Hello all!
There is need (in order to msgbox works in MacOs - Greek charcter issues) , the below code to be transform with userform and not message box
My mind is stuck!
Can you please help?
Thank you !
There is need (in order to msgbox works in MacOs - Greek charcter issues) , the below code to be transform with userform and not message box
My mind is stuck!
Can you please help?
VBA Code:
Sub SheetsFromTemplate()
Dim ActNm As String
ActNm = InputBox("Please enter job title")
If ActNm = "" Then
MsgBox ("Input canceled!")
Exit Sub
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("JOB").Visible = True
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("JOB").Copy _
ActiveSheet.Name = ActNm
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("JOB").Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Thank you !