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I have a userform ("frm_tservices') that has a combobox ("cb_s" & index & "_crew") where index is a variable representing a number of 1 - 8. The listy source for this combobox is dynamic and is created through my vba code. This list is generated and stored in worksheet THold at column N1. The code then names that generated range as "nr_t1".
At userform initialization, the range column of column N1 is empty.
The first interaction between the user is to select from 1 of 2 checkboxes ("cbx_s" & index & "_rln" or "cbx_s" & index & "_chg"). A selection of either enables the next textbox ("tb_s" & index & "_lwr"). Once the user successfully enters a value in this textbox, the next text box ("tb_s" & index & "_upr") is enabled allowing the user to enter a value in it. The userform fields only become accessible as fields preceding them have valid user entries in them. When a value for "tb_s" & index & "_upr" is entered, the list source for combobox ("cb_s" & index & "_crew") is created, named and applied as the rowsource.
Suppose the user selected "cbx_s1"_rln".
At this point, cbx_s1_rln.Value = True; cbx_s1_chg.Value = False; tb_s1_lwr is enabled and waiting for the user to enter a value; tb_s1_upr and cb_s1_crew have no values and are disabled.
The user enters a valid value in tb_s1_lwr thus making tb_s1_upr accessible for user entry.
The user proceeds to provide a valid entry to tb_s1_upr (time) which initiates code to build the list of values in worksheet THold.Range N1. It assigns that nelwy created range a name of "nr_n1" and assigns that named ranges as the combobox rowsource.
In this case, cb_s1_crew has 6 values to select from.
Now, this is where I start encountering a odd situation. Suppose now, the user changes their mind and instead of wanting to select cbx_s1_rln at the beginning, they select cbx_s1_chg instead.
At this point, cbx_s1_rln.Value = False; cbx_s1_chg.Value = True; tb_s1_lwr is enabled, no value and waiting for the user to enter a value; tb_s1_upr and cb_s1_crew have no values and are disabled. cb_s1_crew I believe (?) still has the rowsource assigned from earlier.
The user enters a valid value in tb_s1_lwr thus making tb_s1_upr accessible for user entry.
The user proceeds to provide a valid entry to tb_s1_upr (time) which initiates code to build the list of values in worksheet THold.Range N1. It assigns that nelwy created range a name of "nr_n1" and assigns that named ranges as the combobox rowsource.
Now, unlike the first time around where the combox cb_s1_crew had 6 values to select from, it has 12. Their is a set of 6 values, separated by a space, and then a repeat of the 6 values. The values are duplicated in the rowsource. A look at the list source list on worksheet THold column N1 shows only the 6 values.
I'm hoping someone can help me understand why the values of the list are being duplicated and how to resolve this. In this example, the user chose cbx_s1_rln first then changed their mind and selected cbx_s1_chg. This situation can be recreated similarly if the user first selects cbx_s1_chg then changes their mind and selects cbx_s1_rln.
At userform initialization, the range column of column N1 is empty.
The first interaction between the user is to select from 1 of 2 checkboxes ("cbx_s" & index & "_rln" or "cbx_s" & index & "_chg"). A selection of either enables the next textbox ("tb_s" & index & "_lwr"). Once the user successfully enters a value in this textbox, the next text box ("tb_s" & index & "_upr") is enabled allowing the user to enter a value in it. The userform fields only become accessible as fields preceding them have valid user entries in them. When a value for "tb_s" & index & "_upr" is entered, the list source for combobox ("cb_s" & index & "_crew") is created, named and applied as the rowsource.
Suppose the user selected "cbx_s1"_rln".
Private Sub cbx_s1_rln_Click()
Debug.Print "frm_tservices>cbx_s1_rln_click - OK"
If Not mbevents Then Exit Sub
Me.cbx_s1_rln.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 128) 'blue text
Me.cbx_s1_chg.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 128) 'blue text
cbx_reline Me '{frm_trn_services}*
End Sub
Rich (BB code):
Sub cbx_reline(ByVal frmservice As Object)
If Not mbevents Then Exit Sub
mbevents = False
With frmservice
'if reline ob tournament service 'index'(public) is checked
If .Controls("cbx_s" & index & "_rln").Value = True Then
.Controls("cbx_s" & index & "_chg").Value = False
With .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_lwr")
.Enabled = True
.Value = ""
.BackColor = RGB(206, 234, 232)
End With
.Controls("lbl_s" & index & "_1").Enabled = True
ForceFocus .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_lwr")
.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_lwr").SetFocus
.Controls("cbx_s" & index & "_chg").Value = False
With .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_lwr")
.Enabled = False
.Value = ""
.BackColor = vbWhite
End With
With .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr")
.Enabled = False
.Value = ""
.BackColor = vbWhite
End With
With .Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew")
.Enabled = False
.Value = ""
.BackColor = vbWhite
End With
'. . .
mbevents = True
Exit Sub
'mbevents = True
End If
With .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr")
.Value = ""
.Enabled = False
.BackColor = vbWhite
End With
With .Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew")
.Value = ""
.Enabled = False
.BackColor = vbWhite
End With
End With
mbevents = True
End Sub
At this point, cbx_s1_rln.Value = True; cbx_s1_chg.Value = False; tb_s1_lwr is enabled and waiting for the user to enter a value; tb_s1_upr and cb_s1_crew have no values and are disabled.
The user enters a valid value in tb_s1_lwr thus making tb_s1_upr accessible for user entry.
The user proceeds to provide a valid entry to tb_s1_upr (time) which initiates code to build the list of values in worksheet THold.Range N1. It assigns that nelwy created range a name of "nr_n1" and assigns that named ranges as the combobox rowsource.
Rich (BB code):
Sub tb_upper(ByVal frmservice As Object) ', index As Integer)
Dim crew as range
Dim rng_r1 As Range
If Not mbevents Then Exit Sub
mbevents = False
With frmservice
With .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr")
ForceFocus frmservice.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr")
If IsDate(.Value) Then
.Value = Format(.Value, "H:MMA/P")
.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) 'white
svc_end = TimeValue(.Value)
supr_time = CDbl(bkg_date + svc_end)
'is time within the booking
If supr_time <= bkg_dst Or supr_time >= bkg_det Then
MsgBox "The service time entered is outside the booking time.", vbExclamation, "INVALID TIME ENTRY"
.Value = ""
.BackColor = RGB(206, 234, 232)
Cancel = True
ForceFocus frmservice.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr")
frmservice.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr").SetFocus
frmservice.Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew").Enabled = False
frmservice.Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew").BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
frmservice.Controls("lbl_s" & index & "_3").Enabled = False
mbevents = True
Exit Sub
End If
'is date after the lower range time
svc_start = TimeValue(frmservice.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_lwr").Value)
slwr_time = CDbl(bkg_date + svc_start)
If CDbl(supr_time) < slwr_time Then
MsgBox "The service time entered has to be equal (no range) to or later that the lower range time.", vbExclamation, "INVALID TIME ENTRY"
.Value = ""
.BackColor = RGB(206, 234, 232)
ForceFocus frmservice.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr")
frmservice.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr").SetFocus
Cancel = True
frmservice.Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew").Enabled = False
frmservice.Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew").BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
frmservice.Controls("lbl_s" & index & "_3").Enabled = False
mbevents = True
Exit Sub
End If
'define the dropdown list for crew checkbox
frmservice.Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew").RowSource = ""
With ws_master
dtr = 2
dtc = 14 'column N
For L1 = 10 To 37
'staff start
If .Cells(L1, 20) <> "" Then
stf_start = CDbl(bkg_date + .Cells(L1, 20))
stf_end = CDbl(bkg_date + .Cells(L1, 21))
If stf_end < stf_start Then stf_end = CDbl(bkg_date + 1 + .Cells(L1, 21))
If slwr_time > stf_start And slwr_time < stf_end Then 'so far so good - lwr range within shift
If supr_time > stf_start And supr_time < stf_end Then 'both ranges within shift
cw = .Cells(L1, 19)
ws_thold.Cells(dtr, dtc) = cw
dtr = dtr + 1
End If
End If
End If
Next L1
'delete any previous named range (nr_r1) - tournament services crew selection
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Set rng_r1 = ws_thold.Range("N2:N" & dtr)
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="nr_r1", RefersTo:=rng_r1
For Each crew In Range("nr_r1")
frmservice.Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew").AddItem crew.Value
Next crew
End With
With frmservice.Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew")
.Enabled = True
.BackColor = RGB(206, 234, 232)
ForceFocus frmservice.Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew")
End With
frmservice.Controls("lbl_s" & index & "_3").Enabled = True
frmservice.Controls("lbl_s" & index & "_2").BackColor = RGB(0, 128, 128)
With frmservice.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr")
If .Value = "" Then
mbevents = True
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Please enter time as h:mm using 24 hour clock.", vbExclamation, "INVALID TIME ENTRY"
.Value = ""
.BackColor = RGB(206, 234, 232)
Cancel = True
ForceFocus frmservice.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr")
frmservice.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr").SetFocus
mbevents = True
Exit Sub
End With
mbevents = True
End If
End With
mbevents = True
End With 'end frm_service
End Sub
In this case, cb_s1_crew has 6 values to select from.
Now, this is where I start encountering a odd situation. Suppose now, the user changes their mind and instead of wanting to select cbx_s1_rln at the beginning, they select cbx_s1_chg instead.
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub cbx_s1_chg_Click()
If Not mbevents Then Exit Sub
Me.cbx_s1_rln.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 128)
Me.cbx_s1_chg.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 128)
cbx_change Me ', 1 '{frm_trn_services}*
End Sub
Rich (BB code):
Sub cbx_change(ByVal frmservice As Object) ', index As Integer)
If Not mbevents Then Exit Sub
mbevents = False
With frmservice
If .Controls("cbx_s" & index & "_chg").Value = True Then
.Controls("cbx_s" & index & "_rln").Value = False
With .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_lwr")
.Enabled = True
.Value = ""
.BackColor = RGB(206, 234, 232)
End With
.Controls("lbl_s" & index & "_1").Enabled = True
ForceFocus .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_lwr")
.Controls("tb_s" & index & "_lwr").SetFocus '******
.Controls("cbx_s" & index & "_rln").Value = False
With .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_lwr")
.Enabled = False
.Value = ""
.BackColor = vbWhite
End With
.Controls("lbl_s" & index & "_1").Enabled = False
End If
With .Controls("tb_s" & index & "_upr")
.Value = ""
.Enabled = False
.BackColor = vbWhite
End With
With .Controls("cb_s" & index & "_crew")
.Value = ""
.Enabled = False
.BackColor = vbWhite
End With
If index > 1 Then .Controls("cbt_s" & index & "_del").Enabled = True
'.Controls("cbt_s" & index & "_add").Enabled = False
End With
mbevents = True
End Sub
At this point, cbx_s1_rln.Value = False; cbx_s1_chg.Value = True; tb_s1_lwr is enabled, no value and waiting for the user to enter a value; tb_s1_upr and cb_s1_crew have no values and are disabled. cb_s1_crew I believe (?) still has the rowsource assigned from earlier.
The user enters a valid value in tb_s1_lwr thus making tb_s1_upr accessible for user entry.
The user proceeds to provide a valid entry to tb_s1_upr (time) which initiates code to build the list of values in worksheet THold.Range N1. It assigns that nelwy created range a name of "nr_n1" and assigns that named ranges as the combobox rowsource.
Now, unlike the first time around where the combox cb_s1_crew had 6 values to select from, it has 12. Their is a set of 6 values, separated by a space, and then a repeat of the 6 values. The values are duplicated in the rowsource. A look at the list source list on worksheet THold column N1 shows only the 6 values.
I'm hoping someone can help me understand why the values of the list are being duplicated and how to resolve this. In this example, the user chose cbx_s1_rln first then changed their mind and selected cbx_s1_chg. This situation can be recreated similarly if the user first selects cbx_s1_chg then changes their mind and selects cbx_s1_rln.