Userform DTPicker won't show correct date when feed to cell


New Member
May 17, 2018
I have a Userform with a Date Picker field called "DTPickerLaunch"

When the form is initialized code reads as below so it defaults to today + 30 days (this works fine).
The issue is when I transfer the field value to my sheet. On one Userform (UserformScopeLodging) the date is transfer/display correctly (example 7/26/18). On the other Userform (UserformScopeTicket) the date transferring/displaying as "1/0/1900" no matter what I do.

Both cells are formatted the same in Excel, Category = Date & Type = 3/14/12. I have look at the field properties for both fields on each form and they are the same as well. I can't figure it out. I don't know if there is something else in the code that is messing it up but I'm not sure what.

Below is the full code for both Userforms.

Here is the Userform that causes the issue: (UserformScopeTicket)

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    MultiPage1.Value = 0
   'Set the Cursor to Product Name
    'Default Launch Date to 1 month from today
    DTPickerLaunch.Value = Date + 30
End Sub

'Product Name Suggested Construct
Private Sub CommandButtonProductName_Click()
    Load UserFormConstruct

End Sub

'If Product Type Special/Hard Ticket Event Selected - Enable "New" Question
Private Sub ComboBoxProductType_Change()
    If ComboBoxProductType = "Special/Hard Ticket Event" Then
        ComboBoxProductType2.Enabled = True
        ComboBoxProductType2.Value = ""
        ComboBoxProductType2.Enabled = False
        ComboBoxProductType2.Value = "N/A"
    End If

End Sub

'If BOLT Selected - Enable additional Bolt checkboxes
Private Sub CheckBoxBOLT_Change()
    If CheckBoxBOLT = True Then
        CheckBoxBOLTStore.Enabled = True
        CheckBoxBOLTStore.Enabled = False
    End If

End Sub

'If New Vendomatic Element is checked move to Vendomatic page
Private Sub CheckBoxVendomatic_Click()
    MultiPage1.Value = 1
End Sub

'UnGrey Vendomatic QTYs & Spinbuttons
Private Sub CheckBoxProductTypeV_Change()
    If CheckBoxProductTypeV = True Then
        TextBoxProductTypeVQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxProductTypeVQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonProductTypeVQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxProductTypeVQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxProductTypeVQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonProductTypeVQty.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButtonProductTypeVQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxProductTypeVQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxProductTypeVQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxProductTypeVQty = Me.TextBoxProductTypeVQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonProductTypeVQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxProductTypeVQty = Me.TextBoxProductTypeVQty + 1

End Sub
Private Sub CheckBoxRate_Change()
    If CheckBoxRate = True Then
        TextBoxRateQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxRateQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonRateQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxRateQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxRateQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonRateQty.Enabled = False
    End If
 End Sub
Private Sub SpinButtonRateQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxRateQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxRateQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxRateQty = Me.TextBoxRateQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonRateQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxRateQty = Me.TextBoxRateQty + 1

End Sub
Private Sub CheckBoxDTI_Change()
    If CheckBoxDTI = True Then
        TextBoxDTIQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxDTIQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonDTIQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxDTIQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxDTIQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonDTIQty.Enabled = False
    End If
  End Sub
Private Sub SpinButtonDTIQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxDTIQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxDTIQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxDTIQty = Me.TextBoxDTIQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonDTIQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxDTIQty = Me.TextBoxDTIQty + 1

End Sub
Private Sub CheckBoxAffiliation_Change()
    If CheckBoxAffiliation = True Then
        TextBoxAffiliationQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxAffiliationQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonAffiliationQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxAffiliationQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxAffiliationQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonAffiliationQty.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButtonAffiliationQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxAffiliationQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxAffiliationQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxAffiliationQty = Me.TextBoxAffiliationQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonAffiliationQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxAffiliationQty = Me.TextBoxAffiliationQty + 1

End Sub

'When Done with Vendomatic Elements page
Private Sub CommandButtonDoneV_Click()
'Check for Vendomatic Elements
    For Each Ctrl In FrameVendomaticElements.Controls
       If TypeOf Ctrl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
           If Ctrl.Value = True Then
                 F1D = True
                 Exit For
                 End If
           End If
       Next Ctrl
    If F1D = False Then
        MsgBox "You must select at least one Vendomatic Element"
        MultiPage1.Value = 0
    End If
End Sub

'When Cancel from Vendomatic Elements page
Private Sub CommandButtonCancelV_Click()
    CheckBoxVendomatic.Value = False
    MultiPage1.Value = 0
End Sub

'If New Lexicon Element is checked move to Lexicon page
Private Sub CheckBoxLexicon_Click()
    MultiPage1.Value = 2
End Sub

'UnGrey Lexicon QTYs & Spinbuttons
Private Sub CheckBoxProductTypeL_Change()
    If CheckBoxProductTypeL = True Then
        TextBoxProductTypeLQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxProductTypeLQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonProductTypeLQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxProductTypeLQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxProductTypeLQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonProductTypeLQty.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonProductTypeLQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxProductTypeLQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxProductTypeLQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxProductTypeLQty = Me.TextBoxProductTypeLQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonProductTypeLQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxProductTypeLQty = Me.TextBoxProductTypeLQty + 1

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBoxProductDesc_Change()
    If CheckBoxProductDesc = True Then
        TextBoxProductDescQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxProductDescQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonProductDescQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxProductDescQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxProductDescQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonProductDescQty.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonProductDescQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxProductDescQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxProductDescQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxProductDescQty = Me.TextBoxProductDescQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonProductDescQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxProductDescQty = Me.TextBoxProductDescQty + 1

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBoxFeature_Change()
    If CheckBoxFeature = True Then
        TextBoxFeatureQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxFeatureQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonFeatureQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxFeatureQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxFeatureQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonFeatureQty.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonFeatureQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxFeatureQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxFeatureQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxFeatureQty = Me.TextBoxFeatureQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonFeatureQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxFeatureQty = Me.TextBoxFeatureQty + 1

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBoxAddOn_Change()
    If CheckBoxAddOn = True Then
        TextBoxAddOnQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxAddOnQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonAddOnQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxAddOnQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxAddOnQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonAddOnQty.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonAddOnQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxAddOnQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxAddOnQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxAddOnQty = Me.TextBoxAddOnQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonAddOnQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxAddOnQty = Me.TextBoxAddOnQty + 1

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBoxDelivery_Change()
    If CheckBoxDelivery = True Then
        TextBoxDeliveryQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxDeliveryQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonDeliveryQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxDeliveryQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxDeliveryQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonDeliveryQty.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonDeliveryQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxDeliveryQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxDeliveryQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxDeliveryQty = Me.TextBoxDeliveryQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonDeliveryQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxDeliveryQty = Me.TextBoxDeliveryQty + 1

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBoxPolicy_Change()
    If CheckBoxPolicy = True Then
        TextBoxPolicyQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxPolicyQty.Value = 1
        SpinButtonPolicyQty.Enabled = True
        TextBoxPolicyQty.Enabled = False
        TextBoxPolicyQty.Value = "N/A"
        SpinButtonPolicyQty.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonPolicyQty_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxPolicyQty = 1 Then
        TextBoxPolicyQty = 1
        Me.TextBoxPolicyQty = Me.TextBoxPolicyQty - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonPolicyQty_SpinUp()
    Me.TextBoxPolicyQty = TextBoxPolicyQty + 1

End Sub

'When Done with Lexicon Elements page
Private Sub CommandButtonDoneL_Click()
'Check for Lexicon Elements
    For Each Ctrl In FrameLexiconElements.Controls
       If TypeOf Ctrl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
           If Ctrl.Value = True Then
                 F1D = True
                 Exit For
                 End If
           End If
       Next Ctrl
    If F1D = False Then
        MsgBox "You must select at least one Lexicon Element"
        MultiPage1.Value = 0
    End If
End Sub

'When Cancel from LexiconElements page
Private Sub CommandButtonCancelL_Click()
     CheckBoxLexicon.Value = False
     MultiPage1.Value = 0

End Sub

'When Click Reset button
Private Sub CommandButtonReset_Click()
    Unload Me
Call UserForm_Initialize

End Sub

'When Click Cancel button
Private Sub CommandButtonCancel_Click()

End Sub

'When Click Continue from main page
Private Sub CommandButtonContinue_Click()

    'Check for Required Fields
           With Me
             If .TextBoxProductName.Value = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Name is required" & vbLf
             If .ComboBoxAffiliation = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Affiliation is required" & vbLf
             If .ComboBoxSegment = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Segment is required" & vbLf
             If .ComboBoxBrand = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Brand is required" & vbLf
             If .ComboBoxProductType = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Type is required" & vbLf
             If .ComboBoxProductType2 = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Indicate if Special/Hard Ticket Event is brand new" & vbLf
             If .ComboBoxMediaNeeded = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Indicate if Media is needed" & vbLf
           End With
         'That one option is checked for Product Contains
           For Each Ctrl In FrameContains.Controls
             If TypeOf Ctrl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
                  If Ctrl.Value = True Then
                        F1D = True
                        Exit For
                        End If
                  End If
              Next Ctrl
           If F1D = False Then
               Msg = Msg & "No Option Selected for Product Contains (Pick all that Apply)"
           End If

      If Len(Msg) > 0 Then
           MsgBox Msg
           Exit Sub
       End If
    MultiPage1.Value = 3
End Sub

'Click Examples for Separate Day Tickets
Private Sub CommandButtonExamples_Click()
    Load UserFormExamples
End Sub

'Ungrey 1-Day Ticket Options when 1-Day Ticket checkbox is clicked
Private Sub CheckBox1Day_Click()
    If CheckBox1Day = True Then
        CheckBoxTiered.Enabled = True
        CheckBoxPark.Enabled = True
        CheckBoxTiered.Enabled = False
        CheckBoxPark.Enabled = False
    End If

End Sub

'Activate Scope SpinButtons
Private Sub SpinButtonDays_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxDays = "" Then
        TextBoxDays = 1
    ElseIf TextBoxDays = 1 Then
        TextBoxDays = 1
        Me.TextBoxDays = Me.TextBoxDays - 1
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonDays_SpinUp()
    If TextBoxDays = "" Then
        TextBoxDays = 1
        Me.TextBoxDays = Me.TextBoxDays + 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonStores_SpinDown()
    If TextBoxStores = "" Then
        TextBoxStores = 1
    ElseIf TextBoxStores = 1 Then
        TextBoxStores = 1
        Me.TextBoxStores = Me.TextBoxStores - 1
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub SpinButtonStores_SpinUp()
    If TextBoxStores = "" Then
        TextBoxStores = 1
        Me.TextBoxStores = Me.TextBoxStores + 1
    End If
End Sub

'When Click Back button
Private Sub CommandButtonBack_Click()
    MultiPage1.Value = 0

End Sub

'When Click Continue to JIRA Ticket Creation
Private Sub CommandButtonJIRA_Click()

'Check for Required Fields
    With Me
        If .TextBoxDays.Value = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Enter how many different Day tickets are needed" & vbLf
        If .TextBoxStores.Value = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Enter how many different stores are included" & vbLf
    End With
    If Len(Msg) > 0 Then
        MsgBox Msg
        Exit Sub
    End If

'Make Ticket Tab active
    Sheets("Ticket Product Info").Activate
'Transfer all other information to Ticket Tab
    Range("B3").Value = TextBoxProductName
    Range("B5").Value = ComboBoxAffiliation
    Range("B6").Value = ComboBoxSegment
    Range("B7").Value = ComboBoxBrand
    Range("B8").Value = ComboBoxProductType
    Range("B9").Value = ComboBoxProductType2
    Range("B13").Value = IIf(CheckBoxBOLT.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B14").Value = IIf(CheckBoxConsumer.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B15").Value = IIf(CheckBoxAffiliates.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B16").Value = IIf(CheckBoxDTC.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B17").Value = IIf(CheckBoxMobile.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B18").Value = ComboBoxMediaNeeded
    Range("B19").Value = IIf(CheckBoxBOLTStore.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B21").Value = IIf(CheckBoxProductTypeV.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C21").Value = CDbl(TextBoxProductTypeVQty)
    Range("B22").Value = IIf(CheckBoxRate.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C22").Value = CDbl(TextBoxRateQty)
    Range("B23").Value = IIf(CheckBoxDTI.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C23").Value = CDbl(TextBoxDTIQty)
    Range("B24").Value = IIf(CheckBoxAffiliation.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C24").Value = CDbl(TextBoxAffiliationQty)
    Range("B26").Value = IIf(CheckBoxProductTypeL.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C26").Value = CDbl(TextBoxProductTypeLQty)
    Range("B27").Value = IIf(CheckBoxProductDesc.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C27").Value = CDbl(TextBoxProductDescQty)
    Range("B28").Value = IIf(CheckBoxFeature.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C28").Value = CDbl(TextBoxFeatureQty)
    Range("B29").Value = IIf(CheckBoxAddOn.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C29").Value = CDbl(TextBoxAddOnQty)
    Range("B30").Value = IIf(CheckBoxDelivery.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C30").Value = CDbl(TextBoxDeliveryQty)
    Range("B31").Value = IIf(CheckBoxPolicy.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C31").Value = CDbl(TextBoxPolicyQty)
    Range("B42").Value = DTPickerLaunch
    Range("F3").Value = CDbl(TextBoxDays)
    Range("F4").Value = IIf(CheckBox1Day.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F5").Value = IIf(CheckBoxTiered.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F6").Value = IIf(CheckBoxPark.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F8").Value = IIf(CheckBoxAdult.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F9").Value = IIf(CheckBoxChild.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F11").Value = IIf(CheckBoxBase.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F12").Value = IIf(CheckBoxParkHopper.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F13").Value = IIf(CheckBoxParkHopperPlus.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F14").Value = CDbl(TextBoxStores)

'Hide Scope & Show JIRA Userform
    Load UserFormJIRATicket

End Sub

'When Submit Scope Estiamtion
Private Sub CommandButtonSubmitScope_Click()

'Check for Required Fields
    With Me
        If .TextBoxDays.Value = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Enter how many different Day tickets are needed" & vbLf
        If .TextBoxStores.Value = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Enter how many different stores are included" & vbLf
    End With
    If Len(Msg) > 0 Then
        MsgBox Msg
        Exit Sub
    End If

'Make Ticket Tab active
    Sheets("Ticket Product Info").Activate
'Transfer all other information to Ticket Tab
    Range("B3").Value = TextBoxProductName
    Range("B5").Value = ComboBoxAffiliation
    Range("B6").Value = ComboBoxSegment
    Range("B7").Value = ComboBoxBrand
    Range("B8").Value = ComboBoxProductType
    Range("B9").Value = ComboBoxProductType2
    Range("B13").Value = IIf(CheckBoxBOLT.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B14").Value = IIf(CheckBoxConsumer.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B15").Value = IIf(CheckBoxAffiliates.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B16").Value = IIf(CheckBoxDTC.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B17").Value = IIf(CheckBoxMobile.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B18").Value = ComboBoxMediaNeeded
    Range("B19").Value = IIf(CheckBoxBOLTStore.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B21").Value = IIf(CheckBoxProductTypeV.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C21").Value = CDbl(TextBoxProductTypeVQty)
    Range("B22").Value = IIf(CheckBoxRate.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C22").Value = CDbl(TextBoxRateQty)
    Range("B23").Value = IIf(CheckBoxDTI.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C23").Value = CDbl(TextBoxDTIQty)
    Range("B24").Value = IIf(CheckBoxAffiliation.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C24").Value = CDbl(TextBoxAffiliationQty)
    Range("B26").Value = IIf(CheckBoxProductTypeL.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C26").Value = CDbl(TextBoxProductTypeLQty)
    Range("B27").Value = IIf(CheckBoxProductDesc.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C27").Value = CDbl(TextBoxProductDescQty)
    Range("B28").Value = IIf(CheckBoxFeature.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C28").Value = CDbl(TextBoxFeatureQty)
    Range("B29").Value = IIf(CheckBoxAddOn.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C29").Value = CDbl(TextBoxAddOnQty)
    Range("B30").Value = IIf(CheckBoxDelivery.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C30").Value = CDbl(TextBoxDeliveryQty)
    Range("B31").Value = IIf(CheckBoxPolicy.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("C31").Value = CDbl(TextBoxPolicyQty)
    Range("B42").Value = DTPickerLaunch
    Range("F3").Value = CDbl(TextBoxDays)
    Range("F4").Value = IIf(CheckBox1Day.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F5").Value = IIf(CheckBoxTiered.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F6").Value = IIf(CheckBoxPark.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F8").Value = IIf(CheckBoxAdult.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F9").Value = IIf(CheckBoxChild.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F11").Value = IIf(CheckBoxBase.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F12").Value = IIf(CheckBoxParkHopper.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F13").Value = IIf(CheckBoxParkHopperPlus.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("F14").Value = CDbl(TextBoxStores)

End Sub

Here is the Userform that works just fine. (UserformScopeLodging)

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
   'Set the Cursor to Product Name
    'Default Launch Date to today's date
    DTPickerLaunch.Value = Date + 30
End Sub

'Product Name Suggested Construct
Private Sub CommandButtonProductName_Click()
    Load UserFormConstruct

End Sub

'If Content Only - Grey out PINs
    Private Sub CheckBoxContent_Change()
    If CheckBoxContent = True Then
        ComboBoxPINs.Enabled = False
        ComboBoxPINs.Value = "N/A"
        ComboBoxPINs.Enabled = True
        ComboBoxPINs.Value = ""
    End If

End Sub

'When Click Reset button
Private Sub CommandButtonReset_Click()
    Unload Me
    Call UserForm_Initialize

End Sub

'When Click Cancel button
Private Sub CommandButtonCancel_Click()

End Sub
'When Click Continue to JIRA Ticket Creation
Private Sub CommandButtonJIRA_Click()

'Check for Required Fields
    With Me
      If .TextBoxProductName.Value = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Name is required " & vbLf
      If .ComboBoxAffiliation = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Affiliation is required " & vbLf
      If .ComboBoxSegment = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Segment is required"
      If .ComboBoxBrand = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Brand is required " & vbLf
      If .ComboBoxPINs = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Indicate if Product contains PINs" & vbLf
      If .ComboBoxURL = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Indicate if we can use last year's URL" & vbLf
    End With
    If Len(Msg) > 0 Then
        MsgBox Msg
        Exit Sub
    End If
'Make Lodging Tab active
    Sheets("Lodging Product Info").Activate

'Transfer information to Lodging Tab
    Range("B3").Value = TextBoxOfferName
    Range("B6").Value = ComboBoxAffiliation
    Range("B7").Value = ComboBoxSegment
    Range("B8").Value = ComboBoxBrand
    Range("B9").Value = IIf(CheckBoxContent.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B10").Value = ComboBoxPINs
    Range("B11").Value = IIf(CheckBoxPortfolio.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B12").Value = ComboBoxURL
    Range("B15").Value = DTPickerLaunch
'Hide Scope & Show JIRA Userform
    Load UserFormJIRALodging

End Sub
'When Submit Scope Estiamtion

Private Sub CommandButtonSubmitScope_Click()

'Check for Required Fields
    With Me
      If .TextBoxProductName.Value = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Name is required " & vbLf
      If .ComboBoxAffiliation = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Affiliation is required " & vbLf
      If .ComboBoxSegment = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Segment is required"
      If .ComboBoxBrand = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Product Brand is required " & vbLf
      If .ComboBoxPINs = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Indicate if Product contains PINs" & vbLf
      If .ComboBoxURL = "" Then Msg = Msg & "Indicate if we can use last year's URL" & vbLf
    End With
    If Len(Msg) > 0 Then
        MsgBox Msg
        Exit Sub
    End If
'Make Lodging Tab active
    Sheets("Lodging Product Info").Activate

'Transfer information to Lodging Tab
    Range("B3").Value = TextBoxOfferName
    Range("B6").Value = ComboBoxAffiliation
    Range("B7").Value = ComboBoxSegment
    Range("B8").Value = ComboBoxBrand
    Range("B9").Value = IIf(CheckBoxContent.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B10").Value = ComboBoxPINs
    Range("B11").Value = IIf(CheckBoxPortfolio.Value, "Yes", "No")
    Range("B12").Value = ComboBoxURL
    Range("B15").Value = DTPickerLaunch


End Sub
So did figure out the issue. The difference between the 2 forms is the use of Multipages. UserformScopeTicket was not multipage, UserformScopeLodging was multipages with the dates on the 2nd page. When recreated the DTPickers on multipage index 0 (first page) they started feeding correctly. NOTE: for some reason simply moving them did not work. I had to recreate. No idea why that worked but it did.
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