Hello, Happy New Year to All!
A big surprise to my original post and still someone is still interested to find out more.
I would like to keep it simple.
I have 2 scanners scanning the same piece of barcode to retrieve info from it, but first I have to find out who initiates the action.
Scanner I (from production) and Scanner II (from packing), here I would like to identify who it is and that is why I need to retrieve the USB id since I know which USB port I plug on the mobo.
ie. If Scanner I is plugged in the USB000001(production) and If Scanner II is plugged in the USB000002(packing) , I could do report what the action they do and credit that department.
Let me know if the above is clear, and awaiting for ALL your suggestion and advice. Info is stored into Excel sheet.
Again Happy New Excel year!