Hi All,
Firstly please forgive the way I have structured this I'm still very much a novice when it comes to VBA,
The first code is copied into the VBA sheet (people) when I type a name into B4 it will automatically filter the Name in column (C) this works fine,
Moving into my userform I have a search bar (Textbox1) the second code is my user form code it transfers the text from (Textbox1) to the sheet (people B4) triggering the filter,
The issue I am having is that if the wrong name or an unknown name is typed in and can not be found in the column it gives me a run time error, meaning the user has the end and restart,
Can anyone help with this issue please, again I'm very sorry but i can't get the L2BB to work for me so I have included a copy of the document if required, Thanks in advance.
Launch Holiday Tracker 2023.xlsm
Firstly please forgive the way I have structured this I'm still very much a novice when it comes to VBA,
The first code is copied into the VBA sheet (people) when I type a name into B4 it will automatically filter the Name in column (C) this works fine,
Moving into my userform I have a search bar (Textbox1) the second code is my user form code it transfers the text from (Textbox1) to the sheet (people B4) triggering the filter,
The issue I am having is that if the wrong name or an unknown name is typed in and can not be found in the column it gives me a run time error, meaning the user has the end and restart,
Can anyone help with this issue please, again I'm very sorry but i can't get the L2BB to work for me so I have included a copy of the document if required, Thanks in advance.
Launch Holiday Tracker 2023.xlsm
VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Target.Address = "$B$4" Then
If ActiveSheet.FilterMode Then ShowAllData
If Len(Target.Value) > 0 Then Range("C1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="*" & Target.Value & "*"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
End Sub
VBA Code:
Private Sub resetadd_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("People").Visible = True
Sheets("People").Range("B4") = TextBox1.Value
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
startdate.Value = Sheets("People").Range("E1000").Value
service.Value = Sheets("People").Range("G1000").Value
undays.Value = Sheets("People").Range("H1000").Value
lieu.Value = Sheets("People").Range("K1000").Value
earned.Value = Sheets("People").Range("J1000").Value
floating.Value = Sheets("People").Range("I1000").Value
area.Value = Sheets("People").Range("L1000").Value
pass.Value = Sheets("People").Range("M1000").Value
ID.Value = Sheets("People").Range("C1000").Value
orical.Value = Sheets("People").Range("D1000").Value
myhr.Value = Sheets("People").Range("F1000").Value
contact.Value = Sheets("People").Range("N1000").Value
email.Value = Sheets("People").Range("O1000").Value
p60.Value = Sheets("People").Range("Q1000").Value
p60c.Value = Sheets("People").Range("S1000").Value
p60z.Value = Sheets("People").Range("U1000").Value
longforks.Value = Sheets("People").Range("W1000").Value
counter.Value = Sheets("People").Range("Y1000").Value
reach.Value = Sheets("People").Range("AA1000").Value
flatbed.Value = Sheets("People").Range("AC1000").Value
bframe.Value = Sheets("People").Range("AE1000").Value
cframe.Value = Sheets("People").Range("AG1000").Value
eframe.Value = Sheets("People").Range("AI1000").Value
phev.Value = Sheets("People").Range("AK1000").Value
manual.Value = Sheets("People").Range("AM1000").Value
If Worksheets("People").Range("P1000").Text = "yes" Then
p60v.Value = True
p60v.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("R1000").Text = "yes" Then
p60cv.Value = True
p60cv.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("T1000").Text = "yes" Then
p60zv.Value = True
p60zv.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("V1000").Text = "yes" Then
longforksv.Value = True
longforksv.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("X1000").Text = "yes" Then
counterv.Value = True
counterv.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("Z1000").Text = "yes" Then
reachv.Value = True
reachv.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("AB1000").Text = "yes" Then
flatbedv.Value = True
flatbedv.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("AD1000").Text = "yes" Then
bframev.Value = True
bframev.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("AF1000").Text = "yes" Then
cframev.Value = True
cframev.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("AH1000").Text = "yes" Then
eframev.Value = True
eframev.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("AJ1000").Text = "yes" Then
phevv.Value = True
phevv.Value = False
End If
If Worksheets("People").Range("AL1000").Text = "yes" Then
manualv.Value = True
manualv.Value = False
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveSheet.Range("$C$1:$AM$989").AutoFilter Field:=1
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub