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I have run into a problem with my userform control triggers. Consider the code below and this particular scenario.
I have a userform, with two textboxes (cu2_start, cu2_end) in which the user may enter a time.
Here is the control change code for 'cu2_start':
And the 'cu2_end' code ...
The line "If mbevents then exit sub" disables the event during userform initialization.
Suppose the user enters 16:00 into textbox 'cu2_start'.
Some date calculations are done, including an automatic calculation for the textbox 'cu2_end' value. With 16:00 entered into 'cu2_start', 'cu2_end' value is calculated as 0:00 (cu2_start + 8 hours)
Two fields are updated in the userform as a result of this code ... 'cu2_end' and cu2_endbu'.
When this code runs as it is, the changes in these two fields triggers the event change of textbox 'cu2_end'. This creates havoc with the remainder of the 'cu2_end' change code (which I admit needs tweaking once I can figure this issue out)
I needed to prevent this change code from executing, so I added mbevents = true to the 'cu2_start' trigger code in advance of the update to 'cu2_end' to suspend the event code of 'cu2_end' when it reaches the if mb events then exit sub code. I re-enable the event code with the addition of mbevents = false allowing any further changes to the textboxes to trigger code.
However, with these two lines included in the 'cu2_start' code, nothing changes. The 'cu2_end' change event is triggered the same as it is without these lines. This isn't making a difference.
If I leave the mbevents=true line in the code, and omit mbevents=false, I get the results I'm looking for. BUT! Any further textbox changes don't trigger the change code since mbevents remains true. It has never been put back to false, so the code exits with the if mbevents then exit sub line.
So you can see what I'm running into./ I need to include mbevents = false somewhere in my code, but where I think is a reasonable spot, messes up my code.
I would be most grateful to anyone who feels they can provide some support. If I've failed to provide adequate information, please let me know so I can provide the necessary background to work towards a solution.
I have a userform, with two textboxes (cu2_start, cu2_end) in which the user may enter a time.
Here is the control change code for 'cu2_start':
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub cu2_start_BeforeUpdate(ByVal CANCEL As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If mbEvents Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo badtime
'mbEvents = True
bu = cu2_startbu.Value
stc_cu2 = format(CDate(cu2_start.Value), "0.00000")
ts1 = usd + stc_cu2
etc_cu2 = stc_cu2 + 8 / 24
cu2_endbu.Value = etc_cu2
bu2 = etc_cu2
ts2 = usd + etc_cu2
cu2_end.Value = format(ts2, "hh:mm")
'mbEvents = False
Exit Sub
errorcap1a = "Invaid time entry. Please retry."
errorcap1b = "Enter time in 24H format (hh:mm)."
cu2_start.SelStart = 0
cu2_start.Value = format(bu, "hh:mm")
cu2_start.SelLength = Len(cu2_start.Value)
End Sub
And the 'cu2_end' code ...
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub cu2_end_BeforeUpdate(ByVal CANCEL As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If mbEvents Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo badtime
bu = cu2_endbu.Value 'backup end time
etc_cu2 = format(CDate(cu2_end.Value), "0.00000")
ts1 = usd + etc_cu2 'timestamp
If etc_cu2 = 0 Or etc_cu2 < 0.125 Then 'if time entered is between midnight and 3:00AM then bump up the date
etc_cu2 = ts1 + 1
End If
If etc_cu2 < CDate(cu2_start.Value) Then
errorcap1a = "Invaid time entry. Please retry."
errorcap1b = "The end of the shift must be after it's start. [" & format(cu2_start.Value, "h:mm AM/PM") & "]."
cu2_end.Value = format(bu, "hh:mm")
Exit Sub
stv2 = ts1 'CDate(Me.cu2_start.Value)
etv2 = ts2 'CDate(Me.cu2_end.Value)
'jt = IIf(etv2 = 0, 1, etv2)
Me.cu2_hours.Value = format((etv2 - stv2) / 60, "general number") 'format(DateDiff("n", stv2, jt) / 60, "general number")
If Me.cu2_hours.Value = 8 Then
Me.cu2_notes.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.cu2_hours.Value < 8 Then
hd = 8 - CDbl(Me.cu2_hours)
uf9dlb1 = "CUPE employee is deficient of min. 8 hours."
uf9dlb2 = "Please select from below to account for " & hd & " hours."
If absel <> "" Then
Me.cu2_notes.Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & "."
Me.cu2_hours.Value = "8"
cu2_end.Value = format(bu, "h:mm")
stv2 = CDate(Me.cu2_start.Value)
etv2 = CDate(Me.cu2_end.Value)
jt = IIf(etv2 = 0, 1, etv2)
Me.cu2_hours.Value = format(DateDiff("n", stv2, jt) / 60, "general number")
Me.cu2_notes.Value = ""
End If
Else 'overtime allocation? If Me.cu3_hours.Value > 8 Then
hd = CDbl(Me.cu2_hours) - 8
uf9dlb3 = "CUPE employee is elligible for overtime."
uf9dlb4 = "Please select from below to account for " & hd & " hours."
Unload uf9d_cupe1ot
If absel <> "" Then
If absel2 = "" Then
If hd >= 3 Then
Me.cu2_notes.Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & ". [M]"
Me.cu2_notes.Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & "."
End If
If hd >= 3 Then
Me.cu2_notes.Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & ". [" & absel2 & "][M]"
Me.cu2_notes.Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & ". [" & absel2 & "]"
End If
End If
cu2_end.Value = format(bu, "h:mm")
stv2 = CDate(Me.cu2_start.Value)
etv2 = CDate(Me.cu2_end.Value)
jt = IIf(etv2 = 0, 1, etv2)
Me.cu2_hours.Value = format(DateDiff("n", stv2, jt) / 60, "general number")
End If
End If
End If
bu = ""
'uf9_poststaff.btn_f1_submit.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
errorcap1a = "Invaid time entry. Please retry."
errorcap1b = "Enter time in 24H format (hh:mm)."
cu2_end.Value = format(bu, "h:mm")
End Sub
The line "If mbevents then exit sub" disables the event during userform initialization.
Suppose the user enters 16:00 into textbox 'cu2_start'.
Some date calculations are done, including an automatic calculation for the textbox 'cu2_end' value. With 16:00 entered into 'cu2_start', 'cu2_end' value is calculated as 0:00 (cu2_start + 8 hours)
Two fields are updated in the userform as a result of this code ... 'cu2_end' and cu2_endbu'.
When this code runs as it is, the changes in these two fields triggers the event change of textbox 'cu2_end'. This creates havoc with the remainder of the 'cu2_end' change code (which I admit needs tweaking once I can figure this issue out)
I needed to prevent this change code from executing, so I added mbevents = true to the 'cu2_start' trigger code in advance of the update to 'cu2_end' to suspend the event code of 'cu2_end' when it reaches the if mb events then exit sub code. I re-enable the event code with the addition of mbevents = false allowing any further changes to the textboxes to trigger code.
However, with these two lines included in the 'cu2_start' code, nothing changes. The 'cu2_end' change event is triggered the same as it is without these lines. This isn't making a difference.
If I leave the mbevents=true line in the code, and omit mbevents=false, I get the results I'm looking for. BUT! Any further textbox changes don't trigger the change code since mbevents remains true. It has never been put back to false, so the code exits with the if mbevents then exit sub line.
So you can see what I'm running into./ I need to include mbevents = false somewhere in my code, but where I think is a reasonable spot, messes up my code.
I would be most grateful to anyone who feels they can provide some support. If I've failed to provide adequate information, please let me know so I can provide the necessary background to work towards a solution.