPdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 40)
OOC = Cells(xCCR.Row, 41)
OOCdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 42)
TG1ready = Cells(xCCR.Row, 43)
TG1meeting = Cells(xCCR.Row, 44)
TG1approved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 45)
TG2ready = Cells(xCCR.Row, 46)
TG2meeting = Cells(xCCR.Row, 47)
TG2approved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 48)
Implement = Cells(xCCR.Row, 49)
CloseReady = Cells(xCCR.Row, 50)
Closed = Cells(xCCR.Row, 51)
Repository = Cells(xCCR.Row, 52)
LastFollowup = Cells(xCCR.Row, 53)
Status = Cells(xCCR.Row, 54)
Comments = Cells(xCCR.Row, 55)
NextFollowup = Cells(xCCR.Row, 56)
r1 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 57)
r7 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 58)
r8 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 59)
r10 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 60)
i11 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 61)
i21 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 62)
i22 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 63)
CoChangeOwner = Cells(xCCR.Row, 64)
CS = Cells(xCCR.Row, 65)
ES = Cells(xCCR.Row, 66)
PG = Cells(xCCR.Row, 68)
PI = Cells(xCCR.Row, 69)
Sheets("CCR Manager").Select
Range("D17").Value = Facilitator
Range("E17").Value = CCR
Range("F17").Value = CCRname
Range("G17").Value = RiskLevel
Range("H17").Value = FastTrack
Range("I17").Value = Surf_WA
Range("J17").Value = CO
Range("K17").Value = RequestType
Range("L17").Value = SubDepartment
Range("M17").Value = NewChangeDate
Range("N17").Value = PreLimSubmit
Range("O17").Value = PreLimApproved
Range("P17").Value = CFITcomplete
Range("Q17").Value = CFITresolved
Range("R17").Value = ORCname
Range("S17").Value = PRVapproved
Range("T17").Value = FRVrequested
Range("U17").Value = FRVapproved
Range("V17").Value = VTCrequested
Range("W17").Value = VTCapproved
Range("X17").Value = RECOR
Range("Y17").Value = RECORdate
Range("Z17").Value = Legal
Range("AA17").Value = Legaldate
Range("AB17").Value = CreditPolicy
Range("AC17").Value = CreditPolicydate
Range("AD17").Value = Finance
Range("AE17").Value = Financedate
Range("AF17").Value = TOG
Range("AG17").Value = TOGdate
Range("AH17").Value = ServicingFee
Range("AI17").Value = ServicingFeeDate
Range("AJ17").Value = CAGTF
Range("AK17").Value = CAGTFdate
Range("AL17").Value = FRLUDAAP
Range("AM17").Value = FRLUDAAPdate
Range("AN17").Value = CAD
Range("AO17").Value = CADcomplete
Range("AP17").Value = SVPapproval
Range("AQ17").Value = SVPdate
Range("AR17").Value = OOC
Range("AS17").Value = OOCdate
Range("AT17").Value = TG1ready
Range("AU17").Value = TG1meeting
Range("AV17").Value = TG1approved
Range("AW17").Value = TG2ready
Range("AX17").Value = TG2meeting
Range("AY17").Value = TG2approved
Range("AZ17").Value = Implement
Range("BA17").Value = CloseReady
Range("BB17").Value = Closed
Range("BC17").Value = Repository
Range("BD17").Value = LastFollowup
Range("BE17").Value = Status
Range("I1").Value = Status
Range("BF17").Value = Comments
Range("BG17").Value = NextFollowup
Range("BH17").Value = r1
Range("BI17").Value = r7
Range("BJ17").Value = r8
Range("BK17").Value = r10
Range("BL17").Value = i11
Range("BM17").Value = i21
Range("BN17").Value = i22
Range("BO17").Value = CoChangeOwner
Range("BP17").Value = CS
Range("BQ17").Value = ES
Range("BR17").Value = PG
Range("BS17").Value = PI
End If
End If
End If
ElseIf Ticket = vbNo Then
Sheets("CCR data").Select
For Each xCCR In Sheets("CCR data").Range(Cells(1, "B"), Cells(1, "B").End(xlDown))
CCR = Cells(xCCR.Row, 2)
If CCR = CCRpull Then
Facilitator = Cells(xCCR.Row, 1)
CCR = Cells(xCCR.Row, 2)
CCRname = Cells(xCCR.Row, 3)
RiskLevel = Cells(xCCR.Row, 4)
FastTrack = Cells(xCCR.Row, 5)
Surf_WA = Cells(xCCR.Row, 6)
CO = Cells(xCCR.Row, 7)
RequestType = Cells(xCCR.Row, 8)
SubDepartment = Cells(xCCR.Row, 9)
NewChangeDate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 10)
PreLimSubmit = Cells(xCCR.Row, 11)
PreLimApproved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 12)
CFITcomplete = Cells(xCCR.Row, 13)
CFITresolved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 14)
ORCname = Cells(xCCR.Row, 15)
PRVapproved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 16)
FRVrequested = Cells(xCCR.Row, 17)
FRVapproved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 18)
VTCrequested = Cells(xCCR.Row, 19)
VTCapproved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 20)
RECOR = Cells(xCCR.Row, 21)
RECORdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 22)
Legal = Cells(xCCR.Row, 23)
Legaldate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 24)
CreditPolicy = Cells(xCCR.Row, 25)
CreditPolicydate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 26)
Finance = Cells(xCCR.Row, 27)
Financedate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 28)
TOG = Cells(xCCR.Row, 29)
TOGdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 30)
ServicingFee = Cells(xCCR.Row, 31)
ServicingFeeDate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 32)
CAGTF = Cells(xCCR.Row, 33)
CAGTFdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 34)
FRLUDAAP = Cells(xCCR.Row, 35)
FRLUDAAPdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 36)
CAD = Cells(xCCR.Row, 37)
CADcomplete = Cells(xCCR.Row, 38)
SVPapproval = Cells(xCCR.Row, 39)
SVPdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 40)
OOC = Cells(xCCR.Row, 41)
OOCdate = Cells(xCCR.Row, 42)
TG1ready = Cells(xCCR.Row, 43)
TG1meeting = Cells(xCCR.Row, 44)
TG1approved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 45)
TG2ready = Cells(xCCR.Row, 46)
TG2meeting = Cells(xCCR.Row, 47)
TG2approved = Cells(xCCR.Row, 48)
Implement = Cells(xCCR.Row, 49)
CloseReady = Cells(xCCR.Row, 50)
Closed = Cells(xCCR.Row, 51)
Repository = Cells(xCCR.Row, 52)
LastFollowup = Cells(xCCR.Row, 53)
Status = Cells(xCCR.Row, 54)
Comments = Cells(xCCR.Row, 55)
NextFollowup = Cells(xCCR.Row, 56)
r1 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 57)
r7 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 58)
r8 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 59)
r10 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 60)
i11 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 61)
i21 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 62)
i22 = Cells(xCCR.Row, 63)
CoChangeOwner = Cells(xCCR.Row, 64)
CS = Cells(xCCR.Row, 65)
ES = Cells(xCCR.Row, 66)
PG = Cells(xCCR.Row, 68)
PI = Cells(xCCR.Row, 69)
Sheets("CCR Manager").Select
Range("D17").Value = Facilitator
Range("E17").Value = CCR
Range("F17").Value = CCRname
Range("G17").Value = RiskLevel
Range("H17").Value = FastTrack
Range("I17").Value = Surf_WA
Range("J17").Value = CO
Range("K17").Value = RequestType
Range("L17").Value = SubDepartment
Range("M17").Value = NewChangeDate
Range("N17").Value = PreLimSubmit
Range("O17").Value = PreLimApproved
Range("P17").Value = CFITcomplete
Range("Q17").Value = CFITresolved
Range("R17").Value = ORCname
Range("S17").Value = PRVapproved
Range("T17").Value = FRVrequested
Range("U17").Value = FRVapproved
Range("V17").Value = VTCrequested
Range("W17").Value = VTCapproved
Range("X17").Value = RECOR
Range("Y17").Value = RECORdate
Range("Z17").Value = Legal
Range("AA17").Value = Legaldate
Range("AB17").Value = CreditPolicy
Range("AC17").Value = CreditPolicydate
Range("AD17").Value = Finance
Range("AE17").Value = Financedate
Range("AF17").Value = TOG
Range("AG17").Value = TOGdate
Range("AH17").Value = ServicingFee
Range("AI17").Value = ServicingFeeDate
Range("AJ17").Value = CAGTF
Range("AK17").Value = CAGTFdate
Range("AL17").Value = FRLUDAAP
Range("AM17").Value = FRLUDAAPdate
Range("AN17").Value = CAD
Range("AO17").Value = CADcomplete
Range("AP17").Value = SVPapproval
Range("AQ17").Value = SVPdate
Range("AR17").Value = OOC
Range("AS17").Value = OOCdate
Range("AT17").Value = TG1ready
Range("AU17").Value = TG1meeting
Range("AV17").Value = TG1approved
Range("AW17").Value = TG2ready
Range("AX17").Value = TG2meeting
Range("AY17").Value = TG2approved
Range("AZ17").Value = Implement
Range("BA17").Value = CloseReady
Range("BB17").Value = Closed
Range("BC17").Value = Repository
Range("BD17").Value = LastFollowup
Range("BE17").Value = Status
Range("I1").Value = Status
Range("BF17").Value = Comments
Range("BG17").Value = NextFollowup
Range("BH17").Value = r1
Range("BI17").Value = r7
Range("BJ17").Value = r8
Range("BK17").Value = r10
Range("BL17").Value = i11
Range("BM17").Value = i21
Range("BN17").Value = i22
Range("BO17").Value = CoChangeOwner
Range("BP17").Value = CS
Range("BQ17").Value = ES
Range("BR17").Value = PG
Range("BS17").Value = PI
End If
End If
'Highlights empty cells/white-out populated cells
For Each Y In UserForm2.Controls
If TypeName(Y) = "TextBox" Then
If Y.Value = "" Then
Y.BackColor = &H80FFFF
Y.BackColor = &H80000005
End If
End If
Next Y
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Code that writes the updates back to the data tab, some value references change as there are formulas on the manager tab that look at update values, run some logic, and provide new dates and/or yes/no remarks:
Sub UpdateCCR()
Dim Facilitator As String
Dim CCR As String
Dim CCRname As String
Dim RiskLevel As String
Dim FastTrack As String
Dim Surf_WA As String
Dim CO As String
Dim RequestType As String
Dim SubDepartment As String
Dim NewChangeDate As String
Dim PreLimSubmit As String
Dim PreLimApproved As String
Dim CFITcomplete As String
Dim CFITresolved As String
Dim ORCname As String
Dim PRVapproved As String
Dim FRVrequested As String
Dim FRVapproved As String
Dim VTCrequested As String
Dim VTCapproved As String
Dim RECOR As String
Dim RECORdate As String
Dim Legal As String
Dim Legaldate As String
Dim CreditPolicy As String
Dim CreditPolicydate As String
Dim Finance As String
Dim Financedate As String
Dim TOG As String
Dim TOGdate As String
Dim ServicingFee As String
Dim ServicingFeeDate As String
Dim CAGTF As String
Dim CAGTFdate As String
Dim FRLUDAAP As String
Dim FRLUDAAPdate As String
Dim CAD As String
Dim CADcomplete As String
Dim SVPapproval As String
Dim SVPdate As String
Dim OOC As String
Dim OOCdate As String
Dim TG1ready As String
Dim TG1meeting As String
Dim TG1approved As String
Dim TG2ready As String
Dim TG2meeting As String
Dim TG2approved As String
Dim Implement As String
Dim CloseReady As String
Dim Closed As String
Dim Repository As String
Dim LastFollowup As String
Dim Status As String
Dim Comments As String
Dim NextFollowup As String
Dim r1 As String
Dim r7 As String
Dim r8 As String
Dim r10 As String
Dim i11 As String
Dim i21 As String
Dim i22 As String
Dim CS As String
Dim ES As String
Dim PG As String
Dim PI As String
Dim CoChangeOwner As String
Dim CCRmatch As String
Dim TicketMatch As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("CCR Manager").Select
Facilitator = Range("D17").Value
CCR = Range("E1").Value
CCRname = Range("F17").Value
RiskLevel = Range("G17").Value
FastTrack = Range("H17").Value
Surf_WA = Range("I17").Value
CO = Range("J17").Value
RequestType = Range("K17").Value
SubDepartment = Range("L17").Value
NewChangeDate = Range("M17").Value
PreLimSubmit = Range("N17").Value
PreLimApproved = Range("O17").Value
CFITcomplete = Range("AD5").Value
CFITresolved = Range("Q17").Value
ORCname = Range("R17").Value
PRVapproved = Range("S17").Value
FRVrequested = Range("T17").Value
FRVapproved = Range("U17").Value
VTCrequested = Range("V17").Value
VTCapproved = Range("W17").Value
RECOR = Range("X17").Value
RECORdate = Range("Y17").Value
Legal = Range("Z17").Value
Legaldate = Range("AA17").Value
CreditPolicy = Range("AB17").Value
CreditPolicydate = Range("AC17").Value
Finance = Range("AD17").Value
Financedate = Range("AE17").Value
TOG = Range("AF17").Value
TOGdate = Range("AG17").Value
ServicingFee = Range("AH17").Value
ServicingFeeDate = Range("AI17").Value
CAGTF = Range("AJ17").Value
CAGTFdate = Range("AK17").Value
FRLUDAAP = Range("AL17").Value
FRLUDAAPdate = Range("AM17").Value
CAD = Range("AD11").Value
CADcomplete = Range("AO17").Value
SVPapproval = Range("AP17").Value
SVPdate = Range("AQ17").Value
OOC = Range("AR17").Value
OOCdate = Range("AS17").Value
TG1ready = Range("AD8").Value
TG1meeting = Range("AU17").Value
TG1approved = Range("AV17").Value
TG2ready = Range("AE8").Value
TG2meeting = Range("AX17").Value
TG2approved = Range("AY17").Value
Implement = Range("AZ17").Value
CloseReady = Range("BA17").Value
Closed = Range("BB17").Value
Repository = Range("BC17").Value
LastFollowup = Range("T1").Value
Status = Range("I1").Value
Comments = Range("BF17").Value
NextFollowup = Range("M3").Value
r1 = Range("BH17").Value
r7 = Range("BI17").Value
r8 = Range("BJ17").Value
r10 = Range("BK17").Value
i11 = Range("BL17").Value
i21 = Range("BM17").Value
i22 = Range("BN17").Value
CoChangeOwner = Range("BO17").Value
CS = Range("BP17").Value
ES = Range("BQ17").Value
PG = Range("AE5").Value
PI = Range("BS17").Value
Sheets("CCR data").Select
For Each xCCR In Sheets("CCR data").Range(Cells(1, "B"), Cells(1, "B").End(xlDown))
CCRmatch = Cells(xCCR.Row, 2)
If CCRmatch = CCR Then
TicketMatch = Cells(xCCR.Row, 6)
If TicketMatch = Surf_WA Then
Cells(xCCR.Row, 2) = CCR
Cells(xCCR.Row, 3) = CCRname
Cells(xCCR.Row, 4) = RiskLevel
Cells(xCCR.Row, 5) = FastTrack
Cells(xCCR.Row, 6) = Surf_WA
Cells(xCCR.Row, 7) = CO
Cells(xCCR.Row, 8) = RequestType
Cells(xCCR.Row, 9) = SubDepartment
Cells(xCCR.Row, 10) = NewChangeDate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 11) = PreLimSubmit
Cells(xCCR.Row, 12) = PreLimApproved
Cells(xCCR.Row, 13) = CFITcomplete
Cells(xCCR.Row, 14) = CFITresolved
Cells(xCCR.Row, 15) = ORCname
Cells(xCCR.Row, 16) = PRVapproved
Cells(xCCR.Row, 17) = FRVrequested
Cells(xCCR.Row, 18) = FRVapproved
Cells(xCCR.Row, 19) = VTCrequested
Cells(xCCR.Row, 20) = VTCapproved
Cells(xCCR.Row, 21) = RECOR
Cells(xCCR.Row, 22) = RECORdate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 23) = Legal
Cells(xCCR.Row, 24) = Legaldate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 25) = CreditPolicy
Cells(xCCR.Row, 26) = CreditPolicydate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 27) = Finance
Cells(xCCR.Row, 28) = Financedate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 29) = TOG
Cells(xCCR.Row, 30) = TOGdate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 31) = ServicingFee
Cells(xCCR.Row, 32) = ServicingFeeDate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 33) = CAGTF
Cells(xCCR.Row, 34) = CAGTFdate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 35) = FRLUDAAP
Cells(xCCR.Row, 36) = FRLUDAAPdate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 37) = CAD
Cells(xCCR.Row, 38) = CADcomplete
Cells(xCCR.Row, 39) = SVPapproval
Cells(xCCR.Row, 40) = SVPdate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 41) = OOC
Cells(xCCR.Row, 42) = OOCdate
Cells(xCCR.Row, 43) = TG1ready
Cells(xCCR.Row, 44) = TG1meeting
Cells(xCCR.Row, 45) = TG1approved
Cells(xCCR.Row, 46) = TG2ready
Cells(xCCR.Row, 47) = TG2meeting
Cells(xCCR.Row, 48) = TG2approved
Cells(xCCR.Row, 49) = Implement
Cells(xCCR.Row, 50) = CloseReady
Cells(xCCR.Row, 51) = Closed
Cells(xCCR.Row, 52) = Repository
Cells(xCCR.Row, 53) = LastFollowup
Cells(xCCR.Row, 54) = Status
Cells(xCCR.Row, 55) = Comments
Cells(xCCR.Row, 56) = NextFollowup
Cells(xCCR.Row, 57) = r1
Cells(xCCR.Row, 58) = r7
Cells(xCCR.Row, 59) = r8
Cells(xCCR.Row, 60) = r10
Cells(xCCR.Row, 61) = i11
Cells(xCCR.Row, 62) = i21
Cells(xCCR.Row, 63) = i22
Cells(xCCR.Row, 64) = CoChangeOwner
Cells(xCCR.Row, 65) = CS
Cells(xCCR.Row, 66) = ES
Cells(xCCR.Row, 68) = PG
Cells(xCCR.Row, 69) = PI
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Sheets("CCR Manager").Select
End Sub
Code within UserForm, only providing those with code:
Private Sub ComboBox14_Change()
Dim A As Integer
A = ComboBox14.ListIndex
Select Case A
Case Is = 0
MsgBox "Prompts text"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox15_Change()
Dim B As Integer
B = ComboBox15.ListIndex
Select Case B
Case Is = 0
MsgBox "Prompts text"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox16_Change()
Dim C As Integer
C = ComboBox16.ListIndex
Select Case C
Case Is = 0
MsgBox "Prompts text"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox17_Change()
Dim D As Integer
D = ComboBox17.ListIndex
Select Case D
Case Is = 0
MsgBox "Prompts text"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox18_Change()
Dim E As Integer
E = ComboBox18.ListIndex
Select Case E
Case Is = 0
MsgBox "Prompts text"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox19_Change()
Dim F As Integer
F = ComboBox19.ListIndex
Select Case F
Case Is = 0
MsgBox "Prompts text"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox20_Change()
Dim G As Integer
G = ComboBox20.ListIndex
Select Case G
Case Is = 0
MsgBox "Prompts text"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call PullCCR
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton17_Click()
Dim RetCode As Integer
RetCode = Shell("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE http://hcfg-portal.homestead.wellsfargo.com/sites/ccp/User%20Roles%20and/Forms/AllItems.aspx", vbNormalFocus)
If RetCode = 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not open webpage."
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton19_Click()
Range("b7").Value = "(All)"
Range("b8").Value = "(All)"
Range("b9").Value = "(All)"
Range("b10").Value = "(All)"
Range("b11").Value = "(All)"
Range("b12").Value = "(All)"
Range("b13").Value = "(All)"
Range("b14").Value = "(All)"
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'Save & Clear
Call UpdateCCR
Call ClearAll
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton20_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton21_Click()
'Close without Save
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
'Save & Continue
Call UpdateCCR
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
'Save & Close
Call UpdateCCR
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton9_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox50_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Call Setdate
End Sub
Code on Sheet that triggers macros when the "hyperlink" is selected on the manager page:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myRange2 As Range
Dim myRange3 As Range
Dim myRange4 As Range
Dim myRange5 As Range
Dim myRange6 As Range
Dim myRange7 As Range
Dim myRange8 As Range
Set myRange = Range("O1")
Set myRange2 = Range("O2")
Set myRange3 = Range("O3")
Set myRange4 = Range("O4")
Set myRange5 = Range("O5")
Set myRange6 = Range("O6")
Set myRange7 = Range("O7")
Set myRange8 = Range("O9")
'VBA script to run macro's off hyperlinks
'Set destination to same cell hyperlink is in
If Union(Target, myRange).Address = myRange.Address Then
'Pull CCR
Call PullCCR
ElseIf Union(Target, myRange2).Address = myRange2.Address Then
'Save & Clear
Call UpdateCCR
Call ClearAll
ElseIf Union(Target, myRange3).Address = myRange3.Address Then
'Save & Continue
Call UpdateCCR
ElseIf Union(Target, myRange4).Address = myRange4.Address Then
'Clear All
Range("b7").Value = "(All)"
Range("b8").Value = "(All)"
Range("b9").Value = "(All)"
Range("b10").Value = "(All)"
Range("b11").Value = "(All)"
Range("b12").Value = "(All)"
Range("b13").Value = "(All)"
Range("b14").Value = "(All)"
Call ClearAll
ElseIf Union(Target, myRange5).Address = myRange5.Address Then
'Clear Pivot
Range("b7").Value = "(All)"
Range("b8").Value = "(All)"
Range("b9").Value = "(All)"
Range("b10").Value = "(All)"
Range("b11").Value = "(All)"
Range("b12").Value = "(All)"
Range("b13").Value = "(All)"
Range("b14").Value = "(All)"
ElseIf Union(Target, myRange6).Address = myRange6.Address Then
ElseIf Union(Target, myRange7).Address = myRange7.Address Then
Call Setdate
ElseIf Union(Target, myRange8).Address = myRange8.Address Then
Call Mainhub
End If
End Sub
The behavior is almost as if a macro is caught on a loop, not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated!