User Defined Functions: working with function output


Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2014

I've been studying a user defined function that produces MLE's for independent variables, etc,etc. I am having trouble understanding how information generated in the array based function is presented to the user in a spreadsheet.

Having run the full code a few times and having only generated a single cell of data (though the output value was expected) I am stumped as to why the full set of output values was not produced in the case I set "Stats" to False. This section is immediately below. Further below is the chunk of code that serves as the UDF; its a longer script.

Basically, I would like to rebuild parts of the output layout and understand what might be limiting the current output to a single cell reading "Beta0".

Dim output() As Variant

If Stats = False Then 'if stats not selected the output betas and labels
    ReDim output(1 To 2, 1 To M) As Variant
        For ii = 1 To M
            output(1, ii) = "Beta" & (ii - 1)
            output(2, ii) = Betas(ii)
        Next ii
    Logit = output
    Exit Function
End If

Below is the whole script

Function Logit(known_y As Range, known_x As Range, Cutoff As Double, Optional Constant As Boolean = True, Optional Stats = False)

Dim Intercept As Double
    If Constant = True Then
        Intercept = 1
    ElseIf Constant = False Then
        Intercept = 0
    End If
Dim M As Integer:               M = known_x.Columns.Count + Intercept 'number of independent variables
Dim N As Integer:               N = known_x.Rows.Count 'number of rows of observations
Dim IndVar() As Double:         ReDim IndVar(1 To N, 1 To M) As Double
Dim ii As Integer:              ii = 1
Dim jj As Integer:              jj = 1
Dim kk As Integer:              kk = 1
Dim y_bar As Double:            y_bar = 0

For ii = 1 To N
    y_bar = y_bar + known_y(ii) ' calculates the average y
    If Intercept = 1 Then
        IndVar(ii, 1) = 1 'create intercept
    End If
    For jj = 1 + Intercept To M
        IndVar(ii, jj) = known_x(ii, jj - Intercept) ' load in independent variables
    Next jj
Next ii

y_bar = y_bar / N 'Average y for calculation of R2

Dim MaxIt As Integer:           MaxIt = 100 'maximum number of iterations in Newton Algo
Dim cc As Integer:              cc = 1 'main loop counter
Dim Epsilon As Double:          Epsilon = 0.000001 'convergence criteria of Newton Algo
Dim Err As Double:              Err = 1 'measure of convergence of Newton Algo
Dim y_hats() As Double:         ReDim y_hats(1 To N) As Double 'Model Forecast
Dim Betas() As Double:          ReDim Betas(1 To M) As Double 'Estimated Betas
Dim z() As Double:              ReDim z(1 To N) As Double
Dim j() As Double:              ReDim j(1 To M) As Double
Dim H() As Double:              ReDim H(1 To M, 1 To M) As Double
Dim Newt() As Variant:          ReDim Newt(1 To M) As Variant 'Newton Gain
Dim LogLikelihood As Double:    LogLikelihood = 1
Dim LogLikelihoodP As Double:    LogLikelihoodP = 1

'This next section implements Newton's Method to estimate the beta coefficients

Do While cc < MaxIt
    For ii = 1 To N
        For jj = 1 To M
            z(ii) = z(ii) + Betas(jj) * IndVar(ii, jj)
        Next jj
        y_hats(ii) = 1 / (1 + Exp(-1 * z(ii))) 'model estimate
        For jj = 1 To M
            j(jj) = j(jj) + (known_y(ii) - y_hats(ii)) * IndVar(ii, jj) 'Jacobian
            For kk = 1 To M
                H(jj, kk) = H(jj, kk) - y_hats(ii) * (1 - y_hats(ii)) * IndVar(ii, jj) * IndVar(ii, kk) 'Hessian
            Next kk
        Next jj
        LogLikelihood = LogLikelihood + (known_y(ii) * Log(y_hats(ii)) + (1 - known_y(ii)) * Log(1 - y_hats(ii)))
    Next ii
    If Abs(LogLikelihood - LogLikelihoodP) < Epsilon Then Exit Do 'check if converged, exit if true
    LogLikelihoodP = LogLikelihood
    Newt = Application.WorksheetFunction.MMult(j, Application.WorksheetFunction.MInverse(H))
    For jj = 1 To M
        Betas(jj) = Betas(jj) - Newt(jj)
    Next jj
    ReDim j(1 To M): ReDim H(1 To M, 1 To M): ReDim z(1 To N) As Double 'Clear Jacobian and Hessian Matrices
    LogLikelihood = 0
cc = cc + 1

'GoodNess of Fit Statistics

Dim output() As Variant

If Stats = False Then 'if stats not selected the output betas and labels
    ReDim output(1 To 2, 1 To M) As Variant
        For ii = 1 To M
            output(1, ii) = "Beta" & (ii - 1)
            output(2, ii) = Betas(ii)
        Next ii
    Logit = output
    Exit Function
End If

Dim HInv() As Variant:              ReDim HInv(1 To M, 1 To M) As Variant
Dim Tstat() As Double:              ReDim Tstat(1 To M) As Double
HInv = Application.WorksheetFunction.MInverse(H)
ReDim output(1 To 25, 1 To M + 1) As Variant

For ii = 1 To M
    output(1, ii + 1) = "Beta" & (ii - 1) 'label
    output(2, ii + 1) = Betas(ii) 'betas
    output(3, ii + 1) = Sqr(-HInv(ii, ii)) 'standard errors
    output(4, ii + 1) = output(2, ii + 1) / output(3, ii + 1)
    output(5, ii + 1) = (1 - Application.WorksheetFunction.NormSDist(Abs(output(4, ii + 1)))) * 2 'p-value
Next ii
    output(1, 1) = ""
    output(2, 1) = "Coeff"
    output(3, 1) = "SE (Beta)"
    output(4, 1) = "z-stat"
    output(5, 1) = "p-value"
Dim LogLikelihood0 As Double:           LogLikelihood0 = N * (y_bar * Log(y_bar) + (1 - y_bar) * Log(1 - y_bar))
output(6, 1) = "McFaddenR2":            output(6, 2) = 1 - LogLikelihood / LogLikelihood0
output(7, 1) = "Cox&SnellR2":           output(7, 2) = 1 - Exp(-2 / N * (LogLikelihood - LogLikelihood0))
output(8, 1) = "Iterations":            output(8, 2) = cc - 1
output(9, 1) = "LR":                    output(9, 2) = 2 * (LogLikelihood - LogLikelihood0)
output(10, 1) = "LR p-value":           output(10, 2) = Application.WorksheetFunction.ChiDist(output(9, 2), M - 1) 'p-value for LR

'This section calculates the contingency table and classification statistics

    Dim N_TP As Integer:        Dim N_TN As Integer
    Dim N_FP As Integer:        Dim N_FN As Integer

    For ii = 1 To N
        If known_y(ii) = 1 And (y_hats(ii) - Cutoff) > 0 Then
            N_TP = N_TP + 1
        ElseIf known_y(ii) = 0 And (y_hats(ii) - Cutoff) <= 0 Then
            N_TN = N_TN + 1
        ElseIf known_y(ii) = 0 And (y_hats(ii) - Cutoff) > 0 Then
            N_FP = N_FP + 1
        ElseIf known_y(ii) = 1 And (y_hats(ii) - Cutoff) <= 0 Then
            N_FN = N_FN + 1
        End If
    Next ii

    output(12, 1) = "":             output(12, 2) = "Actual Response":
    output(13, 1) = "Prediction":   output(13, 2) = "Positive":           output(13, 3) = "Negative"
    output(14, 1) = "Positive":     output(15, 1) = "Negative"
    output(14, 2) = N_TP:           output(14, 3) = N_FP
    output(15, 2) = N_FN:           output(15, 3) = N_TN

    output(17, 1) = "Accuracy":     output(17, 2) = (N_TP + N_TN) / (N_TP + N_TN + N_FP + N_FN)
    output(18, 1) = "Error Rate":   output(18, 2) = 1 - output(17, 2)
    output(19, 1) = "HitRate":      output(19, 2) = N_TP / (N_TP + N_FN)
    output(20, 1) = "TrueNegRate":  output(20, 2) = N_TN / (N_TN + N_FP)
    output(21, 1) = "FalsePos":     output(21, 2) = 1 - output(20, 2)

    output(22, 1) = "Precision":    If N_TP + N_FP = 0 Then output(22, 2) = "Error" Else output(22, 2) = N_TP / (N_TP + N_FP)
    output(23, 1) = "NegPredVal":   If N_TN + N_FP = 0 Then output(23, 2) = "Error" Else output(23, 2) = N_TN / (N_TN + N_FN)
    output(24, 1) = "FalseDiscover": If N_FP + N_TP = 0 Then output(24, 2) = "Error" Else output(24, 2) = N_FP / (N_FP + N_TP)

    For ii = 1 To M + 1
        output(11, ii) = "xxxxxx":  output(16, ii) = "xxxxxx":  output(15, ii) = "xxxxxx"
    Next ii
    For ii = 3 To M + 1
        output(6, ii) = "":         output(7, ii) = "":         output(8, ii) = "":
        output(9, ii) = "":         output(10, ii) = "":        output(12, ii) = "":
        output(17, ii) = "":        output(18, ii) = "":        output(19, ii) = "":
        output(20, ii) = "":        output(21, ii) = "":        output(22, ii) = "":
        output(23, ii) = "":        output(24, ii) = "":
    Next ii
    For ii = 4 To M + 1
        output(13, ii) = "":        output(14, ii) = "":         output(15, ii) = ""
    Next ii
    Logit = output
End Function
Hi SBF12345,

Since the UDF is returning a 2D array, you'll need to enter formula(s) in a range with the corresponding number of rows and columns to see the contents of the entire array.

You could use an array formula (select a range of cells then confirm you formula with Ctrl-Shift-Enter)

...or use the INDEX function to reference each member of the array. Enter this formula in one cell, then copy down and to the right...

If the size of the returned array is unknown you can wrap either of those formulas with an IFERROR function to display blanks for cells that exceed the dimensions of the returned array.

Edit: In the formula examples above, enter range references for known_y and known_x, and a value for cutoff.
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Thanks Jerry Sullivan! I used the =INDEX approach and it seems to be outputting values correctly
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Follow Up: When the variable "STATS" is assigned FALSE the output seems to be working smoothly, but when STATS is assigned a TRUE value it produces a #VALUE ! error.

I reviewed the input data and it has been filtered for errors etc, which leads me to believe the function itself is in conflict somewhere. How might you begin to troubleshoot this error?

The first outputs are essentially the same in both TRUE and FALSE SCENARIOS.
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Maybe a better question relating to the #VALUE Error is:

Would a conflict in a reference to data types between operators ANYWHERE in the data output be giving trouble or does it relate to the first output value in the first cell? Also, is there a practical way to eliminate potential sources of error in this situation?
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You are using Double() as the data type for the arrays that store values leading to the output. If the code tries to place an error value into one of those arrays, it will cause the code to exit and return an error instead of an array that includes some valid numbers.

The workaround depends on what you want to happen if/when such an error arises. One scenario that would cause such an error is an attempt to calculate log(x) where x = 0. If that's what's causing the error, you could use an If/Then/Else block to test the value of x and return a default number e.g. 0 if x=0.

Alternatively, you could declare the arrays as Variant type, which would allow Error values to be assigned to elements of the array.

I should also note that the INDEX formula I suggested is a quick method for checking the contents of the array, but it might work incorrectly if you were to subsequently Insert or Delete Columns or Rows that are referenced. This is a more robust version...

Assuming the top left cell of your output is C10, enter:
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I was able to narrow the source of the error to these lines of code:

output(22, 1) = "Precision":    If N_TP + N_FP = 0 Then output(22, 2) = "Error" Else output(22, 2) = N_TP / (N_TP + N_FP)    output(23, 1) = "NegPredVal":   If N_TN + N_FP = 0 Then output(23, 2) = "Error" Else output(23, 2) = N_TN / (N_TN + N_FN)
    output(24, 1) = "FalseDiscover": If N_FP + N_TP = 0 Then output(24, 2) = "Error" Else output(24, 2) = N_FP / (N_FP + N_TP)

I'm unsure of what is creating the #VALUE ! error as output when including these lines of code in the function. any ideas?
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It might simplify your debugging to call this function with parameters using a Sub instead of using it in a worksheet formula. That will allow the debugger to stop and highlight the statement that is causing the error.
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Thanks, i'll keep this approach in mind. I was able to generate a complete set of output values without error.

On that note, I am having to add some values to the output. (I think this thread is still on-topic...?) I would like to output the first or last scalar value in an array variable. Are you familiar with this type of procedure? It would seem I would need to define the number of values in the array first and then either select the first or last value:

Could I use ubound or lbound in this case like in the below script? Or is there perhaps a better approach?

Dim last as long
last = Application.worksheetfunction.LBound(y_hats)
y_hats(1) or y_hats(last)

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To get the first and last values in the array y_hats, use...

Dim dFirst as Double, dLast as Double
dFirst= y_hats(lbound(y_hats))
dLast= y_hats(ubound(y_hats))
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